Douluo's Peerless Hades

Chapter 66 Yu Xiaogang Taken Out of the Snake's Belly (3 more subscriptions required)

Chapter 66 Yu Xiaogang pulled out from the belly of the snake (please subscribe for the third update)

Oscar said with a sad look on his face: "The fat man was fine just now, talking and laughing with me, but now he has been buried in the belly of a snake."

Dai Mubai sighed: "Perhaps this is the fat man's fate."

He turned to look at Ye Feng and saw Zhu Zhuqing still holding Ye Feng's waist tightly from behind, and a raging anger rose from his heart.

It's so close!

He couldn't imagine what kind of situation Zhu Zhuqing and Ye Feng would develop next.

Ning Rongrong hugged Ye Feng's arm tightly, looked at Zhu Zhuqing in protest, and pulled Ye Feng's arm into her embrace with all her strength.

Zhu Zhuqing's pretty face was already flushed.

Holding a man's waist by herself and sticking to him, she didn't even dare to think about this kind of thing before.

Unexpectedly, in a hurry just now, he subconsciously hugged Ye Feng.

When the fear subsided, she felt extremely shy.

She originally wanted to let go, but when she saw Ning Rongrong's provocative gaze, she instantly became wary.

She gritted her silver teeth and hugged Ye Feng even tighter, as if she wanted to rub Ye Feng into her body.

Xiao Wu looked at Zhu Zhuqing, then at Ning Rongrong, and finally at Ye Feng's other arm.

She hesitated for a moment, but still didn't have enough courage to hold him in her arms.

Ye Feng felt that the two girls were secretly competing with each other, and he immediately couldn't laugh or cry.

The softness and fragrance of the girl's body made him quite comfortable.

Especially Zhu Zhuqing, he felt far more than Ning Rongrong.

That kind of passion and unrestrainedness was something he couldn't feel from Zhu Zhuqing before.

"Alright, that snake has already left." Ye Feng patted the hands of Zhu Zhuqing and Ning Rongrong lightly.

Seeing that they still didn't let go, Ye Feng said: "Don't be afraid, with me here, no soul beast can hurt you."

"Well, I believe you." Zhu Zhuqing nodded and left Ye Feng shyly.

Ning Rongrong also let go of Ye Feng's arm.

Her face, too, was red and hot.

Ever since she was a child, except for family members, she had never hugged a man like this.

Even in this dangerous Star Dou Forest, holding Ye Feng in her arms, she miraculously felt extremely at ease.

Ye Feng's aura made her incomparably addicted and nostalgic.

Her heart pounded like a deer, and she was intoxicated by an incomparably wonderful feeling.

"Is this what it feels like to like someone?" She thought to herself.

Tang San still knelt on the ground, immersed in grief and unable to extricate himself.

He has worshiped the master as his teacher since he was six years old. Over the years, he has regarded the master as a father-like existence.

Now that the master was eaten by a snake, he only felt pain and regret.

"Teacher, I was the one who harmed you. If you leave, who will teach me in the future? Who will help me become a peerless strongman?" Tang San thought sadly in his heart.

"It's Ye Feng! All of this was caused by Ye Feng. If it wasn't for him, I wouldn't attract and devour snakes."

"Teacher, please don't blame me when you are under Jiuquan. If you want to blame, just blame Ye Feng. He is the culprit!"

Tang San raised his head suddenly, staring at Ye Feng with hatred in his eyes.

Ning Rongrong frowned and said unhappily: "Tang San, it's not Ye Feng who caused Master to be eaten by a snake. Why are you looking at him like this?"

Tang San said bitterly: "Why not him? If he could have discovered the swallowing snake earlier, my teacher would not have been eaten."

"Yes, it's Ye Feng, he's in charge of vigilance, if he didn't discover the swallowing snake in time, how could Master and Fatty die?" Dai Mubai said.

"Ye Feng is just a soul master. Isn't it normal that he didn't find the swallowing snake? Everyone said that the swallowing snake is 20,000 years old." Ning Rongrong said loudly.

"Yes, it's not Ye Feng's fault, even I didn't notice that snake-eating aura." Xiao Wu said.

Zhu Zhuqing sneered: "Even Mr. Zhao, who is a soul sage, didn't realize that you are blaming Ye Feng here, don't you think it's funny?"

