Chapter 82 083. Another use of Wuhun

The first ability of this puppet martial soul is like the incarnation outside the body in Xiuxian novels, but to Bai Ze, although this ability is powerful, its usefulness is not obvious.

Because after all, he has the ability to teleport across the entire continent, and has completely broken through the limitation of space, so there is no need to use this avatar to do anything extra.

If it is really useful to have a doppelganger, it may be that he sometimes wants to play a sandwich!

But something like a sandwich, how should I put it, contains NTR plots that Bai Ze absolutely cannot accept.

But if the front and back sides of the sandwich or both sides are Bai Ze himself, then it can't be regarded as his own NTR.

And the double feeling bonus will definitely be very magical.

What really surprised Bai Ze was the second ability of this puppet martial soul.

Facing the sea witch's question, Bai Ze smiled slightly, but instead of explaining, he waved his hand in front of the girls.

The little doll that looked like Bai Ze was immediately pulled by an inexplicable energy, and its face squirmed, suddenly transforming into Tang Yuehua's appearance.

At the same time, the figure of the puppet also changed drastically, becoming the same as Tang Yuehua in a short period of time, even the clothes on her body were exactly the same as Tang Yuehua's at this moment.

The entire puppet changed from Bai Ze's appearance to Tang Yuehua's appearance in just one breath.

"Huh?" Tang Yuehua leaned closer to the puppet, sized it up carefully, and wondered, "It turned into me?"

Bai Ze stretched out his hand and patted the doll that looked like Tang Yuehua lightly.

Tang Yuehua, who was bending down to look at the little doll carefully, seemed to feel an inexplicable huge force appear from the void and slap her hard on the butt.

Tang Yuehua jumped up suddenly, stretched out her hand to cover her painful fart, and stared at Bai Ze in disbelief.

"Master...Master, this is...?"

Bai Ze did not respond, but as soon as his mind moved, the little puppet Tang Yuehua hanging in front of Bai Ze immediately started to move on his own.

The little doll first reached out and rubbed its fart.

I saw that Tang Yuehua, who was holding her fart, seemed to be forcibly controlled, and she was doing completely synchronized movements with the little puppet, first rubbing her fart.

But while she was doing these movements, she didn't have the slightest look of enjoyment on her face that matched her panting, but panic and horror on her face.

The puppet's movements gradually stopped, and Tang Yuehua finally regained her freedom and was able to control her body. She said in horror, "Master...Master! Were you controlling me just now?"

Bai Ze didn't say a word, but smiled evilly, stretched out his hands to grab the legs of the little puppet, and with a little force, lifted the puppet upside down.

During his movements, Tang Yuehua seemed to feel a huge force in the void, suddenly grabbed her legs, and then lifted her upside down, and the robe on her body was immediately turned upside down, covering her body. her face.

The four girls looked shocked, they saw clearly, Tang Yuehua's actions and encounters were exactly the same as the little puppet in Bai Ze's hands, and they were even completely synchronized.

The only difference is that Tang Yuehua who was picked up out of thin air screamed and struggled, but the puppet in Bai Ze's hand did not respond at all.

"Master, master, master! Let me down!" Tang Yuehua, whose face was covered by the upside-down clothes, waved her hands vigorously, begging for mercy repeatedly.

Bai Ze gently straightened the puppet in his hand, and Tang Yuehua himself, like a large remote control doll, was put back to the normal standing position in sync with the puppet in Bai Ze's hand.

Tang Yuehua knew that she had become a prop for Bai Ze to show off her martial spirit, so she arranged her dress and muttered in a low voice, "It's obviously a question from the Sea Witch, why do you use me as an experiment."

After she muttered, she remembered that she seemed to have offended Bai Ze just now, and muttered in a low voice: "Didn't I just say that the master is so young? The master is really petty..."

Hearing Tang Yuehua's murmurs and murmurs, everyone laughed.

After laughing, Bibi Dong said seriously: "The second ability of your martial soul..."

"As you think." With a wave of Bai Ze's hand, Tang Yuehua's little puppet returned to its original dilapidated and rough appearance.

He explained: "This martial spirit can transform into anyone in the world, and it will definitely hit, even gods are no exception."

Hearing that even the gods cannot be exempted, the faces of all the girls froze.

So strong!

Bai Ze continued to explain: "The target transformed by it will be affected by all the states of the puppet, but it cannot affect the puppet in reverse.

"For example, just now the puppet turned into the appearance of Yuehua, then if I slap the doll, Yuehua will be slapped accordingly. But if I twist the puppet's head hard..."

Everyone was shocked when they heard Bai Ze's words.

Tang Yuehua suddenly felt a chill on his neck. He was so frightened that he quickly shrank his neck and reached out to touch his head.

Okay, still there.

"For another example, just now, I can make the puppet transformed into Yuehua behave in the way I want, and its behavior will also be reflected on Yuehua, so that she has to do exactly the same movements as the puppet."

Tang Yuehua recalled that her body was completely out of her control just now, but rubbed her farts and rubbed like a puppet, and felt that this kind of absolute control was really too scary.

"What's more, any changes I make to the position and state of the puppet will also be reflected on the subject transformed by the puppet. Of course, conversely speaking, any movement of the main body will not affect the state of the puppet. "

After listening to Bai Ze's explanation, the room fell into absolute silence.

Several people's eyes widened, their mouths grew wide, and they looked at Bai Ze and the little puppet in front of him dully.

This puppet martial soul... so strong!

Too strong, too strong, too strong, too strong!

If it is said that even a god cannot resist the illusion of this puppet, then for Bai Ze, no one in the world can escape Bai Ze's control.

And once under his control, there is no need to even talk about life or death, because the controlled person will be deprived of even the right to commit suicide, and must act according to Bai Ze's wishes.

In this way, he really is invincible in the world!

Of course, before that, he was also invincible in the world.

"But master, you are already so strong!" Hai Ali said suddenly: "Why do you have to work so hard to cultivate such a powerful martial soul? Is there any stronger enemy?"

enemy? of course not!

And it doesn't take much effort to cultivate this Martial Soul.

To tell you the truth, it was only the middle of the night.

Of course, these words cannot be said to them, so Bai Ze pondered for a moment and said: "Do you think this martial spirit can only be used for fighting? In fact, it has another use."

When all the girls heard the words, their curiosity was instantly aroused, and they asked at the same time: "Is there any use?"

Bai Ze stretched out his hand and snapped his fingers, and the puppet immediately changed into Hai Ali's appearance.

Seeing the puppet change into her own appearance, Hai Ali suddenly felt nervous.

Master, what is he going to do! ?

In the meantime, Bai Ze turned over and took out a slender velvet down from the storage ring. This down looks soft and soft, and it must be the best quality on a swan.

Hai Ali's eyes widened as she watched Bai Ze pinch the velvet feathers and brush them back and forth on the little doll's body.

An unparalleled and indescribable itching feeling suddenly spread throughout her body, as if there were countless soft and smooth fluff in the void brushing back and forth on her skin.

This strange feeling immediately made her gasp heavily involuntarily.

Seeing this, the girls immediately understood the "another purpose" that Bai Ze was talking about.

This... the master's development of the use of the martial soul is indeed cutting-edge that ordinary people can't match.

(End of this chapter)

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