Traveling through Douluo for thirty years, I took control of Wuhun Palace

Chapter 88: Not seeing you for one day is like three months

In the end, Han Xin, who was familiar with the laws of true fragrance, chose the third one. After "negotiation" with Bibi Dong, they unanimously decided to send Ma Yuan to Soto City as the palace master, and he went with a mission.

Han Xin's voice was devoid of any emotion, but there was still a harmonious smile on his face, as if humans and animals were harmless, but the cold voice seemed to come from Shura from hell.

Knowing that he could still live, he quickly wiped the non-existent sweat on his forehead with his hands, and his head felt like pounding garlic.

"Yes, yes, I promise to complete the mission!"

Ma Yuan was smiling all over his face. Although he felt extremely bad at this moment, in order to prevent Han Xin from changing his mind again, he could only choose to entertain Han Xin with a fake smile on his face.

Bibi Dong didn't know it was because she didn't want to socialize, and she didn't want to continue to be an old man like you, Ma Yuan. After seeing Han Xin's decision, she waved her hand and let Ma Yuan go.

Seeing that Bibi Dong waved his hand to let him leave, Ma Yuan didn't dare to stay any longer. After bowing respectfully to Han Xin and Bibi Dong, you dragged his imaginative grandson out of the Pope's Palace .

"Wait a minute, eat this thing..."

At the moment when Ma Yuan was about to step out of the Pope's Palace, Han Xin stopped the two of them again and threw two pills to them. Although they didn't know what it was, they were forced by Han Xin's amiable smile After taking the pill obediently, Han Xin let the two leave with satisfaction.

Before leaving, Han Xin glanced at Ma Baoguo. You looked with a hint of appreciation and a lot of doubts in your eyes, and muttered in your mouth: "This kid has a big brain. As long as he was in the previous life, with his brain, If he doesn’t become a platinum author under China Literature, I’ll be sorry for his imaginative thinking, okay?”

Bibi Dong didn't seem to hear Han Xin's muttering clearly. After seeing Ma Yuan and the others finally leaving, she took a long breath. Then, regardless of her image, she threw herself directly on Han Xin's body. Those two slender jade feet were directly on Han Xin's body. Clamping Han Xin's waist, the whole person fell on Han Xin's body.

As soon as Han Xin came back to his senses, he saw that the attack was coming, and before she could react, at that moment, Han Xin only felt the world spinning, and his whole face felt the pressure from the squeeze. All the acne and blackheads on the face were squeezed out!

In fact, it's okay, after all, it's not that Han Xin has endured it in his previous life, but after that, there is also that faint fragrance on Bibi Dong's body that he can't get tired of smelling. For a moment, Han Xin only felt his whole head Lying in the warm embrace, what's even more unbearable is that the fragrance seems to have been specially processed.

(Chu Qiao licked melon seeds: "Bah! How could there be any special treatment? It's obviously you, who smells the body fragrance of others, and you are an old woman, and you still want to slander others!")

Han Xin's hands hugging Bibi Dong's waist and buttocks tightened, as if he wanted to hold Bibi Dong's whole body in his arms, hoping to fit her face better and hold her head better. superior.

Bibi Dong can naturally feel Han Xin's movements, although he also misses Han Xin very much. As the saying goes, a day without seeing each other is like three autumns, and I don't know how many autumns have passed in the meantime. As the saying goes, a little goodbye is better than a wedding. The man is affectionate and the concubine is interested. The only difference is that the sun sets over the western mountains and everything is silent.

But the sound of a guard sneezing outside the door suddenly brought Bibi Dong back to her senses. At this time, Bibi Dong seemed to realize that something was wrong, and quickly pushed away Han Xin, the old pervert, and returned with a rosy face. Pope's throne.

Han Xin didn't seem to come back to his senses, feeling Bibi Dong's departure, the intoxicated expression on his face still remained for a moment, and at the same time, those fiery eyes were also fixed on the throne on the throne at this moment, who was short of breath and slightly The rosy Bibi Dong with disheveled clothes, those fiery eyes seemed to melt Bibi Dong.

Hehe, Bibi Dong is particularly tempting today, the Royal Sister and the Queen, hehehe (o﹃o?)...

Bibi Dong couldn't bear it anymore. When she saw Han Xin's fiery eyes, she quickly shrank her body back, and finally said with some shame and anger: "Look where this is? I want to be here, okay? There are people outside... !”


Before Bibi Dong finished speaking, a pile of warmth was blocked on her red lips, and Bibi Dong's mind went blank in an instant!

Although they were an old couple, and although they had been in love for a long time, she didn't expect that this guy was so courageous after such a long time. He was teaching Huang Dian! There are guards outside the door, how dare this guy? In public, how can I meet people in the future?

After a long time, lips parted!

Bibi Dong seemed to be having difficulty breathing, after all, after a long kiss, even if he was a Title Douluo, he couldn't stand it!

Sensing Han Xin's fiery and aggressive eyes, Bibi Dong still had the courage to finish what she just said.

"No, there are too many people here, let's continue at night! Otherwise, if others find out, I won't be able to get along with others in the future!"

Bibi Dong's tone was full of begging and pity, coupled with those big watery Kazilan eyes, she seemed a little weak and pitiful.

I thought that this would stop Han Xin, the old pervert, but who knows, after hearing Bibi Dong's words, Han Xin put one arm around her waist, and waved the other hand in the air, a non-transparent The mask of soul power is formed.

Seeing this, Bibi Dong couldn't help but cast a blank glance at her own man, and at the same time, a doubt arose in her heart, why did she fall in love with this old cunt?

But now that Han Xin has solved Bibi Dong's concerns, Bibi Dong has nothing to refuse. After all, he does miss Han Xin a little, so he should take advantage of the opportunity to reward Han Xin!

With this thought in her mind, her eyes met Han Xin's again, with those aggressive eyes, and after she rolled her eyes at him angrily, Bibi Dong began to free herself from the restraints on her body.

After Han Xin nodded in satisfaction, you took out the big bed that was more than ten meters long and six meters wide that he spent three years collecting all kinds of precious wood, precious fabrics, and precious natural materials and earth treasures. On the bed, obediently waiting for Bibi Dong's arrival.

(Thanks to the book friend →_→?←_← for the monthly pass!)

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