Dai Mubai was suddenly speechless, his face gloomy.

Just then, heavy footsteps sounded.

Everyone looked around hurriedly and saw Zhao Wuji grabbing a huge snake head and running towards it quickly.

The huge body that devours the snake, which is more than ten meters long, seems to be weightless in Zao Wou-ki's hands, and is quickly dragged by him.

In a few seconds, Zao Wou-ki ran back to the camp and smashed the swallowing snake heavily on the ground.

"Ye Feng, quickly, use your sword to cut open the belly of this snake!" Zhao Wuji shouted anxiously.

Ye Feng released the Pluto sword and came to the side of the swallowing snake.

Tang San immediately stood up, pleasantly surprised: "Mr. Zhao, isn't my teacher dead yet?"

Zhao Wuji didn't have time to pay attention to Tang San, pointing to the position where the swallowing snake's belly was, said:

"They're here, you cut along here, being careful not to hurt them."

Ye Feng followed the point pointed by Zhao Wuji, and the Pluto Sword easily cut through the hard scales of the Devouring Snake, making a long cut.

Zhao Wuji nodded secretly. Sure enough, Ye Feng's sword could easily cut through the snake.

If it weren't for Ye Feng, it would have been a waste of time to get Master and Ma Hongjun out for a long time.

Ye Feng cut a -meter-long slit in Snake Swallow's stomach, and Zhao Wou-ki tore the slit with both hands, immediately revealing Yu Xiaogang and Ma Hongjun inside.

The bodies of Yu Xiaogang and Ma Hongjun were closely touching each other.

To be precise, they are wrapped in mucus.

Their bodies twitched from time to time, and even made faint screams.

Moreover, the clothes on their bodies were already tattered, and the exposed skin had been severely corroded.

Seeing this scene, Xiao Wu's three girls suddenly felt their scalps go numb, filled with fear.

Even Xiao Wu, who is a spirit beast, is very afraid of spirit beasts like snakes.

She had seen many rabbit soul beasts swallowed by snakes.

Even Zhao Wou-ki was shocked when he saw this scene.

Then he reached in and took Yu Xiaogang and Ma Hongjun out.

"Teacher Zhao, let me do it." Tang San hurried to the side.

His hands instantly turned jade-colored, like two jade hands.

"Mr. Zhao, my hands are not afraid of corrosion."

As he said that, he had already reached in, grabbed Yu Xiaogang, and pulled Yu Xiaogang out.

After pulling out Yu Xiaogang, Tang San was out of breath, and didn't continue to move.

Zhao Wuji didn't dare to procrastinate, he hastily stretched out his hand and pulled out Ma Hongjun.

He covered his palms with soul power of the soul sage level, and he was not afraid of the corrosion of those slimes at all.

"Oscar, quickly get the sausages, both big and small sausages." Zhao Wou-ki roared.

It was only then that Oscar came to his senses and hurriedly made sausages.

"Everyone take out the water bag and wash it for Grandmaster and Ma Hongjun." Zhao Wou-ki continued to order.

At this time, Yu Xiaogang and Ma Hongjun still had a lot of mucus on their bodies that continued to corrode their bodies.

The soul power fluctuations on their bodies are already very weak.

It can be seen that they also tried to resist in the belly of the swallowing snake, but unfortunately their soul power was not enough and they were almost exhausted.

Their faces, arms, legs, and no part of their bodies were intact. They were all severely corroded and bloody.

Seeing this scene, the three girls of Xiao Wu felt fear and nausea at the same time, and almost vomited out.

They hastily took out the water bag and threw it on the ground, then quickly turned away, not daring to look at it any more.

Oscar was also so frightened that his face turned pale and he was holding several sausages with trembling hands.

"Give them the detoxifying wax sausage first." Zhao Wou-ki said.

He quickly picked up the water bag and began to rinse the mucus from Yu Xiaogang and Ma Hongjun.

Tang San was not idle either, quickly washing Yu Xiaogang.

His hands gently helped Yu Xiaogang wash his face, and accidentally rubbed off a piece of skin.

Tang San's heart was bleeding, because he saw that some parts of Yu Xiaogang and Ma Hongjun's body were almost corroded.

??There will be another chapter later



(End of this chapter)

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