Before Xu Fengnian went out, Xu Xiao of Dazhu Kingdom had told him not to lend the old man anything similar to a sword unless absolutely necessary. As for whether he could be persuaded to take action, it all depended on Xu Fengnian's own abilities.

At that time, Xu Fengnian didn't take it seriously and said: "I have a top-notch master like Yu Nianwei by my side, and I have Lao Huang as my companion, so I don't need him to take action."

Xu Xiao just said meaningfully: "If she stays by your side, there will be something wrong."

When Xu Fengnian heard this, he knew that Xu Xiao didn't trust Yu Nianwei at all, and didn't bother to ask him what he suspected. He believed Xu Xiao.

But this time Xu Fengnian is destined to pay by mistake. If Han Wuyi quietly follows him to Tai'an City, everything will be fine. If Han Wuyi has been following Xu Fengnian honestly, then he will have to carefully consider what to do next. gone.

Taking advantage of the break, Xu Fengnian slipped into Jiuyuan's carriage. Jiuyuan was lying on his side in the car, holding a green date and gnawing on it. Xu Fengnian came in and just glanced at him and ignored him.

"Who is that old man? He can always pick out the works of so many swordsman masters, and what he says is reasonable and well-founded. What's even more outrageous is that he actually brags that these things are made by people kneeling in the snow. Tian Sanye had to ask for three words of advice from him before he could achieve this. Do you think he is bragging to the sky? I can’t stand listening anymore!"

As soon as Xu Fengnian entered the carriage, she complained to Jiuyuan. Jiuyuan didn't even raise his eyes to look at him: "Didn't I tell you who he is?"

Xu Fengnian smiled and said, "Just tell me that he was the former leader of the swordsmanship. But I have checked the Jianghu files for twenty years, and I still can't find anyone who dares to call him the leader of the swordsmanship."

"How can you possibly find out a person from forty years ago if you only searched for twenty years?"

"Forty years? Then isn't he an old monster over a hundred years old?" Xu Fengnian exclaimed.

"Not yet, but it's coming soon. All you need to know is that Wang Xianzhi was invincible for sixty years after this old man deliberately lost to him." Jiuyuan finished eating the green dates and popped the date core out of the window, then took out another A watermelon was cut into two halves. Looking at the two halves of watermelon of different sizes, Jiuyuan hesitated for a moment, then divided the small piece into six, iced it into a tray, put it in front of Xu Fengnian.

Xu Fengnian looked at Jiuyuan holding a nearly two-thirds large watermelon, and then looked at the six small pieces of watermelon in the ice tray, and suddenly felt a little unhappy.

"It's just a watermelon! Do you need to be so stingy?"

Jiuyuan ignored him and just said lightly: "I forgot to tell you that when you practice martial arts to a certain level, you can hear any movement within a hundred miles."

Being reminded like this, Xu Fengnian's face froze. He seemed to have just scolded an old monster, and was about to drag Jiuyuan to protect him when the old monster's voice came over.

"I said you, a little girl, you are so beautiful, why do you like to maliciously slander people behind their backs?"

The old man in sheepskin fur entered Jiuyuan's carriage at some point. At this time, he and Jiuyuan were fighting for the watermelon. They were going back and forth with their four hands so fast that they could not see clearly. The watermelon was kept in the air and could not fall down.

"You bad old man, why are you still trying to grab snacks from a little girl?"

"Hey! You little girl, why don't you know how to respect your elders? Good things like watermelon are rare this season. Give me some quickly."

After trying for a long time, he couldn't get it. Instead, Jiuyuan caught a flaw and kicked him out of the carriage, casually throwing Xu Fengnian out with him.

The old man patted his butt and returned to the carriage in front with a proud look on his face.

How could he possibly steal something from a little girl no matter how greedy he was? She just couldn't bear to be teased by others in secret.

Holding the ice tray, Xu Fengnian, whose hands hurt from the cold, got into the carriage and distributed the watermelon to several people. The old man asked the blue bird to send it to him, while the old man teased Jiang Ni again.

"I heard from Xu Xiao, could you have been among the top three in the world forty years ago?"

The old man Y was leaning on immediately sat up, stopped teasing the little clay figurine, and yelled: "What the hell!"

Xu Fengnian was angry, "Okay!" Xu Xiao, you cheated me again! Also join forces with outsiders!

The original intention of asking someone to investigate Wang Xianzhi and Dingding Jianghu was suddenly abandoned.

When he traveled far away for the first time, Xu Xiao gave him a large sum of money, bought him an outfit, and even gave him a large bundle of martial arts secrets.

It is said that even if you go out, you should eat well and drink well, and you must bring enough money. If one day the money is lost, the jade pendants and other things on the body can be pawned to last for a while. These secrets can also help him recruit a few masters.

I thought that with Xu Xiao's advice, his trip would be as enjoyable as sightseeing, but he didn't expect that the reality was very shameful and the society was sinister.

Only three days after leaving Beiliang, the banknotes on his body were robbed by strong men on the mountain. The jade pendant he hid was not spared, and even his clothes were stripped off.

In the end, the gangsters were left with martial arts secrets that they didn't know anything about. I originally wanted to find a master to protect myself, but for several days in a row, I was heartbroken by the looks on my face like fools. There was no one in the world who knew the secrets!

All these classics were used as waste paper by Xu Fengnian on the way. If Han Wuyi hadn't been watching for it, he might not have known when he would be able to return to Beiliang!

Of course, Han Wuyi was also a trap. I originally thought that with a master like him protecting me, I would no longer have to worry about bandits cutting off the trail, but this guy ran faster than me every time and packed up his belongings every time. They ran together, always thinking that if they died, they could inherit his legacy.

On the way back, there were still some secret books that he had not tricked. Han Wuyi followed him until he finished reading them. When he finished reading, he disappeared. If he didn't show up on time every meal, he would have thought that he was tricked. .

After that! It was the white fox who was deceived by Han Wuyi with half a secret book. That was pitiful. He got less than a fraction of others, but he did all Han Wuyi's work.

It made him think that Han Wuyi was just a charlatan with only a few skills. Who would have thought that he was actually an extremely skilled master.

On this trip, I thought that what Xu Xiao said was a top-notch swordsman, and that Yu Nianwei's leader in swordsmanship could allow him to walk sideways. What else could he say about being among the top three in the world forty years ago, but now that I heard it, it was all fucking nonsense!

Xu Fengnian was filled with resentment and had nowhere to vent his anger.

But at this moment, the old man's voice came from the carriage again: "If it were forty years ago, I could fight the other three grandmasters alone... or we should join forces!"

Speaking of 40 years ago, the Four Great Masters of Wushu Criticism refers to the four most powerful masters at that time. It is still impossible to say that there is no water in them, but this evaluation is generally not bad.

One is the Western Green Robe, the ancestor of Fengdu. He has always been known to love green clothing. He was innocent and innocent when he was young. After becoming famous, he became ruthless and became one of the four great masters as a woman. He is a rare person in the world.

The two spears of the Immortal King embroidered, one stroke broke the wall, the spear fired thunder, and the flash of brilliance was considered the pinnacle of the use of spears in these years.

The villain Tu Chen Zhibao learned from this person, but in the end he died in the hands of his apprentice.

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