A red sun burst out, awakening the sleeping sunset forest.

A piece of grass that looked no different from the rest began to squirm.

After a moment, a hand slowly poked out from under the grass.

The hand was covered with mud and looked stiff.

After coming out, the separated five fingers were still opening and closing slowly, as if a demon was about to crawl out of the ground.

It seems like an innocent soul buried underground is about to claim his life! !

If anyone sees this scene, they will be scared and run away!

Some people would even be so frightened that they would pee and faint to death!

After the hand opened and closed in the air for a while, another hand poked out from under the grass...

A moment later, with a soft thud, a man emerged from under the grass.

It was Yue Guan who searched hard but couldn't find him, and finally vented his anger on Yu Xiaogang, who was on a dog that was pooping.

This place is less than fifteen miles away from where Yu Xiaogang and Bibi Dong parted.

After eliminating the mark left by Yueguan on his body, he went elsewhere. After traveling some distance, he dug a hole and buried himself!

Hidden under the grass.

Then, he used the Xuantian gourd to cover his aura, and quietly hibernated here.

This is another wonderful use of Xuantian gourd.

Maybe it's because Xuantian Gourd is also a plant-type martial spirit and has a natural affinity for vegetation.

Yu Xiaogang discovered that when he activated the Xuantian Gourd, his breath could be well shielded.

It can make him indistinguishable from the scent of the surrounding vegetation.

Because of this, Yue Guan and Gui Mei passed by him several times, but they were unable to find him hiding underground.

“This old guy from Juhuaguan doesn’t keep his words!

He said clearly that if he couldn't find himself, he would stand on his head and eat shit, and he still ate three kilograms.

In the end, he didn't fulfill his promise at all and ran away... He dared not do what he said! "

Yu Xiaogang whispered here, with anger, mocking someone for not keeping his word.

He had never thought before that the rather feminine-looking guy at Juhuaguan actually had such a side.

He actually swears and swears at every turn, and even bets on eating shit.

What a talent!

You have to compete with the dog for food!

At this time, it was nearly a day since Juhuaguan and the others left Sunset Forest.

Yu Xiao just got up from the ground.

The reason why it is like this is mainly because I am worried that the shit-eating guy will suddenly come back and catch me off guard!

After standing up and taking a few breaths of fresh air, stretching his body, and cursing Juhuaguan a few times, Yu Xiaogang patted the dirt on his body, ate something quickly, and left quickly from here without stopping.

Before leaving, don't forget to cover up the traces he made when he came out.

Walking on the road, he couldn't help but feel a little scared.

This time, it didn't look like anything dangerous at all, and he got through it safely.

In fact, he was able to realize how dangerous things were this time!

Even more dangerous than before when facing the Man-Faced Demon Spider!

If it weren't for the Xuantian Gourd, an extremely magical thing, I'm afraid that by this time, I would have been caught and killed by Juhuaguan and Gui Mei!

When he was hiding underground, Juhuaguan and Ghost were once less than two hundred meters away from him!

The two had some conversation there.

He had a clairvoyant ear and heard some of the conversations between the two of them. He knew that when they returned, they wanted to do something with him!

Things are really not going well with Bibi Dong!

This has just begun, and it has already resulted in a fatal disaster!

Yu Xiaogang smiled.

So what? !

This time, they failed to find themselves after all!

The days ahead are long!

Some things must be paid back after all!


In a secret cave, Yu Xiaogang sat cross-legged here, running Xuantian Nine Transformations with all his strength.

He wanted to improve his soul power as quickly as possible and reach level 20.

Then he took advantage of the situation and found a suitable soul beast to hunt in the sunset forest.

After blessing the soul ring, he left the Sunset Forest.

According to what Bibi Dong said, go to Tiandou City and join the Tiandou Royal Academy.

At this time, it was already his fourth day here.

During the past four days, except for looking up at the morning star to practice the Xuantian Divine Eye when the sky was getting brighter, Yu Xiaogang had been practicing in the dug cave...

Yu Xiaogang, who was practicing, slowly opened his eyes and ended this practice.

During these four days, he forgot all about food and sleep.

But the growth of soul power is somewhat less than ideal.

Originally, he thought that based on the powerful effects shown before Xuantian's Nine Revolutions, his soul power would grow very quickly.

But in fact, when he really started practicing, he found that it was different from what he imagined.

His soul power growth rate is indeed much faster than before, but it is still within a normal range.

He estimated that based on his current situation, it would take at least three months to reach level 18.

It might take a year to reach level 20!

After all, the farther back you go, the slower your soul power grows.

If it was only ten days and a half, or a month, it was not impossible for him to hibernate quietly in the Sunset Forest, work hard to cultivate to level 20, and then leave.

But now, it takes such a long time, and he obviously can't stay like this anymore.

Bibi Dong is right. The Sunset Forest is still too dangerous for him now. It would be better to go to Tiandou Royal School.

This is of course not because Bibi Dong said that she would find a way to go there in the future.

This is because he feels that going to Tiandou Royal School is more suitable for him...



The morning star rose in the sky. Yu Xiaogang stood there, looking at the morning star in the sky, silently cultivating the Xuantian Divine Eye.

After completing his training, he did not return to the cave where he had lived for several days.

I caught a rabbit here, roasted it and ate it, and then left directly from here.

He was ready to leave Sunset Forest and head to Tiandou City.

As for the Ice and Fire Eyes, he will not go there for the time being, and plans to wait until his strength increases in the future before going there.

After all, the Ice and Fire Eye is in the heart of the Sunset Forest.

The further you go inside, the higher the level of the soul beast becomes.

Before, he wanted to desperately go to the Eye of Ice and Fire. The most fundamental purpose was to use the fairy herbs there to improve his own conditions.

Now with the Xuantian Gourd, the appearance of this mysterious martial spirit has achieved this effect.

In fact, the effect achieved is far better than that of fairy herbs.

In this case, there is no need for him to go there at this time.

Just leave the fairy herbs there first.

Let it grow for a while and wait until his strength improves a bit before taking it.

I'm not afraid that the fairy herbs there will be lost.

After all, there were still many years before Tang San traveled through time.

Tang Hao is probably not yet an adult.

There are still immortal grasses away from Tang San's Huo Huo Bing Huo Liang Yi Eye.

This time is enough for you to do a lot of things!




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