As the saying goes, caring leads to chaos. Dongfang Yi's steps were very hurried, even several times faster than usual.

On his way, Dongfang Yi kept thinking about Xuanyuan Ruoyun, and he thought about Xuanyuan Ruoyun's appearance over and over in his heart.

He reminded himself over and over again in his heart that she would be fine! It will be fine!

Most definitely!

However, for some reason, the inexplicable worry in his heart became stronger and stronger, as if Xuanyuan Ruoyun had left him.

In the night, Dongfang Yi seemed to have heard Tianlan City's alarm clock, but at this time, he was still half way away from Tianlan City.

Suddenly, a pink light emerged from the front, illuminating the dark sky.

The night wind blew by, blowing Dongfang Yi's messy hair. He squinted his eyes slightly and looked at the woman wearing pink armor in front of him.

Is there really a god? How is this possible? Where did the gods come from in this world?

Dongfang Yi shook his head, throwing away the shock in his heart. He continued to move forward, but his pace was much faster. He wanted to see what the man wanted to do.

Soon, he came to the woman, and he looked up at the huge figure staying in mid-air. The light pierced him so much that he couldn't open his eyes.

Suddenly, the figure turned over, landed from the air, and then stood in front of Dongfang Yi.

Dongfang Yi opened his eyes. His eyes were filled with astonishment and curiosity. His gaze stayed on that figure. That figure stood so quietly, her eyes staring straight at Dongfang Yi.

She wore a set of pink armor, a golden-red hairband on her head, two golden gems on her helmet, two red arm guards on her arms, and a pair of crystal-colored boots on her feet.

Her skin is as white as snow, and her facial features are exquisite and beautiful, especially her eyes, which are as deep as the ocean.

Looking at her, Dongfang Yi felt that his breathing had become difficult, and there was a strong sense of oppression in the air.

Is this God? It is indeed extraordinary. She is Shura God Xiaowu, but Dongfang Yi has never seen her before.

Dongfang Yi did not dare to act rashly. At this time, he became more determined in his thoughts.

He looked at the woman quietly.

And the woman looked at Dongfang Yi quietly, without any emotion in her eyes, like an ancient well, without any ripples or any emotion.

"What are you looking for from me?"

Finally, Dongfang Yi couldn't help but speak first.

The woman still didn't reply, just like a sculpture, she looked at Dongfang Yi quietly, the corners of her mouth raised slightly.

Dongfang Yi felt uncomfortable all over when she looked at him like this. He moved his body slightly, trying to avoid the other party's murderous gaze.

However, the woman seemed to have already understood his intentions, and her eyes were fixed on Dongfang Yi.


Dongfang Yi felt a huge sense of oppression, but he still did not flinch, and he still gritted his teeth. He cannot retreat. This is a kind of courage that a man should have.

Suddenly, the woman's eyes condensed, with a cold light flashing in her eyes. She stepped forward and suddenly raised her right hand!

The pink light enveloped Dongfang Yi's whole body!

The pink light instantly disappeared into the night, and Dongfang Yi's figure also turned into nothingness in an instant, completely disappearing.


A cold snort passed into Dongfang Yi's ears. The sound was like snow in the glacier, so cold that it froze his heart.

At this moment Dongfang Yi finally understood what fear was.

Just now, his body didn't resist at all, and he was slapped to death by the other party! !

"who are you?"

Dongfang Yi asked in panic.

"It doesn't matter who I am, it's important that you remember my words."

The voice sounded again, this time it was obviously a little urgent, as if it was hiding something.

"Who are you?"

Dongfang Yi's eyes flickered, but he didn't know whether this woman was an enemy or a friend. He didn't dare to step forward rashly, nor did he dare to speak, so he could only remain silent.

"I am someone you can never look up to!"

The voice came again.

Hearing these words, Dongfang Yi's body couldn't help but tremble a few times. He knew that he should not continue to ask this question, but he really wanted to know who this mysterious woman was, and why did he have to remember this sentence?

Thinking, he raised his head again. But this time, the figure had long since disappeared, as if it had never appeared in the night sky.

It wasn't until the pink rays of light slowly receded that Dongfang Yi saw clearly that he was already in a temple. In the center of the temple, Wei Ran stood the statue of the woman just now. The statue was lifelike, as if the woman had come to life just now. Dongfang Yi couldn't help but shudder, and the powerful pressure in his heart seemed to linger.

What is this place? Dongfang Yi's eyebrows wrinkled, and his heart was full of doubts.

He turned around and prepared to leave the temple, but suddenly, a flash of fear flashed in his eyes, and that pressure was really still there!

He found that his body could not move!

He was shocked that his body couldn't move! !

how come?

He wanted to use his consciousness to control his body, but his consciousness could not touch his body. He wanted to use his soul power, but found that he could not use his soul power, and he could not stretch his hands and feet. , as if by magic, he didn’t even have the strength to walk!

He did not believe in evil and tried to use his soul power again, but the result was the same. His hands and feet were still unable to move, as if they were bound. Moreover, he felt that the soul energy in his body was being consumed rapidly.

"Impossible! How is this possible?"

Dongfang Yi was filled with confusion. There was nothing strange about his body, so why could he not move? He tried to mobilize the soul energy in his body, but the soul energy could not be mobilized, as if it had been extracted in an instant.

What is going on? Is it the woman just now?

At this time, Dongfang Yi's consciousness suddenly felt a sharp pain. The pain made his face pale, with cold sweat on his forehead, and his face was as pale as paper.

In a daze, Dongfang Yi saw Xuanyuan Ruoyun's face again. He would never forget that familiar face.


Seeing Xuanyuan Ruoyun, Dongfang Yi had a look of surprise on his face. At this moment, Dongfang Yi could no longer care about the physical pain. His mood was so agitated that even his own voice trembled.

"Ruoyun, why are you here?" Dongfang Yi asked hurriedly. He didn't know how Xuanyuan Ruoyun knew that he was here.

But the most important thing now is to persuade Xuanyuan Ruoyun to leave.

"Ruoyun, go quickly and leave here. There is a strong force here and I can't move it!" Dongfang Yi said.

Hearing Dongfang Yi's words, Xuanyuan Ruoyun was unfazed, and there was still no expression on his face.

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