Chapter 807--The new world

Dai Mubai took a few steps forward, scanned the whole place with his stern eyes, and spoke loudly: "I will ask you a simple question. I will give you ten years to find a way to use magnets and wires to give birth to children through a special method without relying on soul power. Thunder and lightning, or if you can find other ways to generate long-term and stable thunder and lightning in your life, can also be seen as the answer."

There was a lot of discussion below instantly.

"A magnet and a wire can also produce thunder and lightning. Are you kidding me?"

"Yes, who says it's not? How is this possible?"

"What is thunder? If you touch it lightly, your skin will fall off!"


Dai Mubai and other gods naturally don't bother to care about what they think. Most people are unwise. As long as there is one wise man among ten million people, that is enough. He will put it into practice instead of talking nonsense here. There was a lot of discussion.

But this is an ideal situation. In reality, it may take several epochs for tens of billions of people to appear before just one person appears.

Dai Mubai was able to ask this question because he was surprised when he discovered during the Dark Three Stars that people in that place actually used thunder and lightning for lighting. So he asked Zou Qi how he could stably produce thunder and lightning, and heard the latter explain in a simple way. He said the method above.

Therefore, Dai Mubai threw this troublesome problem to a group of students and asked them to broaden their minds. If anyone is lucky enough to succeed, it will be a big surprise.

Dai Mubai watched the discussion below for long enough, so he stopped them talking with a deep and serious voice, "Quiet... Next, the God of Cookery will ask you a question."

Dai Mu retreated, while Oscar stepped forward. The latter asked them more difficult questions. He only heard what he said: "I will give you ten years to invent a method that can store a small piece of sound for a long time without relying on soul power. An instrument that plays over and over again.”

This time, the people below were not as noisy as when Dai Mubai asked, because they felt that Oscar's question was more reliable, and they did not notice that Oscar actually did not give any hints. On the other hand, Dai Mubai basically gave the answer.

Such a comparison shows that the tasks proposed by Oscar are indeed more difficult to complete. These students will understand the pain after practicing it themselves.

Looking at how ambitious these kids were, Oscar felt a cry of sadness in his heart. Even Tang San, the smartest person in his group who could master a bunch of hidden weapons, didn't even think about how to store sounds for a long time.

But these kids didn't feel nervous at all, and actually said it was much easier than the task proposed by the Wild Beast God. Oscar thought very unconfidently: Ten years from now, maybe everything will be turned in vain.

Oscar interrupted: "Next, let's leave it to Vulcan to ask questions."

Ma Hongjun stepped forward and tidied a strand of hair on his ears with his fingers, "The questions I ask you will definitely start a new revolution. Listen up, I want you to invent the phenomenon of using fire to produce steam within ten years. Come up with a car that doesn’t use livestock or soul power, and relies solely on steam to drive various parts.”

Ma Hongjun himself could ask such a question. Naturally, he gained experience during the Dark Three Stars and discovered a vehicle that had no livestock or manual traction and no soul power fluctuations. Of course, he asked Zou Qi for the reason.

Then I learned that if you want to fully understand such a magical vehicle, you must trace its origins, and the origin is an invention called the steam engine, which created a revolution.

Over time, after continuous improvement, the steam engine turned into an internal combustion engine, and then evolved into the vehicle that Ma Hongjun saw in the Dark Three Stars.

But this statement, which sounded more ridiculous than what the God of Wild Beasts said, made everyone below look embarrassed. Some people simply ignored it and labeled this problem as absolutely impossible in their hearts. It's a joke that something with no power can make a car move!

"How come the God of Fire is even more outrageous than the God of Wild Beasts?"

"How is this possible?"

"This is absolutely impossible!"


Ma Hongjun could clearly understand their every word and even their inner movements, and he also gave them a label: idiots.

He felt pain in his heart, was this really Shrek's student?

These guys regard one thing as impossible without any practice. From these details, it can be observed that few of them will achieve great achievements.

Ma Hongjun sighed, he only hoped that among the more than 5,000 students, there would be one smart person!

The master below is also very interested in this question, "These little guys are really unique in thinking, and I am no longer as good as them in thinking. As for this steam drive? I have to study it when I have time. Can it really start a revolution?" "

Liu Erlong was very interested, "The questions they asked were too profound. The little guys we once had have been out of reach. Xiaogang! Please help me remember all these questions clearly and give them to us when I go back." The younger son told me that this will be of great benefit to his future."

