Chapter 74 075. Who is he?

Zhu Zhuyun followed Tang Yuehua step by step, his eyes were overwhelmed by the majestic buildings around him.

The buildings here seem to be even more resplendent than the Xingluo Imperial Family.

This is where?

Why did you suddenly appear here just now?

Is it...?

Is teleportation?

But isn't teleportation a soul skill that all soul masters dream of? And I have never heard that teleportation can span a distance of more than one hundred meters.

Tang Yuehua walked in front of Zhu Zhuyun, seeming to guess that Zhu Zhuyun behind him was looking around, and said in a calm voice, "This is Wuhun Palace! What's your name? How did you become the master's maid?"

Spirit Hall?

How can it be!

Wuhundian is almost half a continent away from Xingluo City, how could it be possible to arrive at Wuhundian from Xingluo City in one go!

Although he didn't quite believe it in his heart, Zhu Zhuyun hesitated for a moment, and then replied: "My name is Zhu Zhuyun, and I am... the eldest lady of the Zhu family of the Star Luo Empire."

Zhu Zhuyun kept an eye out, since she might become Bai Ze's maid with the woman in front of her in the future, explaining her background at this time can also make her have some respect and fear for herself.

So she didn't mention at all that she had almost been given up by the Zhu family, nor did she mention how desperate she was, lured here by Bai Ze on the pretext of improving her strength.

She had confidently thought that the maid who led the way would cry out in surprise, then turned her head and bowed to say hello to herself.

After all, the reputation of the Zhu family in the Star Luo Empire can be said to be known to everyone in the entire continent.

I never thought that the maid who was leading the way would say "Oh" indifferently, as if she didn't care about her identity and origin, and still led the way slowly.

Zhu Zhuyun couldn't help but feel a little strange when she saw that the leading maid not only didn't show the slightest surprise, but also didn't put on her familiar flattering expression.

Hasn't this maid heard of the Zhu Family in Star Luo Continent?

"What about you? What's your name? And how did you become Bai Ze's maid?"

Zhu Zhuyun couldn't help asking.

Tang Yuehua said unhurriedly: "Since everyone will be the master's maid in the future, it is indeed necessary to get to know each other. My name is Tang Yuehua."

Tang Yuehua?

Zhu Zhuyun frowned slightly, feeling that the name seemed a little familiar, as if he had heard it somewhere.

Surnamed Tang...


It seems that the eldest princess of Haotianzong, the number one sect in the world, is Tang Yuehua!

However, some time ago, I heard rumors that the eldest princess of the Haotian School had left the Haotian School in order to let the Wuhun Palace spare the Haotian School, and let the Wuhun Palace handle it.

She exclaimed in surprise: "Could it be are the eldest princess of Haotian Sect...Tang Yuehua?"

Tang Yuehua, who was leading the way, paused when he heard the words, but quickly resumed his unhurried pace, and said with emotion: "Princess Haotianzong... It's been a long time since I heard this title, but I'm not someone The eldest princess is just a maid of the master."

Tang Yuehua, the eldest princess of the Haotian School, is willing to be Bai Ze's maid?Still claiming to be the master?

Zhu Zhuyun felt the fire of gossip burning in his heart, and asked curiously: "I heard that you committed yourself to stay in the Spirit Hall to save Haotianzong, is it true?"

Tang Yuehua shook her head, and said: "I didn't commit myself to the Spirit Hall, I just became the master's maid, and the master asked the Spirit Hall to stop the attack on the Haotianzong."

Bai Ze is so powerful?

Is his energy so great? Just because of the surrender of a maid, has it affected the power of Wuhun Palace that can destroy the number one sect in the world?

"Is Bai Ze's energy so great? How can he influence the judgment of the Wuhun Palace? Could it be that the Pope of the Wuhun Palace is so talkative?" Zhu Zhuyun wondered.

"Don't call the master by his name anymore, call him master!" Tang Yuehua turned her head and gave Zhu Zhuyun a serious order, then continued to lead the way, saying: "Actually, the Pope is the master's woman, that is, our daughter." Master, you have just seen it."

