Douluo's Peerless Hades

Chapter 8 The eldest prince exploded

Davis enjoys being complimented.

"Uncle Tianming, leave this kid to me." Davis said, his words full of strong confidence.

Zhu Tianming pondered for a moment, nodded and said: "Zhang Hu is back, and I will hand it over to the First Prince."

He wasn't worried about Davis' safety. Although Davis was a few levels lower than Zhang Hu, the White Tiger's martial spirit was extremely powerful, and his real combat power couldn't be measured by level.

Therefore, even if Ye Feng could defeat Zhu Zhuyun, Zhu Tianming was not worried.

Besides, with several powerful Contra warriors standing guard, there would be no accidents.

This battle can be used to show Davis' strength and improve his status in the hearts of the people.


Zhang Hu felt unwilling, what a good opportunity to show off and make meritorious deeds, it was ruined by the eldest prince just like that.

But his status was low, and he didn't dare to say anything, so he could only retreat honestly.

Zhang Hu didn't know at this time that if it weren't for Davis, he would have died here today.

Davis then looked at Ye Feng, and slowly stepped forward, his eyes had already cooled down.

"Boy, don't say I won't give you a chance, release your martial spirit." Davis said murderously.

"You are not worthy of my martial soul." Ye Feng had a faint smile on his face.

Seeing Ye Feng's handsome smile, Davis instantly became angry. This was contempt, naked contempt.

"I'm going to tear your mouth apart to see if you can still laugh." Davis roared angrily, possessed by the white tiger spirit, and his already tall figure swelled up in the blink of an eye.

His height reached more than meters, and his whole body was covered with exaggerated and bulging muscles, full of explosive strength.

His nails grew rapidly, reaching a full twenty centimeters, like ten sharp daggers, emitting a cold light.

On his body, the four soul rings are gently rhythmic, two yellow and two purple, the best configuration recognized by the soul master world.

After transforming, Davis has a great visual impact, his strong body and powerful momentum immediately caused countless screams.

Zhu Zhuyun looked at Davis with fascination on her face. When she looked at Ye Feng, her gaze became indifferent for an instant, as if she was looking at a dead person.

Zhu Tianming nodded slowly and said with a smile: "This boy has become stronger again."

The old Contra man who had been following Davis had the soul power in his body ready to go out, and he was highly concentrated to prevent any accidents from happening.

Zhu Tianming glanced at the old man, completely relieved.

Seeing that the battle was about to break out, Zhu Zhuqing sighed and finally gave up on Ye Feng.

We just met by chance, she felt that she had done enough, Ye Feng was the one who committed suicide, and he couldn't blame her.

She looked back and found that Tang Chen was sitting on the carriage with his eyes closed, as if he had fallen asleep.

Zhu Zhuqing said angrily: "Why are you like this? Your young master is dying, can you still sleep?"

Tang Chen opened his eyes and glanced at Zhu Zhuqing, then slowly closed them, and said, "The person who can kill my young master has not yet been born."

Zhu Zhuqing was stunned for a moment, and then his chest heaved with anger.

Who are these two masters and servants?How is it a virtue?Think you are invincible?

All around, countless people were praising Davis loudly, and all kinds of nice words were used on Davis.

Davis looked at Ye Feng, only to find that Ye Feng was still smiling.

"Looking for death!" Davis finally couldn't suppress the killing intent in his heart, and didn't want to wait any longer, so he immediately launched an attack on Ye Feng.

The second soul ring on his body lit up, and the soul skill White Tiger Split Light Wave was activated.

This is not his strongest soul skill, the reason why he didn't use the strongest attack is because he was afraid of killing Ye Feng all at once.

He also wanted to hand Ye Feng over to Zhu Zhuyun.

So, it's okay to beat the disabled.

When Davis's soul ring lit up, Ye Feng, who had been standing still, finally moved.

He raised his foot and walked towards Davis step by step, his face still looking calm.

Davis roared, feeling humiliated again.

"White Tiger Split Light Wave!"

He opened his mouth wide, and a thick beam of light spurted out from it, sending out powerful waves and impacting towards Ye Feng.

At this time, Ye Feng also walked two meters in front of Davis.

This kid was about to die. Everyone shook their heads and showed no mercy to Ye Feng.

Zhu Zhuqing held his breath for a moment and stared at the battlefield without blinking.

Although she had given up on Ye Feng, she still hoped that a miracle would happen at this moment.

Just when the white tiger split light wave reached centimeters in front of Ye Feng, it seemed to have encountered a layer of transparent shield and was blocked there, unable to move any further.

The White Tiger's cracking light wave collided with the transparent shield, making a rumbling sound that lasted for three seconds before ending.

"How is it possible?" Countless people shouted out with their eyes widened.

Even Zhu Tianming, who had been very calm all this time, was shocked.

He didn't see Ye Feng use his martial soul, nor did he make any movements, nor did he have any soul power fluctuations on his body. How could he block Davis' White Tiger Splitting Light Wave?

As a Contra level powerhouse, he couldn't see how Ye Feng did it.

Zhu Tianming turned his head and looked at the other Contras, and found that they also had surprised expressions on their faces.

His eyes narrowed slightly, and for the first time he began to look at the young man Ye Feng squarely.

However, he still didn't think Ye Feng could threaten Davis. After all, they had several Contras watching, so no accident would happen.

At this time, nothing was more shocking than Davis.

The blow he thought could cripple Ye Feng didn't hurt Ye Feng at all.

Under the crowd watching, his confident blow was blocked lightly.

He felt as if his face had been slapped hard, it was hot.

As the great prince of the Star Luo Empire, how could he endure such humiliation?

"You're courting death!" Davis' voice was cold, and the fourth soul ring on his body suddenly lit up.

At this moment, Zhu Zhuyun's voice also sounded: "Weiss, kill him!"

A white tiger made of condensed energy rushed out of Davis' body and rushed towards Ye Feng.

What a powerful blow!

Seeing Davis use his fourth soul skill, everyone became excited again.

Facing Davis' fourth soul skill, Ye Feng finally moved, slowly raised his hand, and slapped Davis.

Ye Feng's palm was the first to collide with the giant white tiger claw condensed by Davis.

"Arrogant!" Davis roared.

Just when everyone thought Ye Feng's arm would be scrapped on the spot, the energy white tiger melted silently like ice and snow meeting the sun.

Afterwards, Ye Feng patted Davis lightly with his hand.

Seeing this strange scene, the expressions of Zhu Tianming and the old man finally changed.

However it was too late.

With a bang, Davis' body below the neck exploded and turned into flesh and blood.

His head flew backwards and rolled to Zhu Zhuyun's feet.

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