Douluo: Only by conquering the goddess can the GM authority be increased

Chapter 58 059. Getting Stuck by the Sea Witch BUG

Chapter 58 059. BUG stuck by Sea Witch

Bai Ze didn't teleport directly to the side of the person he was thinking of, but just strolled in the courtyard, following the sound of the flute to find him.

Not long after, a small island within an island appeared in front of them. There was a small square platform on the island, and in the center of the platform was a statue that looked like white jade.

Just looking at this statue, Bai Ze felt his eyes light up.

What the statue shows is a kneeling girl with folded hands, looking towards the center of Sea God Island, with a lifelike devout expression.

Due to the material of the statue, this girl looks pearly white and tender, showing a peerless face.

And under the statue is the source of the flute sound.

This is a girl who looks very similar to the white jade statue, but she is more rosy and lively than the statue.

The girl only wore a black shirt, which barely covered her round bulges. Under the shirt, she could see her waistcoat-line lower abdomen and a deep and sexy belly button.

The most surprising thing is that below the waist of this graceful girl, there is actually a long and huge fish tail. At this moment, the end of the fish tail is immersed in the water. It swings slightly from time to time, causing ripples on the water. .

Bai Ze stopped to admire the beautiful girl playing the beautiful flute in front of him. Against the background of the white jade statue and the blue sky and white clouds of Poseidon Island, it seemed like a rare and magnificent picture scroll.

Bai Ze knew that this girl was the only woman among the guardians of the Seven Sacred Pillars of Sea God Island, Sea Witch Douluo.

He believed that instead of calling her Sea Witch Douluo, it would be more appropriate to call her Mermaid Douluo.

The girl closed her eyes and played the flute in her hand ecstatically, as if she didn't feel Bai Ze's appearance at all.

A moment, the end of the song.

Sea Witch Douluo slowly opened her eyes, a pair of blue eyes that Bai Ze had never seen before, as if she took a piece of sky and placed them in her eyes, full of strange beauty.

She looked at Bai Ze and blinked, and said, "Mermaid Douluo? I like this idea, but our race is called the Mermaid Clan, so there is no way to have this title."

Bai Ze frowned. He knew that Sea Witch Douluo's talent was mind reading, but he didn't expect her talent to be able to read his own thoughts.

It stands to reason that he has the GM privilege of the invincible golden body, which is immune to all attacks and negative states. Could it be said that Sea Witch Douluo's talent is not any of the attacks and negative states?

Just when Bai Ze thought of the invincible golden body GM privilege he had, Sea Witch Douluo, who had a peaceful smile, suddenly covered his ears and let out a scream.

She felt as if she heard something from Bai Ze's heart that scared the whole world. When these contents were captured by her mind-reading skills, they suddenly became obscure and difficult to understand, and turned into a strange frequency that wanted to scare her. Her eardrums penetrated, and even her brain felt a dull pain from the strange frequency.

"Lord Poseidon! Stop! I don't dare anymore!"

the sea witch shouted, covering her ears.

Bai Ze knew in his heart that this must be the power of the system, preventing anyone from knowing the existence of the system, so he retaliated against Sea Witch's talent.

He put the thought away and smiled at the sea witch who gradually calmed down: "It seems that your mind-reading ability is not omnipotent."

The sea witch put down her hands covering her ears, patted her raised chest in fear, and pouted: "It's not because you are so powerful, Lord Poseidon. I just want to hear what you are thinking. Such a punishment for people."

She thought that the piercing frequency she experienced just now was Bai Ze, as the sea god, punishing her for eavesdropping on her heart.

Bai Ze shook his head. He had no explanation and no way to explain it.

But at this moment, he has developed a very strong interest in Sea Witch's mind-reading talent. It seems that in some kinds of online works in the previous life, many of them will use eavesdropping as a great selling point and refreshing point.

Bai Ze didn't understand.

He recalled all kinds of past lives, and asked the sea witch curiously: "What am I thinking now?"

The sea witch was taken aback when she heard this.

Just now you punished me for hearing what you have to say, why are you now inviting me to listen to what you have to say?

But this time it was Bai Ze's request, so the sea witch let go of her courage and used her talent to explore Bai Ze's idea.

Blank, it was blank.

The sea witch has never experienced this kind of situation, because as long as it is a living thing, even when it is emptying out and practicing, there will always be a thought in the mind or subconscious.

So there is only one explanation for the situation at this moment, and that is that the information in Lord Poseidon's heart must be extremely special and cannot be understood by his own mind-reading skills.

So she said in surprise: "Lord Poseidon, I can't find out any of your thoughts!"

Bai Ze nodded when he heard the words, presumably it was due to the Douluo Dalu's rules of heaven and earth, filtering out all the information that did not belong to the Douluo Dalu.

The level of combat power is a fantasy floor tile, but in terms of information filtering ability, it can be called a fantasy radio and television.

He changed his mind, imagined another scene, and said to the sea witch again: "What now?"

The Sea Witch continued to use her mind-reading skills, but when she searched, a deep blush immediately appeared on her face, she lowered her head and said coquettishly, "Hmph! You are so bad, Lord Sea God! How can you think of this in front of others..."

She paused and patted her fish tail gently with her weak, boneless hands. The huge fish tail also swung slightly in the water, making splashes of water.

She laughed, seemed to be full of complacency, and continued: "...But there is a fish's tail underneath, so there is no way to realize what Master Sea God wants!"

Bai Ze raised his eyebrows, and said curiously: "It is said that a mermaid with a human body and a fish tail can turn a fish tail into human legs, can't you?"

The sea witch chuckled lightly and said: "Master Poseidon, where did you hear this rumor? The characteristic of our mermaid clan is that we have fish tails. No one has ever been able to turn fish tails into human legs."

It''s okay...

Another picture appeared in Bai Ze's mind.

The Sea Witch covered her small mouth with her hand in surprise, and said in disbelief, "Is... the mouth also okay? Lord Sea God, you humans are really a race that... dares to try!"

Bai Ze curled his lips and said, "Why not..."

Before he finished speaking, he reacted suddenly.

There are two requirements for the completion of the GM mission to capture the Goddess. The first is the joy of fish and water, and the second is willingness.

But the sea witch has a fish tail. How to complete the first task requirement?

It seems to be stuck.

Unexpectedly, the system, which is almost invincible in all aspects, is stuck with a bug by the sea witch here!

If this happens, I'm afraid I won't be able to get a new GM authority from the Sea Witch.

(End of this chapter)

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