Coming out of the Elder Hall, Qianye felt relaxed.

This time the matter is done, Qian Renxue no longer has to dress up as a man and suffer.


"Brother Ye, where are you going? I've been looking for a long time, and finally found you!"

As soon as Qianye reached the entrance of the college, Rou Shui came forward to greet him, looking very anxious.

"What's wrong Rou Shui?"

Thinking something happened to her.

Rou Shui smiled sweetly, leaned against him, and said while walking towards the square:

"Brother Ye, that's the wolf eradication mission, go to Baika Mountain to kill the wolf thieves there."

That's it!

Qianye walked to the chair and sat down, waiting for Roushui to sit firmly: "Well, didn't you say we would leave early tomorrow?"

"Originally, we were supposed to set off tomorrow morning, but the mission leader just informed us that the mission has been advanced and will set off at [-] o'clock tonight."

"This..." Qianye didn't expect that this task would be advanced.

If you don't go, you will break your trust. The key is Rou Shui. He will reject others' words, but she is a good friend and she will be responsible if she agrees.

Rou Shui saw what he was thinking. They had been sitting at the same table together for five years, so she had a certain understanding of him.

"Brother Ye, the team leader of this mission just informed me, there's nothing I can do about it!"

"Well, Rou Shui, then let's do it!"

Things were already like this, and he had nothing to say.

It’s nothing more than a sentence, go or not go.

He chose to go.

"Thank you, Brother Ye!" Rou Shui jumped up happily, fearing that he would not be able to say anything.

A stone also fell to the ground.

Qianye saw that it was still early, and planned to see Qian Renxue before setting off, and happened to talk to her about something.

When they arrived at Qian Renxue's dormitory, she was nowhere to be found.

Chiba could only walk around the college dormitory, the playground, and the woods behind, and finally found her lying on the ground on the grass under a big tree.

Qian Renxue just lay on the ground, eyes closed, motionless.

Chiba didn't say anything, sat down and lay down next to her.

Although Qian Renxue didn't open her eyes, she knew who was coming when she heard the footsteps and smelled the person's scent.

Chiba lay quietly next to her and did not speak immediately.

I don't want to disturb her either.

The two lay quietly like this for a while, neither of them spoke first.

After a while, Qian Renxue opened her eyes and opened her mouth: "Brother Qianye, do you like Xiaoxue?"

"Of course I like it!" Chiba said without thinking.

There is no need to think about it.

Just like her.

"Then Xiaoxue is relieved." Qian Renxue breathed out and smiled brightly in the sunshine.

Chiba thinks about it, there won't be many days like this.

As long as the mission is completed, he will leave Wuhun City and go to Tiandou City to work as an undercover agent.

At that time, it will be another environment, another identity and life state.

"Why do you ask this all of a sudden?"

"Just like it."


Qianye put her hand on Qian Renxue's forehead: "Xiaoxue, I'm afraid I have to leave for a few days to go to Baika Mountain to do a mission. Let me tell you, don't worry about me, just wait until I come back."

In fact, she had already learned about this from Rou Shui.

Qian Renxue assured him that she would not hold him back: "Brother Qianye, those wolf thieves are very powerful and cruel. You must be careful. I just want you to come back safely."

"Well, I'll be careful."

For some reason, Chiba felt like something was wrong with her today.


Seven o'clock in the evening.

Rou Shui and others gathered at the playground of Wuhundian Academy on time.

"Senior Sister Roushui, hasn't the person you invited arrived yet?" The tall girl in black tights asked the woman in the blue short skirt in front of her.

"Sister Qin, please wait a moment. Brother Ye will definitely come if he says he will come." Rou Shui glanced at the dormitory, but he was still missing.

Brother Ye never lies to others, let alone himself. He will definitely come, I believe him.

After hearing this, Qin Qianyu's face turned ugly and said coldly: "I don't care who he is or what his status is. If he joins this team, he must abide by the rules!"

"There are no rules, no rules. If you say we will start at seven o'clock, we will start at seven o'clock. But some people are late for their first mission. It is hard to say whether people like this can fight on the battlefield."

"If he is not about to leave and cannot find a substitute at the moment, I will have to disqualify him from joining the team."

Rou Shui looked embarrassed, then thought about Qianye not arriving on time, and worried that he might have forgotten.

What if Brother Ye forgets?

She was really anxious: "Sister Qin, why don't I go to Brother Ye's dormitory to have a look. Maybe I forgot the time. I'll call you over right away."

Qin Qianyu shook his head: "Forget it, time is tight and there can be no further delay. I will wait for him for another minute. If he is not present after one minute, I will disqualify him."

"Okay then!" Rou Shui looked aggrieved. If Brother Ye really forgot or was delayed by something else, what should he do?

Without Brother Ye, I felt very guilty.

After all, it was a wolf thief, so terrifying!

If I had known that Brother Ye would not go, I would not have signed up for this name.

It's too late to regret now.

I just hope Brother Ye will come soon, come quickly!

It's all the fault of money. If I wasn't greedy for the money, I wouldn't take on such a dangerous mission.

Rou Shui regretted it when she saw that Qianye hadn't arrived yet.

As a newcomer, it is not normal to not be nervous or afraid when doing a task for the first time.

"It seems that some people are impatient to wait!"

Suddenly, a voice sounded in the ears of the nine people.

Several people looked back and saw that a young man wearing a mask had arrived at the front.

Brother Ye is here!

Rou Shui was overjoyed when she saw him. She immediately took his hand to avoid a few people, walked to the side and whispered: "Brother Ye, you are here! I thought you forgot."

Qianye smiled: "How could I forget what I promised you? I just dressed up and spent a little more time."

"Let's not talk about Brother Ye, it's good that you can come anyway!" Rou Shui breathed a sigh of relief.

"What are you two doing there? It's getting late, come and line up and get going." Qin Qianyu shouted to the two of them.

"Roushui, who is that, so fierce?"

"Brother Ye, her name is Qin Qianyu, and she is the team leader of this wolf elimination mission."

"Is it any wonder you are so fierce? Being a squad leader is going against the grain?"

"Forget it, Brother Ye, you're late. Senior Sister Qin is angry now, so it's better not to make her angry." Rou Shui advised.

"Good men don't fight with women!" Qianye shook his head and walked towards the group of people with Rou Shui.

Qianye glanced at several team members, and finally set his sights on Qin Qianyu.

She was around [-] years old, wearing a black tights that perfectly highlighted her perfect curves, fair skin, and beautiful face.

She is a beauty, but a little too cold!

It's my own dish, but I'm just not in the mood.

Qin Qianyu stood in front of several people, glanced at the nine people in front of him, and finally glared at Qianye with an angry look on his face.

"What are you looking at? Haven't you seen a handsome guy?" Qianye didn't tolerate her.

Qin Qianyu's face turned even colder: "Qianye, get out of the team!"


Chiba had no choice but to take a step forward to see what she could do to herself?

"The others go out and get on the carriage first, I'll be right back."

"Yes... Captain!"

Several people responded and walked towards the door of the college together.

Rou Shui walked towards the door and looked back at Qianye, hoping that Senior Sister Qin would not embarrass Brother Ye!

Don't cancel Brother Ye's mission when you are angry, that will make you feel unmotivated.

Ah... Roushui, Roushui, you have to trust your intuition, Brother Ye will definitely go, he will go!

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