Douluo: Sun Girl's me was overheard

Chapter 43 Can you be my sister?

Tang San felt a little confused, why did he see disgust in the teacher's eyes? Hey, teacher, you have to see clearly. That is a thousand-year soul ring. Isn't it normal to be stronger? Are you going to abandon me now?

"Cough, teacher, the first soul ring in the morning is a thousand year old, is it too ostentatious, you have seen a lot, I wonder if there is a way to cover it up?" Tang San was inexplicably sad, the teacher doesn't love me anymore, Sang Xinxin.

"This, I really have no choice but to obtain a soul ring with a disguised soul ability, but I feel a bit worthless wasting the position of the second soul ring for the sake of the first soul ring, what do you think?"

The master is not helpless, but obtaining a second soul ring with camouflage skills in order to hide the first soul ring always feels very worthless.

"Teacher, is there no other way?" Not to mention that the second soul ring has to wait until level 20. I don't know when it will be available. Let's just say that it is not worth wasting a soul ring just to hide this one.

"There's nothing I can do here. Let Qingchen keep a low profile and try not to light up the soul ring in front of others." The master expressed his helplessness.

"Okay, I just don't show my soul ring. You can use soul skills even if you don't show your soul ring, right?" Tang Qingchen smiled at his brother, with two small dimples appearing on his face, which was really cute.

"But there will always be times when you light up your spirit ring..." Tang San was still worried. As the saying goes, a big tree attracts the wind, but my sister's number one spirit ring is really too ostentatious.

"Hey, don't worry, I'm not a child anymore, I will pay attention."

Seeing his sister's serious look, Tang San finally sighed, and now he could only do this, trying his best to look at his sister.

"Early in the morning, you take Xiao Wu back first, and I'll talk to the teacher about something." Speaking of the second soul ring, it's time to plan the following soul rings, as well as the mandala crown, which my sister will absorb. Nothing will happen, just say hello to these things.

"it is good."

Tang Qingchen took Xiao Wu back. Although Xiao Wu was taller and Xiao Wu was more like a sister when they were together, Xiao Wu kept calling her sister.

The weather is very good today. The sky is filled with stars and moon. Looking at the bright moon in the sky, I feel homesick for a moment. I wonder if my father has gone out. Is there anyone else at home?

"Sister Qingchen, what are you thinking?" Xiao Wu couldn't help asking curiously when she saw Tang Qingchen staring at the moon in a daze.

"I'm a little homesick, and I'm really sentimental. I'm obviously a big man." Tang Qingchen couldn't help laughing at himself, and in his previous life, he was almost thirty.

Xiao Wu thought that Tang Qingchen was talking about the age of the soul beast. When he said that, he was tens of thousands of years old. He didn't know how many years it took for sister Qingchen to take form. It must have been hundreds of thousands of years. The first soul ring It's a thousand years, and it won't be ten thousand years, or a hundred thousand years soon, and it will take off.

"I miss home too, the Ming Dynasty and the Ming Dynasty. I miss them a little bit." Xiao Wu also imitated Tang Qingchen, looking at the moonlight in the sky. She had been out for a while and hadn't gone back to take a look yet. She didn't know what they were. Have you missed her?

Tang Qingchen was not in a hurry to drag Xiao Wu back, but found a place on the playground and sat down.

"Have Xiao Wu gotten used to living here? How do you feel about school life?" He had been in a coma for a long time, and it was time to pay attention to his child's growth.

"It's okay, but there are always some rules and regulations. I can't do what I can't do. I feel a little uncomfortable. It's better to be free at home." It's not bad here, and now Xiao Wu is the boss here, so it stands to reason that she should live well Not bad, but in fact it was still a bit empty, Tang San was busy with his own affairs, Tang Qingchen was in a coma again, and the younger brother was just a younger brother, there was no way to be friends.

So these days, Xiao Wu is relatively lonely. Fortunately, when my sister wakes up in the morning, she will have someone to play with in the future.

"Then do you prefer the previous life or the current life?" Tang Qingchen helped Xiao Wu untie her braid and then combed her hair. It must be said that her mother's equipment was still very complete. I think she was also a refined person back then. Bar. .seven

Xiao Wu sat obediently, enjoying herself very much.

"It's hard to say. In fact, life is more interesting now. Da Ming and Er Ming don't play with me. I still have sister Qingchen here." Xiao Wu also has a pretty smile, but it's been a long time since she smiled so heartily. .

Xiao Wu's hair is very smooth and long. It actually looks good when it is let down. However, judging from Xiao Wu's close combat skills, it would affect the battle if it was let down.

However, this girl's hair seems to have not been washed for many days, and it is greasy. Tang Qingchen didn't help her braid it, so she must wash it well when she returns home. This little girl is so sloppy.

"How long has it been since you washed your hair?" Tang Qingchen looked disgusted. His hands felt greasy. Why did he help her comb her hair when he had nothing to do?

"Um..." Xiao Wu lowered her head and didn't dare to look at Tang Qingchen. She had indeed washed her hair more than ten days ago, but it was too difficult to tie her hair. In the end, she asked Tang San for help. At that time Tang San had a look of disgust on his face, and then he simply stopped washing it. It seemed to be a little itchy.

"Don't lower your head. Look how oily your head is?" Tang Qingchen was speechless. How could anyone be lazier than her? How could you bear such a oily head?

"Well, it's inconvenient to tie the braids." Xiao Wu finally told the reason. Washing was fine, but it was really inconvenient to tie the braids.

"You don't know how?" Tang Qingchen was speechless. There were many things she didn't know how to do, but she just didn't want to do them. Now that she met someone who was even lazier, did she meet her nemesis?

Xiao Wu bowed her head no, Tang Qingchen could tell at a glance that this guy really didn't know how to do it, and she was quite helpless. If I helped her braid her hair once, wouldn't she rely on me in the future?

"That's enough, I'll wash your hair when I go back, and I'll teach you." Teaching someone how to fish is worse than giving him a fish. In order to prevent Xiao Wu from relying on her in the future, she decided to teach Xiao Wu to braid her hair.

"Yeah." Xiao Wu nodded solemnly, looking very happy.

Tang Qingchen was helpless. She didn't want to sleep with a rabbit with a chicken coop on its head. Thinking that she had been here for more than ten days, Tang Qingchen couldn't help but shudder. No, she has to change her pillow when she goes back. This pillow Wasted.

"Sister Qingchen, can you be my sister?" Xiao Wu suddenly said to Tang Qingchen, with a hint of longing on her face.

Looking at Xiao Wu's longing eyes, Tang Qingchen also had some feelings. In the past, when she watched other people's brothers and sisters come to pick up her own brothers and sisters, she was also very envious. She always thought about it, if she also had one. It's great to have brothers and sisters, so you are no longer alone.

At that time, I was exactly the same as Xiao Wu. My brothers and sisters who envied others longed for me to have a warm embrace. Fortunately, I realized it in this life.


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