"If it weren't for the royal family's order, we would never attack the Tiandou Empire." Peng Qicai said. It would be strange to want to attack. The Tang Sect alone is enough to destroy the Xingluo Empire, not to mention the full support of the Haotian Sect of the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect.

Tang San nodded, "Zhuqing, Netherworld Space Transfer."

Zhu Zhuqing nodded, and the red ninth soul ring lit up, wrapping Peng Qicai and the other seven people. Purple-gold light shines and spins into an oval structure. With a swipe, the space split open, and these seven people disappeared.

"Brother, are you really not afraid that they will inform the royal family? They are absolutely loyal to the Xingluo royal family." Xiao Wu said worriedly.

Tang San shook his head, "I left a divine power in their bodies. If they dare to say anything, this energy will explode automatically."

"Uh..." Everyone who was a little worried just now showed a sinister smile this time. However, in their opinion, these people will be enemies of the Tiandou Empire in the future anyway, and it is better to die sooner than later. but. Even if they come. The Shrek Seven Devils are not afraid at all. Dai Long, the peak ninety-eighth level Mad Beast Douluo, would never be able to survive three rounds against any of the Shrek Seven Monsters' fighting spirit masters. The ninety-nine intermediate level and the ninety-nine high level are not at the same level of power. If Xiao Wu and Zhu Zhuqing were still at the mid-level ninety-ninth level, Dai Long still had the strength to fight. So now he has no power to fight back at all.

"Mistress, have you noticed?" Dai Mubai said solemnly. Among these people, he was the only one who showed no expression, "In fact, sometimes, strength alone is not enough. Some people's beliefs are extremely firm, and you can conquer them with strength. But it is impossible to conquer their beliefs. Not everyone Everyone admires strength so much.”

Tang San also nodded, "I figured it out just now, just like we didn't join the Spirit Hall at the beginning. Everyone has their own right to freedom of belief."

Dai Mubai breathed a sigh of relief, "As long as you have figured it out, let's go!"

At this time, there was already a burst of fish belly white in the sky. Although the sun had not risen yet, the light had already illuminated half of the forest.A night without sleep was nothing to the Seven Monsters. The early morning air was particularly cool, and everyone took a few deep breaths.The blue and silver grass was covered with dewdrops, and the seven monsters were intoxicated by this uniquely beautiful scenery in early autumn.

Judging from the map provided by the Star Luo Empire, the Panlong Forest is an octagonal basin. The outer elevation is the same as the outside world, but the middle section is like a big pit, with a depth of three hundred meters. It was from this corner of the octagon that Tang San and others entered the Panlong Forest. As for the interior, the Star Luo Empire has not mapped it at all, probably because no one has ever explored it!

Walking down the forest, there is still a valley. The rocks on the banks are getting higher and higher, and the plants are still blocking the sky, but they have changed from coniferous forests to broad-leaved forests, and the temperature has become warmer. In the deep valley up to 30 meters wide, the sun shines through the layers of broad leaves and falls on the ground. The breeze blows, and these light spots flutter gently, looking particularly pleasant. There were moss-covered rocks, and Tang San still used his mental intimidation to drive away the surrounding spirit beasts, but what shocked him was that in this area, which was equivalent to the middle section of the Coiling Dragon Forest, all of them were about 50,000 years old. The soul beast. But a powerful soul beast with ninety thousand years of cultivation has appeared. This is only the middle part, God knows how powerful soul beasts will appear next. You know, in the Star Forest, the number of 50,000-year-old soul beasts will not exceed thirty at most, but here there are already more than two hundred.

Unknowingly, the color of the plants here gradually turned into emerald green. Temperate plants such as poplars and maples from the Tiandou Empire also began to appear.

Xiao Wu paused for a moment, and the emerald-gold mark on her forehead shone slightly. An extremely friendly breath spreads along the vines and branches, which no one else can feel. A burning feeling flowed through her blood and every soul bone.

After reaching a certain height, the dirt road turns downhill and becomes a flat road. I don't know if it was because they were close to the center of the Forest God, but the extremely powerful people felt that a relatively closed soul power magnetic field was formed here. There was no wind here, and there was no violent flow of air. But they don't know that due to tens of thousands of years of silence, thick fallen leaves have accumulated here, either withered yellow or dark green, and are several meters high. It seems that no one has disturbed the dusty natural environment here for countless years. Entering this octagonal soul magnetic field, you will find this place of thick fallen leaves. Everyone simply chose to fly. If they walked on this grass, they would crush many fallen leaves. Next to the fallen leaves was a puddle of water, which was not wide, about one meter. The water did not flow or make any sound. There were no fish inside, but only the clumps of aquatic plants could be seen.

Silence is the main theme here. Except for the dense woods, no living things grow here.There were no birds or cicadas within a hundred miles, and no one heard even the sound of water.This is a completely still world, just like a living three-dimensional sculpture.

But Tang San, who was also a god-level expert, could feel that there were unusual fluctuations in divine power here.Yes, it's not soul power, it's the purest forest power.From top to bottom, it washes down like a waterfall.As for what effect it had, Tang San couldn't tell clearly, at least it wasn't aimed at them.

