Douluo: Invincible from copying books

Chapter 96 Desire for Victory

Walloon City is much larger than Notting City and can be considered a medium-sized city.

There are three junior soul master academies in Wallon City.

They are Wallon Academy, Soul Hunting Academy and Military Soul Academy.

Among these three colleges, Walloon College is a junior college supported by the empire and is under the jurisdiction of the city lord's palace.

The Military Soul Academy is an academy established by local forces. Most of the students who graduate go to the guard army of Wallon City.

The Soul Hunting Academy is a junior college controlled by Wuhun Palace, providing a large number of talents to Wuhun Palace.

The challenge target of Star Academy this time is Soul Hunting Academy.

Cheng Mo transformed into a woman and led the team into Wallon City with everyone.

As he walked, he said to the five members of Dawn Team: "Now among the five of you, the one with the highest soul power level is Wang Sheng. After his martial soul has evolved, his soul power level has now reached level 5."

"The second is Xiao Chenyu. You are the oldest. You are 13 years old this year, and your soul power level is level 13."

"It stands to reason that at your age you can already attend an intermediate college."

"As for Arnold, this time it was a blessing in disguise. Because of the treatment given by the dean, his soul power level has been broken through. He already has level 9 soul power and is not far away from breaking through to level 10."

"Xue'er, your soul power level is now level 8. With your progress in training, you should be able to catch up with everyone soon."

Cheng Mo looked at Sun Duoduo and said, "Duoduo, your soul power level is now the lowest, only level 5."

"So you have to work harder than others to catch up with your peers."

"Otherwise, sooner or later you will not be able to keep up with them."

Sun Duoduo nodded silently without saying a word.

After the battle with Notting College that day, Sun Duoduo seemed to have changed. There was no smile on her face anymore, and her whole body exuded a cold aura.

She used to be very lively, but she became taciturn. She practiced in the academy's training ground as if she didn't care about her life, and frantically improved her strength.

Cheng Mo said with a cold expression: "After this battle with the Soul Hunting Academy is over, I will take you to the Yunwu Mountains for a three-month trial."

"Those who have not reached level 10 in soul power after three months will be expelled from the Dawn Team."

"I will choose students with more potential in the academy to join the team!"

Arnold and others looked at each other and looked at Sun Duoduo.

After the five of them were silent for a moment, Arnold said to Cheng Mo: "Teacher Bai, three months is too short. Can you spare some more time?"

At this moment, Sun Duoduo suddenly said: "No need, in just three months, I will definitely break through to level 10 soul power."

Cheng Mo nodded and said, "This matter has been decided. The most important thing you need to do now is to prepare for the next challenge."

"What can be expected is that the team members of the Soul Hunting Academy must be seven one-ring soul masters."

"You must make adequate tactical preparations and psychological preparations."

Arnold and others looked at each other and had no choice but to calm down and prepare for the challenge later.

Soon, Cheng Mo and his party arrived at the gate of the Soul Hunting Academy.

The gatekeeper of the Soul Hunting Academy was an old man. He saw a group of people walking into the gate of the academy and quickly stopped them and said, "Who are you?"

"This is the Soul Hunting Academy. Strangers are not allowed to enter casually."

Cheng Mo stepped forward and said, "We are teachers and students of Notting City Star Academy."

"We are here to launch an Academy Challenge against the Soul Hunting Academy."

"Three days ago, one of our teachers submitted a challenge to the dean of your college."

The old man at the concierge's face suddenly turned cold when he heard this. He snorted and said, "So you are from Star City Academy?"

"If you can't beat Notting Academy in Notting City, then go to Wallon City to challenge our Soul Hunting Academy."

"Do you think our Soul Hunting Academy is easy to bully?"

The old man sneered and said: "Notting City is just a small border town. What powerful characters can there be in the academy there?"

"You can't even beat Notting City's academy, how dare you challenge our Soul Hunting Academy?"

"You really don't know the heights of the world. I just want to see how you get out of our college in disgrace later!"

Cheng Mo was not moved by the old man's words at all. He said in a cold tone: "Have you finished speaking? Then lead us the way."

The old concierge looked at Cheng Mo's cold expression, sneered, and said, "Since you so want to taste failure again, then I will satisfy you."

"Come with me."

The old concierge led the way and quickly brought Cheng Mo and others to a reception room.

He said coldly: "Just wait here, someone will call you later."

For such an ordinary person who could be killed easily, Cheng Mo had no intention of talking to him.

He bowed his head and stood at the window of the reception room, closed his eyes, and slowly circulated the Immortal Sutra of Stars in the Sky.