Flanders said in a low voice: "I already have the answer to Xiao San's question, but the questions raised by Mu Bai, Xiao Ao and Hong Jun cannot be answered without long-term practical exploration."

When Yu Xiaogang heard this, he was shocked on the spot and asked hurriedly: "You said you have already figured out the answer to the question raised by the mistress. Tell us in a low voice so that the students don't hear it."

"It's also a coincidence!" Flanders said leisurely, "You also know that I have severe farsightedness, which is inevitable for us eagle spirits. But after I wear this pair of glasses, nearby objects can be seen clearly. See clearly."

With that said, Flanders took off the glasses on his head and handed them to the master for inspection, "Look carefully at the difference in these lenses!"

"I remember you didn't have lenses in your eyes before. Can two pieces of transparent glass cure your farsightedness?"

"The glasses used to be decorations, just used to modify my incomparable temperament. But now this pair of glasses was given to me by Oscar when he came back from the Dark Three Stars. After wearing them, I can see the small text clearly. My observation found that the lens is actually slightly thicker in the middle and slightly thinner around it.”

After such a reminder, the master realized, "Doesn't it mean that myopia is the opposite, the lens is slightly thinner in the middle and slightly thicker around it?"

"Hey! You are indeed a master. You can understand it with just a little reminder." Flanders praised.


Ma Hongjun saw that it was almost time to stop, so he woke up the students with a loud voice, and said: "Let's see which genius can use steam to drive a vehicle, I'll wait and see! I won't waste the next time, leave it to the forest god."

When Ma Hongjun retreated, Xiao Wulian stepped forward lightly. Every move she made made her appear elegant and refined, and her voice was as graceful and melodious as an oriole: "My problem is very simple. I used two specially treated glass lenses to create a new one in one year." Objects that enable clear vision of distant scenery.”

What Xiao Wu was talking about was naturally a telescope, but Douluo Continent didn't have this term yet, so they couldn't understand it even if he said it.

As soon as the words were spoken, discussions naturally began below.


In this way, after more than an hour of questioning and discussion, almost everyone has asked the questions. They are all so profound that it is worth spending a lifetime to find the truth. However, in the end, only a few people can find the truth and become famous for generations. Great man.

At the last moment, everyone forced Zou Qi to ask a question so that they could have a goal of understanding in the future.

The former didn't want to ask any questions, because for people in Douluo Continent now, the relatively simple things have been asked by the Seven Monsters and others, and the rest are developed based on these questions, and it is definitely not this. Douluo Dalu of this period can understand.

But due to their insistence, they had no choice but to ask casually: "There is no time limit to find out why the apple fell to the ground. It contains a law of the universe. If someone understands it, I will definitely help him or her attain enlightenment and become a god."

As soon as these words came out, countless eyes below were filled with fire, becoming a god? This is a soul master's highest wish.

But they suddenly realized that this question was the weirdest one, and the originally excited students were confused. Their minds, which were already confused by various group problems, became even more stupid, and their minds were completely blank.

"Isn't it normal for an apple to fall on the ground? This can also include the law of the great road."

"Yes! If an apple falls to the ground when it is ripe, can it fly into the sky?"

"Are you not trying to fool us? Is there any profound knowledge in this?"

"Have you ever seen this god? Why don't I recognize him at all? Is he a magic stick?"


Zou Qi looked at them, shook his head in disappointment, and said calmly for a long time: "This problem is not as simple as it seems. As Vulcan said before, using steam as power to drive vehicles can start the first revolution. Then, once someone can The answer to my question will start the second revolution of mankind.”

This made the voices of doubt below slightly quieter, but most people still remained skeptical and didn't know much about it.

Looking at them, you can understand that no one has the possibility of pursuing the great road, and everything will eventually be erased by time.

The interest of the teachers below was raised a little higher.

"Why do apples fall to the ground? This common phenomenon in life must be controlled by laws. What kind of laws are they?" A sweet-looking young female teacher with an oval face had blurred eyes. She was Jiangzhu.


