"Pangu Domain" Chi Lan shouted. Suddenly, the temperature of the entire space rose instantly, and a red domain was formed instantly.


The red flames enveloped an area of ​​dozens of kilometers.

The soul beasts within a radius were immediately enveloped in the flames, and they let out shrill screams, with streaks of smoke coming out of their bodies, and struggled to escape quickly. There are also

Several of them were ten-thousand-year-old soul beasts. Although they were quite powerful, they were still like ants in front of Chi Lan.

Although Dongfang Yi and Qin Mingyue were also enveloped in Pangu's domain, they were not oppressed in any way. Some are just deeply shocked by the master. Is this the true power of the master!

At this time, Chi Lan's eyes were red, and he finally saw clearly that this was a giant python as big as a mountain.

The giant python is about thirty meters long, with a body as thick as a mountain, a snake head like a house, a pair of huge bloody mouths open, strands of smelly snake juice flowing out, and a pair of scarlet snake eyes staring ahead, The eyes showed the ultimate bloodthirsty ferocity.

The python's eyes seemed to contain a huge volcano, which would erupt at any time and swallow everyone.

"Hiss, hiss~"

The giant python roared with its teeth and claws, and with a movement, its huge body rushed forward.

Along the way, all the vegetation was crushed by the giant python's body and turned into powder. Its huge tail swept towards Chi Lan fiercely.

"Master" Dongfang Yi shouted, his eyes full of eagerness.


The giant python's tail hit Chi Lan's body.

Qin Mingyue's heart suddenly beat violently, and there was an unspeakable tension in her heart.

The huge impact caused the surrounding soil to surge and dust to fly, but Qin Mingyue and Dongfang Yi saw that Chi Lan was still standing calmly.

With that crisp sound, Chilan's clothes split open, revealing his strong chest and muscular chest.

Dongfang Yi was slightly shocked. Master’s skin is really great

Qin Mingyue quickly closed her eyes.

However, at this moment, Chi Lan moved, stamped his feet on the ground, and rushed toward the python's head like a cannonball.

"Creation of heaven and earth"

Chi Lan roared, and the two figures instantly collided in mid-air.

Two powerful forces collided hard.

A red figure was violently blasted into the ground. The huge impact caused the giant python's huge tail to swing up and hit the mountain in the distance, causing the entire mountain to collapse immediately.

A huge hole suddenly appeared on the mountain wall.

At Chilan's feet, there was also a large pit where the earth and rocks were broken.

The collision between the two caused the whole world to shake violently.

Dongfang Yi was shocked.

What a powerful impact. The strength of Chi Lan is not inferior to that of a hundred thousand year soul beast. This is simply unbelievable.

The body of the giant python suddenly became a little illusory under the huge impact. However, the scales on the body of the giant python were as tough as steel. Although the body became illusory, there was no damage.

Seeing this, Dongfang Yi couldn't help but secretly sigh: It is indeed powerful, it is worthy of being a hundred thousand year old soul beast, its defense power is really terrifying.

On the other hand, Chi Lan frowned slightly when he saw this.

The attack of a hundred thousand year soul beast is definitely not simple. If he hadn't been very strong, he would have suffered heavy losses.

However, the body of this hundred thousand year old soul beast had no effect on him.

Chi Lan raised his hands to the sky.

"The seventh soul skill - Pangu's true body"

Chi Lan's body began to grow in size, and red light surged from his body.

, a huge Pangu shadow rose from behind Chi Lan, exuding a terrifying aura.

Chilan's size also began to increase rapidly. In the blink of an eye, a huge Pangu shadow had reached a height of three feet. Its huge body was like a towering mountain.

Chi Lan held a huge double-edged ax in his hand. With his arms raised, the giant ax suddenly struck forward, and a huge ax beam instantly struck out.


There was a loud noise, and a huge knife mark dozens of meters wide was slashed towards the giant python.


The giant python let out a shrill howl, and its tail was immediately cut off.

Blood splattered.

However, Chi Lan's attack was not over.

After cutting off the tail, the giant python's scarlet eyes were filled with red light, and crimson light shot out from the eyes. In an instant, it turned into endless red light, like red suns. , lit up the surrounding sky, piercing the eyes of Qin Mingyue and Dongfang Yi.

Chi Lan held a double-edged ax and slashed down suddenly.

The huge knife mark was like a fire dragon, slashing towards the giant python.


Rounds of red sun shot out from the giant python's pupils, and were split open by huge knife marks.


A huge amount of soul power exploded in the void.

A powerful soul power instantly filled the entire desolate mountain range.

Chi Lan and Dongfang Yi didn't dare to open their eyes at all, as the huge shock wave slammed into their bodies.

Chi Lan's expression also changed somewhat, "He is indeed a Titan Python."

The giant python suddenly became angry and spat out a mouthful of venomous snakes.

"By devouring you, I will be one step closer to transforming into a dragon," the giant python said in a trembling voice.


The giant python rushed towards Dongfang Yi and Qin Mingyue with a huge soul force.

Dongfang Yi was shocked.

Qin Mingyue is no exception.

The giant python's soul power swept towards them like an overwhelming force.



The huge body of the giant python directly knocked the two of them away.

"Pfft..." Qin Mingyue and Dongfang Yi's bodies instantly hit a huge rock behind them, and their bodies were immediately smashed into the ground.

With a "boom", the giant python's huge body slammed hard on the rock behind the two people. Suddenly, the rock fell into pieces. Fortunately, Dongfang Yi and Qin Mingyue had already sunk into the ground and escaped.

The body of the giant python also became tattered in an instant.

Chi Lan jumped up and rushed out of the ruins. As he rushed out, he exuded an unparalleled powerful aura.

The giant python's tail had turned bloody due to the collision with Chi Lan just now.

However, this did not affect its actions.

Its body continued to thrust towards Chi Lan crazily, trying to crush Chi Lan's body into pieces.

Chi Lan's figure dodged and suddenly rushed to the right, avoiding the giant python's attack.

Then, Chi Lan charged again, heading straight towards the giant python.

"Buzz buzz..."

Chi Lan's figure drew arcs in the air, rushing towards the giant python like a meteor.

Chi Lan was very fast, and the giant python was also very fast. The two actually chased each other and started a fierce fight in the sky.

Chi Lan's power is extremely powerful, and the power in his body is also endless.

The attack of the giant python is also very powerful. The two attacks compete with each other, and the energy storm generated by the explosion rages in the air.

One person and one snake, fighting fiercely in mid-air.


There was a loud noise, and all the scales on the giant python burst apart.

A painful howl came out.

The giant python roared in pain.

Chi Lan swung the giant ax in his hand fiercely.


The giant ax in Chi Lan's hand struck the giant python's huge head.

With a sound of "Peng~", the giant python's head was chopped into pieces by Chi Lan's axe.


With a miserable howl, the giant python's body sank suddenly and fell to the ground.

A powerful wave of soul power emitted from the giant python's body.

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