Yang Zhenzhen and others said nothing, and the room suddenly became quiet.

The five students of Dawn Team have become much calmer after the tragic failure at Notting Academy.

The five people did not relax for a moment, sitting on the ground and practicing Tai Chi Xuan Qing Dao.

Time passed slowly, and it passed quickly, more than two hours.

The Soul Hunting Academy seemed to be deliberately keeping Cheng Mo and others in the dark, as no one came to receive them for such a long time.

Li Qing'er frowned slightly and said impatiently: "Isn't this Soul Hunting Academy too narrow-minded?"

"Isn't it just an academy challenge against them?"

"Isn't it enough for everyone to see the real chapter? Isn't it interesting to use such little tricks?"

"It's so petty!"

Yang Zhenzhen patted Li Qing'er and said, "Why are you so angry with them?"

"Look at the children who are still so calm. Why are you, a teacher, so anxious?"

"As long as we completely defeat them later when we play the game, it will be the best reply to them for being so rude."

Li Qing'er nodded and said: "Sister Zhenzhen, you are right, I am just a little depressed waiting."

Yang Zhenzhen said: "This may be their little trick to make us anxious."

"There may be omissions during the battle later."

Li Qing'er sneered at the words and said: "In the face of absolute strength, any small means will be useless!"

At this moment, the door to the reception room opened quickly.

A female teacher wearing a white teacher's uniform from the Soul Hunting Academy walked in and said with a smile: "Everyone has been waiting for a long time. Just after the dean learned about your arrival, the challenge competition has begun to be organized in the square of the academy."

"Now we are completely ready."

"If you don't have any questions, I will take you to the competition venue."

Cheng Mo opened his eyes, and a star map flickered in his pupils, blooming with starlight.

He said calmly: "Teacher, please lead the way!"

The female teacher nodded and walked out, followed closely by everyone from Star Academy.

When Cheng Mo and others followed the female teacher to the competition venue of Soul Hunting Academy, hundreds of students and teachers were already surrounding the competition venue.

After seeing the challenge team from Star Academy arriving, shouts and curses suddenly broke out on the field.

"You little bumpkin from a small place, go back now!"

"You can't even beat the people from Notting Academy, and you still want to challenge our Soul Hunting Academy. It's just a daydream."

"Trash, go back!"

As everyone from Star Academy entered the competition site, the shouts and curses from the onlookers became louder and more orderly.

"Hunting for souls and hunting for souls, we will definitely win!"

"Garbage stars, completely defeated!"

After a series of neat slogans, the students in the microcosm behind them suddenly laughed and shouted: "You trash of Star Academy, do you still dare to play?"

"If you are timid, just go back quickly, right?"

Li Qing'er was immediately furious. She said to Cheng Mo: "The Soul Hunting Academy obviously did this on purpose!"

"It is clear that someone is organizing students to deliberately verbally attack us."

"How could they do something so immoral?"

"Teacher Bai, shall we protest to them?"

Cheng Mo shook his head and said softly: "There is no need for this. When the battle begins, we will use our strength and victory to shut them up!"

When Li Qing'er heard this, her face still looked a little unhappy.

She said angrily: "Later on the competition field, I must teach them a lesson and beat the shit out of them."

Yang Zhenzhen looked at Li Qing'er's angry look, shook her head gently, turned to the five students of the Dawn Team and said, "Children, please don't be affected by these verbal attacks."

"According to your tactics, fight how you want!"

"Don't let anger affect your performance."

The five members of the Dawn Team looked at each other with firm eyes, without any trace of panic or anger.

Arnold said: "Don't worry, Teacher Yang, we will use our strength to shut them up!"

Yang Zhenzhen nodded and said, "Come on, the teacher believes in you!"

The five members of Dawn Team nodded, their expressions resolute, their eyes full of fighting spirit and desire.

Xu Wanqiu looked at the eyes of the children, sighed softly, and whispered to Yang Zhenzhen: "These children are all holding back a lot of energy!"

"They all want to win!"

"I want to use victory to vent my inner stress and anger."

Yang Zhenzhen said softly: "That match at Notting College filled their hearts with anger and shame!"

"Until they completely defeat Notting Academy, the fighting spirit and anger in their hearts will continue to remain!"

"In a short period of time, such a state may not be a bad thing for their study and practice."

Xu Wanqiu nodded and said, "I can see that these children are holding fire in their hearts!"

"They are very eager to fight with Notting College again to wash away the shame of the last defeat!"

Yang Zhenzhen chuckled and said, "If you want to wash away your shame, let's start with the battle at the Soul Hunting Academy!"