The Seven Monsters were all deep in thought. They couldn't believe that Zou Qi would ask such a profound question, and were a little surprised. This is a rule. How can these arrogant and arrogant students answer it?

"So why did the apple fall to the ground?" Ma Hongjun held his head and rubbed it vigorously, but his eyes did not blink.

Oscar's expression was stiff, "It's the same as why we stand on the ground instead of flying in the sky. If we want to travel in the void, we have to reach a certain level of cultivation or have other methods of flying, and all of these seem to be to break through some avenue restrictions. .”

"Xiao Ao! What you said makes sense! Cultivation is inherently contrary to nature. It is a process of breaking through the limitations of one avenue after another." Ning Rongrong said while nodding his head.

After being reminded by Oscar and Ning Rongrong, Dai Mubai's strange eyes lit up, "Think about what limitations you overcame when you ascended?"

Qian Renxue tapped her toes and slowly ascended, and in the process she felt the obstacles carefully. Soon, her moist lips moved and she spoke a beautiful female voice: "There is a suction force from the earth that prevents me from flying easily."

Tang San raised his chin slightly, pondered for a moment, and then said: "Why does the earth attract us? But the sky does not. The great law contained in this is that the world we live in is clearly a sphere, and the universe is outside, and it is rotating at high speed all the time, but everything is It’s because they won’t fly into the sky.”


After everyone thought about it, they still couldn't accurately understand the real answer.

He couldn't help but turn his gaze to the person who asked the question, who chuckled, "You have already guessed most of it. Douluo Star is attractive to Apple, and Apple is equally attractive to Douluo Star, but the mass is too small, so it will Falling onto the surface of the planet. The sky is not unattractive, but it is less attractive to things with small masses. The same is true for you. As for the specifics? You will know it sooner or later, so you don’t have to think too much about it. I can do it too For example, to give you some understanding, the mutual gravitational pull between the sun and the Douluo planet can tear apart an ordinary steel bar with a diameter of 50,000 kilometers."

Needless to say, everyone was shocked and speechless. No one could imagine 50,000 kilometers of steel bars.


Time is like water, it goes by and never comes back, and it’s the next day in a blink of an eye.

Tang San suddenly remembered something and went to Poseidon Island alone.

He placed a huge boulder on the beach outside Poseidon Island and left a special spiritual thought. This took him a full day.

He arranged the Eight Examinations of Poseidon in the boulder. Tang San didn't know how long he would be away for, but he had already promised Sea Dragon Douluo that he could retire after working for another fifty years, so naturally he had to arrange the Eight Examinations of Poseidon in advance for the second great enshrinement.

In addition to this function, it also takes into account the test of Bai Xiuxiu of the Demon Soul Great White Shark Clan. The rewards can help her break through to 100,000 years as soon as possible and protect her after she completes her transformation. Break through level 60 and become completely human.

Bai Xiuxiu is not simple at all. She is Tang San's future granddaughter-in-law, although she is only in the original history.

In the last six days, most people stayed at home, waiting for time to pass naturally, and by the way, they also spent more time with their families.

Qian Renxue came to the high mountain behind the old site of Wuhun Palace. The top of the mountain was empty, but as her delicate body moved, she gradually disappeared into an invisible barrier.

The scene in front of him also changed 180 degrees, from rocky mountains to prairie, and the air that hit his face was refreshing and cool.

At a glance, there is only a huge cloud in the sky, on which you can vaguely see a sculpture of an angel, holding a holy sword high and looking majestic.

Qian Renxue flew up, and as we got closer, we saw that the statue was really huge, more than a hundred feet high. What was previously obscured by the clouds and mist and could not see its true appearance was actually a majestic palace below. It really looked like it was made of gold, silver and jewels. The main body was made of Made of snow-white marble, with gold trim and white marble door, it shows its grandeur.

Qian Renxue wanted to say goodbye to her grandfather, and by the way, she told him the good news that her mother would inherit the throne of God again.

The reason why it took so long to tell her was because Qian Renxue was a little entangled in the relationship between her grandfather and her mother. I guess her grandfather would not be too happy to tell her mother to inherit the throne, right?

Of course, this is all Qian Renxue's subjective conjecture. The true truth must be determined through practice.

Now that it was the last day, Qian Renxue felt that she had to convey it to her grandfather no matter what.