What... what?

The Pope is Bai Ze's woman!

Liar...liar, right?

The pope, who is crowned with martial arts, has followed Bai Ze?

And I just saw it?

Could it be that woman who just sat on the edge of the bed and listened to the whispering of the eldest princess of Haotianzong?

That... is actually His Majesty the Pope?

While Zhu Zhuyun was still in shock, Tang Yuehua had already brought her to a very remote position in the Wuhun Hall.

This location is slightly farther than the sea witch's room, so if you want to reach this location, you have to pass by the sea witch's door.

It just so happened that the Sea Witch just came out of the room, and when she saw Tang Yuehua passing by the door, she immediately reached out her hand and said, "Huh? Sister Yuehua, what are you doing here?"

Tang Yuehua saw the dumb look on the Sea Witch's face, unable to get angry because of what he saw that morning, so he responded: "It's nothing, the master has taken in another maid, and I was about to take her to find a place to stay. .”

Sea Witch shifted her eyes to Zhu Zhuyun, her eyes lit up, and she said, "Why don't you arrange it next door to me?"

Tang Yuehua shook her head immediately when she heard the words.

The two of you made my sense of crisis bursting before. If she is placed next to you and the three of you go into battle together, then I still have a way out?

Zhu Zhuyun saw Tang Yuehua chatting with the Sea Witch for a few words, and the Sea Witch went back to the house to get a few walnuts and kept crushing them with the crack of the door.

She kept silent during this process, and only when Tang Yuehua led her forward again did she ask curiously, "Sister Yue... Sister Yuehua, who was that person just now?"

With her character, it is indeed not easy for her to call her Sister Yuehua.

Tang Yuehua's voice seemed a little depressed and said: "The person just now is called the Sea Witch. Like us, she is also the master's maid. She seems to be the princess of the mermaid clan, and was brought back by the master from Poseidon Island..."

After finishing speaking, Tang Yuehua paused, and continued: "...she is still a Titled Douluo!"

What... what... what?

Zhu Zhuyun suddenly felt that her brain seemed to be a little weak, and her whole body seemed to be struck by a bolt of lightning, and she was stunned in place.

Mermaid Princess?

Titled Douluo?

The mermaid clan is famous for their beauty, and the titled Douluo is the representative of absolute strength on the mainland.

No matter which one of these two identities is taken out, it is enough to cause a storm in the mainland.

However, here to give Bai Ze...

Be a maid?

She doesn't understand.

She was so incomprehensible.

Moreover, this mermaid princess was brought by Bai Ze from Poseidon Island.

Zhu Zhuyun had also vaguely heard of the existence of Sea God Island.

It is said that that place is dedicated to the God of the Sea and is a forbidden place that land soul masters must not mess with.

There is also a ninety-nine-level Peerless Douluo, Sea God Douluo Bo Saixi, on the island.

How could he bring out the mermaid princess under Peerless Douluo's nose?

Zhu Zhuyun's mind was in a mess, but she had to admit that she already had a preliminary impression of Bai Ze's strength.

The pope is his wife, and the eldest princess of Haotianzong and the mermaid princess are his maids.

So who is he? How could it be so powerful?

"Our Lord...Master, who is he?"

Zhu Zhuyun asked Tang Yuehua calmly.

Tang Yuehua squinted at Zhu Zhuyun from the corner of his eye, and said strangely: "Don't you know? Master didn't tell you?"

Zhu Zhuyun nodded, and said: "He just told me that he is very strong, and I can't imagine how strong he is."

"That's right," Tang Yuehua nodded approvingly, and said, "Who would have thought that a person as kind as Master is actually the God of the Sea!"

What... what... what... what? ? ?

Sea... Poseidon?

god? ?

god! !

Is he actually a god? !

Then have I not become... God's handmaiden?

For the first time in history, Zhu Zhuyun felt indescribably proud of being a maid.

(End of this chapter)

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