Everyone continued to rest for about two quarters of an hour. Zhao Wou-ki was about to urge the students to continue on their way when they suddenly heard hurried rustling sounds from far to near.Zhou Hao and Dai Mubai have already become vigilant.

"Everyone, get up, something is coming!" Zhao Wuji shouted.

"Zhuqing, go to the top of that tree and see what it is."

Zhu Zhuqing didn't speak, and the elegant and agile figure quietly jumped up, with sharp claws out, and quickly climbed up a big tree in front of him.

Tang San and Dai Mubai blocked in front of Oscar and Ning Rongrong first, Xiao Wu and Fatty also stood beside them.Zhou Hao leaned under the tree.

Cats have excellent vision. Soon, Zhu Zhuqing's cold voice came over, "It seems to be a flying snake, but it doesn't fly high, only about three meters. There is a red fan-shaped fleshy crown on its head." .”

Zhou Hao's eyes lit up, he didn't expect Oscar's soul ring to come so quickly, "Oscar, your luck has come, this is a cockscomb snake, which is quite rare among thousand-year-old soul beasts."

Tang San also nodded in agreement: "Zhuqing, look which way it is flying. How long is it, and what color are its wings?"

"It's coming towards us, but it seems to be flying very erratically. Its length is between six and eight meters, and its wings are light red."

Zhou Hao heard this and said: "This should be a crested crested snake that is between 1,300 and 1,800 years old. When it encounters danger, it can increase its speed instantly and can last for a long time."

"Yes, if you get this spirit ring, then your next spirit ability should be related to speed or flight, which is very suitable for you. So, Xiao Ao, your luck is really good." Tang San added.

Having determined that the soul ring was suitable, Zhao Wuji decided to take action himself. After a while, Zhu Zhuqing said in a deep voice: "Here he comes!"

A huge snake flew out of the forest, six or seven meters long, and its huge fleshy crown looked very visual. Zhu Zhuqing was completely unafraid and rushed away from the tree. At the same time, his first soul ring flashed and the Netherworld Thrust launched!

The sharp claws directly stabbed at the meat crown, and the cockscomb snake was frightened, turned around, blocked the attack with its scales, and then turned around suddenly.A mouthful of seven-colored mist spewed out, instantly covering Zhu Zhuqing.

Although Zhou Hao knew it was non-poisonous, Zhu Zhuqing was in the air after all, and he would be easily injured if he lost his vision. Before Dai Mubai could react, Zhou Hao had already jumped up and caught Zhu Zhuqing steadily.

This snake obviously didn't want to fight, and flew forward quickly. Ma Hongjun's martial spirit possessed him, and a loud phoenix cry made the phoenix-tailed snake visibly tremble, but its speed was still extremely fast, and it flew close to Tang San. The blue silver grass flew forward and was already ten meters away in the blink of an eye.

Zhao Wou-ki snorted coldly, and shot directly, the third, fourth, fifth and third spirit rings on his body were shining brightly at the same time, positioning and tracking combined with the two gravity spirit skills, instantly made the cockscombed snake lose its balance and fell to the ground.

To deal with a thousand-year-old soul beast, it is easy for a powerhouse of the soul saint level.However, Zhao Wuji's explosive power at that moment made Zhou Hao secretly click his tongue.

Zhao Wuji stretched out his big palm-like hand, pinched the snake's head, and slammed it down. The cockscomb snake had no room to resist, and passed out directly.

Zhu Zhuqing in Zhou Hao's arms was a little pale and a little sad, his own strength was still too weak.She broke free quickly, and ate two Oscar's sausages. Even though Tang San said the fog just now was non-toxic, it still made people a little dizzy.

Zao Wou-ki drew a dagger from his waist and looked at Oscar: "Hurry up and do it, lest you have long nights and dreams. Just stab it through its meat crown, and this spirit ring will be yours."

Xiao Wu at the side had a pale face, her eyes full of unbearable expression, she pulled Tang San: "Do you have to hunt the spirit beast?"

Tang San sighed softly: "Whether in the spirit beast world or the human world, the law of the jungle is the only law of survival. This is an eternal truth. Therefore, we need to become stronger. If it is stronger than us, do you think it will let go of the food brought to its mouth?"

Oscar excitedly took over the short blade. At this moment, this thousand-year-old soul beast was a lamb waiting to be slaughtered in front of him. The third soul skill was about to succeed, and he was so excited that his hands trembled a little.

Just when Oscar was about to stab the knife in his hand, suddenly, a hoarse stern voice suddenly sounded, "Stop."

Immediately afterwards, two figures jumped out from the direction the cockscomb snake flew in before, and appeared in front of everyone.

There were two people, one old and the other young. The old woman looked to be sixty or seventy years old. Her white hair was combed very neatly. Although she was not young, she was very energetic. Although there were many wrinkles on her face, But as rosy as a baby.

A pair of eyes flickered.Holding a three-meter-long snake-headed crutch in his right hand, the six spirit rings on his body danced up and down.

Next to the old woman was a beautiful young girl with short hair around her ears, she looked about sixteen or seventeen years old, she was dressed in a neat dress, tightly covering her well-developed figure, a pair of deep The big brown eyes are staring firmly at the cockscomb snake in Zao Wou-ki's hand.

She also held a snake-head crutch in her hand, but it was shorter than the old woman's, only two meters long, and she only had two yellow century-old soul rings on her body.

Zhou Hao's eyes narrowed, these were Snake Po and Meng Yiran. Zhao Wuji's face also looked ugly. The seven soul rings on his body were beating, exuding a strong and fierce aura.

Everyone in Shrek breathed a sigh of relief when they saw the six soul rings on the old woman. On the contrary, Snake Po and Meng Yiran looked solemn. This was just the outskirts of the Star Dou Forest. How could there be a Soul Saint?

Zhao Wuji said in a bad tone: "Why, what's the matter?" Although with his temper, he would never look down upon a weak person who dared to make trouble, but he caught a glimpse of the snake-head crutch in the old woman's hand and had some suspicion in his mind. , and then converged a bit.

The old woman's face softened and she coughed: "Hello, respected Soul Saint, this snake was the first one we discovered. We have already wounded it and tracked it all the way here. Can you give this snake to this person?" child."

Oscar couldn't help but questioned: "How do you prove it? You obviously didn't see anyone just now."

The old woman smiled slightly, and pointed her crutch under the snake's wings: "Look, there are scars left by us here and on the abdomen. As you can see, this granddaughter of Lao Shen has inherited my Wuhun Snake Staff, and high-level snake-like spirit beasts are most suitable for her. And the thousand-year-level spirit ring is not something this group of children can absorb."

In Chao Tianxiang's eyes, the oldest of these children was also slightly younger than her granddaughter, with a spirit power of at most twenty or so levels, and she was extremely confident in her granddaughter's talent and strength, so she didn't think any of them could reach level thirty.

Oscar was a little anxious, but was held down by Zhao Wuji, and smiled coldly: "Are you the senior snake woman among the unrivaled dragon snakes?"

"Senior didn't dare to be, but thanks to friends in the soul master world, they gave her the name Snake Lady. The old man's husband is Meng Shu, known as Duke Long."

Hearing this, Zhao Wuji knew that force cannot be used to solve the problem today. The Snake Lady is here, and Duke Long must be nearby. If she can't be killed with one blow and the Snake Lady escapes, there will be endless troubles.


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