As soon as she entered the door, she saw Qian Daoliu watering the flowers. Qian Renxue smiled and said, "Grandpa, why did you suddenly plant flowers?"

Qian Daoliu's back straightened, the corners of his mouth curved, he put down all the work in his hands, turned around and greeted with a smile, "Xiaoxue, I came to see grandpa. You haven't been here for a long time, I miss you so much."

Qian Renxue pouted and muttered: "I'm sorry, grandpa, I'm too busy..."

"Hahaha... ok. Are you here today to spend a few days with this old guy like me, or do you have something else to do?"

Qian Renxue did not hesitate, "I will be away for a long, long time soon. I hope you won't miss me too much, grandpa..."

"Been away for a long time?" Qian Daoliu interrupted before his granddaughter could finish, "Where are you going?"

"It's a very far away foreign land. Even I don't know what's in that place, and I don't know what it should be called." Qian Renxue naturally wouldn't talk about going to other universes. That would scare his grandfather to death, and it would take a lot of effort. Oral explanation. As for the last two sentences, they are indeed true. She really doesn't know where she is going. What should the place be called?

"You are going to practice again. You are now at level 106, can't you slow down a little?" Qian Daoliu wanted to keep his granddaughter.

grandfather! In fact, I am now level 130, the King of Half-Step Gods... The above are just my thoughts. If I really say them out, I might be able to see a person suffering from myocardial infarction. Therefore, Qian Renxue just shook her head apologetically to her grandfather and said: "Grandpa, let me tell the truth! A crisis is coming. If we are not strong enough, we will not be able to protect everything we love. Therefore, again It’s hard work and we have to keep training ourselves.”

"What crisis?"

"I can't say it now?" Qian Renxue said it directly without any extra modifications.

Qian Daoliu realized that this matter was by no means simple, so after sighing, he decided not to think too much about this matter and changed the subject: "Is there anything else?"

Qian Renxue's eyes clearly dodge, "Grandpa, my mother has obtained the inheritance of the Charming Goddess. She is a second-level deity. It is expected that the inheritance will be successful within five years and she will ascend to the divine world."

Qian Daoliu did not show any displeasure. He was just stunned for a few seconds and then laughed unexpectedly, "Okay, okay! If you go to the God Realm in the future, you will have many relatives, right? I saw that you were hesitating before. Mine, are you afraid that I will be unhappy?"

Qian Renxue's head tilted slightly, her blinking frequency increased, and her tone was very low: "Yes! Grandpa, I will also find a god for you, so that our family can be reunited."

Qian Renxue said this, but she was thinking in her heart:

When we come back from experience, our strength will become even more terrifying. Maybe the God Realm cannot restrain us at all, so we don’t have to go to the God Realm for nothing.

You can create your own world and do whatever you want without any restrictions. Isn't this the highest pursuit of a person who becomes a god?

If you become a god and still have to be restrained, you will become a shitty god!

At that time, the energy level of the entire universe will be raised, and the shocking cultivation system will be promoted. Where do you want a divine position? As long as you have enough strength and enough opportunities, you can pass the test of many tribulations and you will naturally become a god, and your strength is extremely terrifying.

After hearing what his granddaughter said, Qian Daoliu smiled and said: "Xiaoxue! I am not an ordinary demigod now. My lifespan is tens of thousands of years. You don't have to worry about me at all. In these long years, let you see what I have given you. Create a god of my own. I will definitely reach the level of god before that old guy Tang Chen, and my battle with him is far from over."

Qian Renxue nodded vigorously, "I believe Grandpa you have this strength."

"Of course. By the way, Xiaoxue, when will you have a baby? I really want to hold my great-great-grandson. This will also help me carry on the family lineage of the angel family!"

"Grandpa!" Qian Renxue's pretty face turned red, her nose arched, her brows furrowed, and she snarled, "You old naughty boy, why do you suddenly ask this again? It's so hard to guard against it."

"Hahaha..." Qian Daoliu laughed so heartily.

Qian Renxue suppressed her emotions and said in a somewhat disruptive tone: "Grandpa! I will tell the truth today. Our gods may not be able to give birth to children at all, so..."

