Chapter 40 041. Maid Tang Yuehua

Hearing Tang Yuehua obediently calling herself the master, Bai Ze understood why so many high-level players in previous lives liked to play maid games.

It really can arouse the possessive desire in people's hearts.

Looking at Tang Yuehua who was kneeling on the ground, Bai Ze felt that he needed to explain clearly to her.

"Although you have agreed to my request, there are still a few things I need to clarify with you about the Haotian School."

Tang Yuehua, who was kneeling on the ground, raised her head, looked up at Bai Ze, and said, "Master, please speak."

"First of all, the Haotian Sect needs to expel Tang Hao from the sect and legally separate the Haotian Sect and Tang Hao. In this way, the death of the previous pope can be attributed to his personal behavior, and the Wuhun Palace will also There is a reason to stop the war with Haotian Sect."

Tang Yuehua thought for a moment, then nodded slowly.

Although she didn't want to expel her second brother from the door, no matter who was right or wrong in the death of the previous pope, Wuhun Palace came to the door through his name after all, but since the Haotian Sect suffered disaster, he has not done anything about it. Show up.

As strong as Haotian Douluo, but like a tortoise.

This is the main reason why everyone in the Haotian Sect is dissatisfied with Tang Hao.

It was Tang Yuehua. Even though she didn't think her second brother was to blame for this incident at the beginning, as things progressed, she also believed that his behavior was biased.

Don't provoke Wuhundian because of him, just because he stands by and watches.

Although he thought Bai Ze's request was acceptable, Tang Yuehua still said, "On this point, I need to go back to the sect and inform the suzerain before I can make a decision."

"it is good."

Bai Ze paused, and continued: "Secondly, you also have to leave the Haotian School."

Hearing this, Tang Yuehua looked at Bai Ze with a puzzled face, a little puzzled.

It wasn't that she didn't want to leave Haotian Sect, but that he didn't understand why Bai Ze had this request.

Because whether it is for her or for Haotianzong, her separation from Haotianzong has only advantages and no disadvantages for Haotianzong.

On the contrary, if she leaves Haotianzong, it will have certain disadvantages for Wuhundian.

First of all, as the eldest princess of the Haotian School, she became the maid of the Wuhun Palace. The Haotian School must suffer great humiliation and be ridiculed by the people of the world.

If she leaves the Haotian Sect, she can somewhat preserve the reputation of the Haotian Sect.

Secondly, as the eldest princess of the Haotian Sect, if she is under the control of the Wuhun Palace, she can be regarded as the Haotian Sect's hostage held by the Wuhun Palace. No matter what happens in the future, the Wuhun Palace can use her to control her. For blackmail.

If she leaves the Clear Sky School, then the Spirit Hall will lose an important proton, and the Clear Sky School doesn't have to think about this being controlled by others all the time.

In the end, what she really couldn't figure out was that if she left the Haotian School and lost her status as the eldest princess of the Haotian School, then to Bai Ze, to Wuhundian, what value would she have? meaning?

As an ordinary maid?

Stop making trouble, will Wuhundian lack ordinary maids?

All the women in the world want to enter the Wuhun Palace to be maids, okay?

Bai Ze met Tang Yuehua's puzzled eyes and smiled: "Is it very confusing?"

Tang Yuehua nodded, lowered her head and said, "Master, please clarify."

"As I said before, you are my maid, not the maid of Wuhun Palace. At the same time, I don't want you to have any identity from other organizations."

Bai Zeyun calmly said:

"Just think of it as a small advance reward for your willingness to be my maid."

Bai Ze didn't pay much attention to what he said, but when he heard it in Tang Yuehua's ears, he felt a turmoil rising in his heart.

At this moment, she was very curious about Bai Ze's identity and status in the Hall of Spirits.

If according to my previous guess, this Bai Ze is the head of the Pope, and the Pope entrusted him with the responsibility of the Haotian School, how dare he so blatantly damage the interests of the Spirit Hall.

If he is not the face of His Majesty the Pope, how dare he sit on the Pope's throne and sit beside His Majesty the Pope.

"What? Don't you want to?"

Seeing that Tang Yuehua was deep in thought again, Bai Ze interrupted her thoughts and asked.

This woman's brain power is too strong.

"Yes!" Tang Yuehua said quickly, "Since Yuehua has given himself up in exchange for the sect's chance of survival, then Yuehua will be your private property, so naturally he is willing to do so."

After she finished answering, she still knelt down on the ground, quietly waiting for Bai Ze's next order.

But all he heard was a soft "hmm" from Bai Ze, and then there was no sound.

After waiting for a long time, Tang Yuehua still didn't hear any instructions from Bai Ze and couldn't help but secretly look up.

But he saw that Bai Ze was also staring at him, but his eyes were deviated, as if...

Tang Yuehua followed Bai Ze's eyes.

Well, that's right, it is indeed my own drooping neckline...

"Ah!" Tang Yuehua whispered, subconsciously reached out and pressed her neckline.

Although she sneaked out to see the Pope today, her dress was still considered and she wore a decent white dress.

In addition to showing off her figure to the fullest, this dress also highlighted her white and slender neck.

Since it is necessary to highlight the beauty of the neck, the neckline will naturally not be too small.

"Cough!" After the small movement in his eyes was discovered, Bai Ze coughed lightly, and said in a tone as if nothing had happened: "As for the matter of Haotianzong, let's deal with it like this!"


Tang Yuehua covered her neckline with one hand, and looked at Bai Ze in surprise.

No need to cede land? No need to pay compensation?

Except for yourself, without paying any real price?

is this real?

"What? Are you dissatisfied with anything?"

Tang Yuehua knew that she shouldn't say that, but she still hesitated and said, "Is this all your request?"

Bai Ze nodded and said with a smile: "That's right, that's all about Haotianzong. I will take care of the rest of the trivial matters. So you have to know how much I have endured to make you my maid." pressure."

As he spoke, he stretched out one leg in front of Tang Yuehua.

Tang Yuehua was also very smart. He picked up Bai Ze's leg obediently, put it in his arms, made a fist with one hand, and knocked it gently.

"Hands down."

Tang Yuehua blushed, hesitated for a moment, then made fists with both hands and gently beat Bai Ze's legs.

Bending down and kicking his legs, the neckline naturally slid down, and the beautiful scenery that was interrupted before appeared before Bai Ze's eyes again.

Tang Yuehua knew that it would be a matter of time before she opened her heart to Bai Ze.

If the master requests it, the maid will naturally need to attend the bed.

She had thought of this as early as when Bai Ze proposed to her to become his maid, but to her at that time, the fate of the clan was obviously greater than her own experience.

In fact, there were some small and deeply hidden thoughts in her heart.

She never thought that the dream that had appeared from time to time for more than a year might actually come true under such circumstances.

Seeing Tang Yuehua obediently kneeling on the ground and beating her legs, Bai Ze enjoyed it while saying, "You are so obedient, so I will give you a reassurance that Bibidong will personally come and confirm with you the conditions I just promised. "

As Bai Ze said, he used his soul power to vibrate the "BB machine" soul guide on his waist.

(End of this chapter)

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