In the sunset forest, a shadow leopard ran wildly in the forest, looking back from time to time, but not daring to stop, as if there was something terrifying chasing it behind it.

This shadow leopard is still nearly a hundred meters long, excluding its tail. It is obviously a ten thousand year soul beast. It is hard to tell whether it is injured due to its dark fur, but when it runs, liquid drips from its fur. , with a strong smell of blood.

It was obvious that he had been seriously injured. His belly was swaying as he ran, as if the fur that had fallen off during a molt was glued together.


Suddenly, the Shadow Leopard fell down and plowed a long furrow on the ground. It pushed many towering trees to the sides and hit a towering ancient tree before stopping with a few clicks. The ancient tree fell, and there was a rumble, and dust suddenly flew up.

When the dust cleared, the Shadow Leopard was still lying in the gully, refusing to get up. It turned out that thick vines were wrapped around its neck, and a lot of broken vines fell to the ground next to the Shadow Leopard's head. There are still traces of the shadow leopard on the ground.

At this moment, there was a thin figure wearing a black robe and a bamboo hat, sitting cross-legged on the head of the Shadow Leopard.

How can this be? How could a ten-thousand-year-old wild soul beast allow a human to sit on its head!

Judging from the appearance of that person, it seems that he has absorbed the soul ring again?

Um? Absorb soul rings? This stack of shadow leopards is too dark!

puff, puff...

Several splashing sounds came from the man in the hat. The man in the hat groaned in pain. His body slowly melted and turned into a black shadow, shrinking into a piece of blue silver grass.

The huge vines locking the Shadow Leopard began to slowly squirm, and the Giant Shadow Leopard's huge body began to shrink at a speed visible to the naked eye.

After a while, the Shadow Leopard shrank in size, and the vines began to slowly recede, slowly shrinking into the ground, leaving only a few potholes as big as the mouth of a bowl.

The Shadow Leopard's mouth shrank, revealing jade-white staggered teeth. There were two shriveled eyeballs in the two eye sockets, which were close to the bottom of the eye sockets and sunken deeply.

Under the damaged skin, a trace of jade white can be seen, especially around the neck, where the skin and flesh disappeared, leaving only a thick white bone and black dried meat exposed.

Viewed from here, the interior of the Shadow Leopard contains nothing but white bones and shriveled internal organs.

The shadow leopard is dead, and its body has been dried. It has been dead for at least a month. However, a cup of tea ago, the shadow leopard was still running wildly in the forest...

There is a meat ball with blue hair hidden in a tree hole three hundred meters away from here.

There was also a black robe and a light blue sword suit thrown next to the meat ball.

At this moment, Han Wuyi's belly was bulging, as if he was bloated, and his limbs were swollen and thickened several times, with blood oozing from them.

His whole head became round, his eyelids were so thick that he couldn't even open them, his lips resembled sausages, his ears were flaring, and he was completely unrecognizable.

Han Wuyi took advantage of Hu Liena's opportunity to hunt for the second soul ring, and followed him to the Sunset Forest. He carried herbs that could stimulate soul beasts to go crazy, and attracted countless soul beasts to attack the team in the Spirit Hall.

Han Wuyi took the opportunity to leave, hunt for the second soul ring, and experiment with the Beiming Divine Art.

As soon as he left, the soul beast naturally followed him and did not attack the Wuhun Palace team again. When Juhuaguan reorganized the team, they found that several people were missing, including Han Wuyi, the Holy Son.

Juhuaguan almost went crazy with anxiety and asked Ghost Douluo to take Hu Liena to continue hunting for soul rings, while he took people to find the Holy Son.

Although he had successfully absorbed the soul ring of the Shadow Leopard with the Beiming Divine Art, Han Wuyi's current situation was already very bad. Although he was not close to death like the last time, he could explode and die at any time, leaving no bones.

I can only hide in this tree hole and slowly refine the essence of flesh and blood that was plundered by the first soul skill and plundered from the Shadow Leopard.

For at least three days, there is no way to move at all. Any beast can easily kill him, not to mention this is the Sunset Forest where spirit beasts are infested!

However, his luck seems to be good...

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