"Can't you give birth?" Qian Daoliu's face changed drastically when he heard the bad news like a bolt from the blue, "Have you tried many times?"

Qian Renxue swung her pink fist and attacked with sound waves: "Ah...Grandpa!"

Now her whole face was on fire, and there were obvious blood vessels protruding on her tight and delicate neck. She completely turned her head away, extremely embarrassed and angry, "I haven't tried it many times!"

"You only tried it once or twice? It's normal that sometimes the baby doesn't work. You have to try a few more times. How can you draw such a hasty conclusion?" Qian Daoliu suppressed his laughter and criticized it.

Qian Renxue's face twitched, and she ran out the door with a yelp. She bit her lower lip lightly with her back teeth, and flew down without stopping. She squatted down on the grassland below and buried her head in her arms on her knees. Her back was rising and falling, and she was obviously breathing heavily.

Qian Daoliu, who didn't react for a moment, suddenly realized that he seemed to be speaking too directly. He patted his forehead and shook his head with a wry smile.

He also hurriedly flew to the grassland below and came to Qian Renxue's side. Seeing his granddaughter looking so shy, he was helpless for a moment.

"Grandpa was wrong!"

After a while, Qian Renxue, as a god, had some skills in controlling her emotions. After the blush on her face faded, she slowly stood up, raised her head and glared at her grandfather with hateful eyes.

"Xiaoxue, grandpa is really wrong." Qian Daoliu was stared at and felt a little uncomfortable.

After a few moments of silence, Qian Renxue swirled her tongue in her lips and said, "Grandpa, don't you dare to talk nonsense again, huh..." Qian Renxue wanted to say something cruel, but couldn't. The words suddenly changed, "I , I haven’t tried it yet!”

Qian Daoliu said: "Oh! Then how do you know that you can't have a child? You have to give it a try anyway. Isn't he not very proactive? In this case, it's a bit..."

Qian Daoliu coughed, and the next words were self-evident, so he stopped abruptly and was not going to say any more.

Qian Renxue clenched her fists tightly, her body was straight and trembling, her bulging chest was rising and falling. After a long time, she forced a smile and said: "As gods, we really can't have children. Grandpa, why don't you find a good girl to talk to, get married and have a few!"

"Harm! You little girl, I'll give you a loving slap." Qian Daoliu had already raised his hand as he spoke.

Qian Renxue subconsciously ran away, with a look of pain on her face and her eyes dim with tears. She murmured softly: "Grandpa! You, you actually want to hit me?"

Qian Daoliu's heart ached. He put down the hand he had raised in a joke and hurriedly said at a loss: "Xiaoxue, Xiaoxue! Grandpa... Grandpa just made a joke. I was lying to you. Don't take it seriously." !”

Qian Renxue's expression changed, she tilted her head and said with a strange smile: "I also lied to you, grandpa!"

You girl...

Time flies so fast, it’s June 12th in the blink of an eye.

Early in the morning, everyone faced the red sun, and their faces were all red. I don't know if it was caused by excitement, or just because of the sun's rays.

Seven Monsters, Bai Chenxiang, Zou Qi, Qian Renxue, Hu Liena, Snow Emperor and Ice Emperor embarked on the journey.

After a journey of one hundred and thirty-eight days, everyone went from Douluo Star to the border of the universe, then entered another universe through the space channel, and then sailed for a long time to reach their destination.

In the eyes of everyone, there is a quite large star field. Although it is negligible compared with the Milky Way, it is all relative.

Everyone observed carefully and found that the sun here has more terrifying energy than the sun in the Douluo Galaxy. There are also some stars like the moon, Venus, Mercury, Mars, etc., but they are all bigger.

There would be such a phenomenon, which everyone could not understand at first. Only when they got closer did they realize that these huge stars were actually circling around an unimaginably huge plane in the middle.

People didn't notice it before because this plane was divided into multiple parts and was too fragmented, and there was a hidden space force.

Being close, with their current strength, they would not be blocked by such spatial force.

Although this plane is scattered, there are two main continents. There seems to be a magical power on the border that clearly distinguishes these two continents from other small continents, and two planes are drawn, with a round sky and a square place.

Under the two planes are the earth wheel, gold wheel, water wheel, etc. responsible for the circulation of elements. It is surrounded by a small ocean. Although it is also thousands of miles wide, it is much smaller than the land.