A burning sensation gradually appeared on Xiao Wu's head. Gradually, she found that her body seemed to be resonating with the wood element environment, and her body began to dance and rotate subconsciously.

Everyone stopped and watched this beautiful scene quietly.

Emerald golden light bloomed from Xiao Wu's whole body. Xiao Wu's scorpion tail was completely opened in the next moment, and her long black hair spread out, reflecting the light cast by the sun.The next moment, countless golden light spots floated out from the trees and various deciduous flowers and trees, converging on Xiao Wu's forehead mark.Like emerald-gold lava, it covered her hair.Immediately afterwards, Xiao Wu's long hair completely turned into emerald gold.At this moment, she was as stunning as a hibiscus emerging from the water.She is the center of this forest at the moment, while the other strong men are more like foils.

Wherever the emerald golden light shines, the thick fallen leaves seem to be blown up by a gust of wind, spinning, leaping and cheering.Golden light spots scattered like wisps of bright ribbons, and the emerald green dispersed, as if the air had completely turned into emerald gold.Countless fallen leaves turned completely into fresh green at that moment.These green leaves seemed to have become Xiao Wu's most devout believers, dedicating their faith without hesitation.Gradually, it drifts into the distance with the wind.

The water began to gurgling, the leaves began to rustle, the dancing tree shadows began to sway, and the blue silver grass began to tremble with the emotions exuded by Tang San and Xiao Wu, accompanying the two emperors.Yes, this completely enclosed space was awakened, completely awakened by Xiao Wu, the inheritor of the forest god.Tang San could feel that the wavy divine power suddenly became unstable, and then quickly reorganized, without knowing what it was doing.

Xiao Wu was smiling, and the ruddy color in her pretty face and the invisible divine aura showed her identity.Behind her, there is a shadowy figure, wearing a emerald-gold armor, a bright war skirt, a golden ribbon around her waist, and holding an emerald guqin in her hand.

At that moment, almost all the soul beasts in the Panlong Forest were startled, lowered their heads, and looked extremely respectful. The aura of the forest god has not appeared for many years. The souls of the azure bull python Da Ming and the titan giant ape Er Ming hidden in the divine costumes of Tang San's left and right arms were suddenly shaken. The forest god's aura forced them to bow their heads in worship.

At this time. "Retake the first six forest exams, awaken the forest of purification, complete. The current affinity with the Wood God is 70%." A kind and soft voice echoed in Xiao Wu's mind.

The God of Forest and Wood, as the noble Lord God of one of the five elements, how could it be so easy to pass the first six tests?When Xiao Wu and the others come here, their bloodline will be awakened naturally.If her talent is not enough or her affinity with the forest is not enough, she will not be able to awaken this large forest.In other words, Xiao Wu's soul beast bloodline and natural affinity for nature allowed her to pass the first six re-examinations of the Forest God unintentionally.

She descended from the sky like a goddess, with a slight smile on Xiao Wu's pretty face.Every plant and tree in the entire Panlong Forest seemed to be delighted by Xiao Wu's smile.


At the center of Panlong Forest.

"What's going on? This is my sister's breath." A girl who appeared to be fifteen or sixteen years old said in surprise, "Is she here?"

"Miss, your guess is correct. The master's successor has entered the middle of the Panlong Forest. He has just awakened the Forest of Purification and rushed here." A man in green robes and long cyan hair said slowly, holding in his hand His dark red cane was trembling slightly with excitement.

"High Priest, it would be great if it is really the person we are waiting for." The girl smiled, "It has been half a year, and my sister's matter should be settled. The King of Gods will not refuse."

"Yes." said the green-robed high priest, "Miss, please give me your orders now!"

The girl was a little impatient, "What can I do for you? Call the other seven guards to greet you."

"Yes." The high priest whispered,...

"Xiao Wu, I didn't expect you to be so powerful." Dai Mubai praised, "I really hope that I can win the favor of the gods as soon as possible."

Xiao Wu said: "No matter how powerful you are, a demigod like you, Boss Dai, is so powerful. I will compete with you after I become a forest god in the future."

At this time, the woods regained their vitality, and the sound of water flowing and the rustling of leaves mixed together.Tang San held Xiao Wu's little hand and walked forward.Everyone was shocked by the scene just now, just like Tang San was able to control the waves to set off huge waves of thousands of feet, this was also a magical skill.At this moment, the scene of her walking side by side with Tang San temporarily brought her back to the human realm.

"God-level experts are just people whose strength has reached a certain level." Tang San smiled, "One day you will also reach this level."

"Third brother, I am actually very willing to believe what you say." Ma Hongjun couldn't help but complain, "But you are really not a human being."

Tang San shook his head and smiled: "Actually, if we want to talk about whether we are human beings, which one of us can be called a human being? How old are you? You are less than twenty-eight years old. Which human being is twenty-eight? Can you reach level ninety-nine before you turn 20? I’m afraid even Qian Renxue is far behind you."

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