At this moment, an old man with white hair and a white robe walked up to Cheng Mo and said with a smile: "Everyone from Star Academy has been waiting for a long time!"

"I am the dean of the Soul Hunting Academy."

"These children are young and energetic, and they speak a little uncontrollably. I hope you won't take it offence!"

Cheng Mo waved his hand and said, "Hello, Dean, can we start the game now?"

The dean of the Soul Hunting Academy's smile froze, and then said: "Of course we can start the competition at any time."

Cheng Mo said crisply: "Then let's start now."

"Let's let the students compete in the student team competition in the first game. Do you have any objections?"

The dean of the Soul Hunting Academy was very angry at Cheng Mo's rude attitude, but the smile on his face became brighter.

He smiled and said: "Of course I have no objection, let's start now!"

After that, he waved to a male teacher next to him who was holding a loudspeaker.

The trumpet in the male teacher's hand was obviously a special soul tool. He put the trumpet to his mouth and the sound echoed throughout the audience.

"The Academy Challenge between Soul Hunting Academy and Star Academy is about to begin."

"The first game will be the student team game."

"First up is our team from the Soul Hunting Academy. Let us give warm applause and cheers to the seven students from the Soul Hunting team."

Before the male teacher finished speaking, the audience burst into warm cheers and applause.

"Come on, Soul Hunting Team!"

"The soul-hunting team must win!"

"The soul-hunting team is invincible and will win the war!"

"come on, come on, come on!"

Amid the cheers of the onlookers, seven students wearing white robes walked into the competition venue with their heads held high.

At this time, the male teacher spoke up again and said: "Next will be the Dawn Team from Star Academy. Let us welcome them."

Cheng Mo turned around, nodded to Arnold and said, "Go!"

Arnold looked determined and took the lead to walk forward.

When Arnold passed by, Yang Zhenzhen and others smiled and said to them: "Come on, fight hard!"

As the five members of Star Academy’s Dawn Team entered the venue one by one.

The male teacher spoke again: "Star Academy is a newly established academy, so the number of students may be too small."

"We can see the Dawn Team of Star Academy, there are only 5 people in total."

"And their ages vary, and there are even children who look six or seven years old."

"Let us applaud their courage!"

The faces of Yang Zhenzhen and others immediately turned cold.

Li Qing'er gritted her teeth and said, "They are so abominable!"

"We must teach them a lesson later."

At this time, there were boos around the playing field.

The onlookers from the Soul Hunting Academy booed and ridiculed unscrupulously.

"Even colleges that don't have enough people dare to participate in the competition. Go back to where you came from!"

"You actually let six or seven-year-old students participate in the competition. Is Star Academy here to make fun of you?"

"The soul hunting team must win, defeat them!"

"Come on, soul hunting team, beat them until they cry and go home to find their mother!"

The dean of the Soul Hunting Academy looked at Cheng Mo and said with a smile: "Teachers from Star Academy, why don't we go to the spectator seats next to us and sit down to watch the battle."

Cheng Mo shook his head and said, "No need, this battle will be over soon, there is no need to waste time."

The smile on the face of the dean of Soul Hunting Academy became brighter and brighter, "That's right. With the strength of a team like Star Academy, they should be defeated soon."

"But it doesn't matter. Even if you lose, you can still gain experience!"

"After all, Star Academy is a newly built academy, so even if we lose, it is understandable."

"When you go back, study hard and work hard, don't you think so?"

Cheng Mo sneered and said nothing.

He looked at the five students of the Dawn Team and could clearly feel that their momentum had changed drastically the moment they entered the competition field.

The five members of the Dawn Team listened to the taunts and boos from the people around them, their pupils showing strong anger and an increasingly fiery fighting spirit!

The momentum of the five people was connected in a cross-star killing formation, like a sharp cross sword, pressing down on the opposite soul hunting team.

At this time, the male teacher from the Soul Hunting Academy shouted loudly with a loudspeaker: "Now all the students from the two teams are in place."

"Please start preparing for battle!"

The two teams of students on the playing field were instantly possessed by martial spirits.

After the students of the Soul Hunting Team were possessed by martial souls, yellow soul rings circulated all over their bodies.

Seeing that there were only two first-ring soul masters in Xingchen Academy, there was even louder laughter.

At this moment, the male teacher from the Soul Hunting Academy shouted loudly: "Countdown to the competition."




"Game start!"

Cheers and cheers for the Soul Hunter team suddenly rang out around the arena.

After Arnold's Vajra Ape Spirit roared upwards, he roared towards the enemy like a mad ape.

The remaining four students of the Dawn Team followed closely behind him, with endless anger and desire in their eyes!

Desire for victory!

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