The two continents have an upper-lower relationship in the universe, but the continents both face away from each other. The distance between them is very far. According to the calculation of the space shuttle, the distance is 0.012 light-years. It is conceivable how far away it is. With the eyesight of everyone, there are several black gases between the two continents. Like funnels connected, it is obviously some kind of fast passage.

Stars such as the sun rotate back and forth between the two continents, and the speed is obviously much faster than the normal sun. Everyone spent several days observing the changes of the sun and the moon on the continent, and found that a day also has twenty-four hours. .

It is absolutely against the rules for such a huge plane to have the sun and other planets orbit around it.

Therefore, there is only one explanation, that this plane is created by God. This universe also has an upper plane like the Douluo universe that is responsible for controlling this place.

How big is this face? Calculated by space shuttle.

The upper continent is a relatively regular circle with a radius of nearly 150,000 kilometers, which means a radius of 150,000 kilometers. There are many small continents around it, each of which is more than 10,000 kilometers in radius. But the largest one is to the northwest.

Its surface gravity is only slightly greater than that of Douluo Star. It is also conceivable that although this person can cultivate inside, most people must be ordinary people. If the gravity of the planet is too great, it is impossible to produce life like humans. , even if God wants to put people in, they will die out in a long time, because you can't force life to adapt to an environment that it cannot adapt to.

Zou Qi was very indifferent to this, which was very pitiful compared to most places he had seen.

But the Seven Monsters and others all looked like they had seen ghosts. Tang San exclaimed: "I couldn't tell it when I was reading the book. After all, the author didn't describe the size at all. Now that I see it in person, this northwest continent is really amazing. It can indeed accommodate nearly four hundred people." Continent of the country.”

The book Tang San was talking about was naturally the "Fights Break the Sky" that he read with everyone during the four-month voyage.

Among them, the protagonist Xiao Yan impressed them deeply. He was very good at pretending and taught them many skills. They all hoped to put them into practice soon.

The only thing that puzzled Tang San was that Xiao Yan and he were both time travellers, but the latter turned out to be a native and didn't use the memory of his previous life to show off to others.

It's a pity, otherwise it might be more exciting.

Dai Mubai said, "The continent below is even more terrifying. It's several times bigger when viewed with the naked eye. Isn't that the Zhongzhou mentioned in the article?"

How big exactly? With a width of nearly 350,000 kilometers and a length of nearly 600,000 kilometers, Zhongzhou is indeed several times larger than the Northwest Continent. However, after calculation by the space shuttle, its surface gravity is still only a little greater than that of Douluo Star.

Everyone had very good eyesight and discovered that the Earth Wheel, Golden Wheel, etc. under the land were relatively thin. Despite their large surface area, the attraction they exerted on people per unit area was almost the same as that of the Douluo Star.

The reason is naturally the same as mentioned above. A planet that can produce life will never have excessive gravity. This is not in line with the laws of the Great Dao at all. Even God cannot allow living creatures to live on a planet with excessive gravity for a long time.

Wouldn't it be enough to inject power into a creature so that it can withstand gravity? Ah! This can only be temporary. If the spiritual energy collapses in the long run, ordinary creatures will inevitably be produced. Excessive gravity will cause a large number of creatures to gradually perish.

God is not a fool, he will not do such a thankless thing in the future, and he will not make the gravity of the plane completely substandard.


After a long period of observation, everyone has adapted.

"Which continent are we going to now, and what is the approximate timeline now?" Ma Hongjun swallowed to stop himself from being so surprised before he said.

Zou Qi said: "The time should be the eve of Xiao Yan's first visit to the Yunlan Sect, so we are going to the Jiama Empire, in the northwest continent."

"Before we go, let us burn our bodies inside and out with fire to prevent germs from spreading on our clothes, nasal cavities and other parts and causing the plague. Even if it is difficult for germs to attach to your divine body, no matter how small the possibility is, we cannot be careless."

Everyone took a bath with fire in a leisure square in the space shuttle.

Next, the shuttle seemed to have subjective consciousness and turned into a stream of light on its own. It soon came to the sky above the Jia Ma Empire. Everyone was relatively steady and observed first.

(End of this chapter)

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