[Douluo/Sword Three] Tang Paper Umbrella

Chapter 85 Bibi Dong, eliminate the threat

After Sangji, a second person came into the cell. She was dressed as an attendant in the Pope's palace. She was a very young girl, but her soul power level was higher than Meng Jiang's current level.

Meng Jiang didn't think about talking to the other party because she knew that the other party wouldn't pay attention to her at all. The person who can be chosen to deliver food to her is naturally obedient and trustworthy, so why would he talk too much, giving Meng Jiang a chance to get something out of her mouth.

Meals were delivered one meal after another, and Meng Jiang remained in prison. Sangji did not come back, and Bibi Dong disappeared. This gave Meng Jiang a new understanding of the pope's patience.

However, time kept passing. With three meals a day, Meng Jiang could guess how long she had been in jail based on the number of times she delivered them. It was almost a month.

She hadn't gone out during this period, and she didn't know what was put in the food and water. They looked and tasted very ordinary things, but Meng Jiang never had any physical needs that needed to be addressed, so naturally she had no chance to get out of the prison door. .

She huddled in the corner as usual, her body curled into an insecure posture.

Suddenly, Meng Jiang opened his eyes and glanced at the prison door like a knife. Outside the door, there was a powerful aura, exuding a trembling and fearful pressure, as well as a hint of evil that was familiar to Meng Jiang.

——Evil from the Rakshasa God.

The visitor is Pope Bibi Dong.

A gorgeous figure appeared in front of Meng Jiang's eyes. The pale golden dress cast a golden light on the dim cell. Compared with Meng Jiang, it made her look even more embarrassed.

The Pope condescended to come to this cell because of this girl who was also the heir of the Rakshasa God.

Meng Jiang stood up and walked to the cell door, grabbed the railing engraved with mysterious runes, and smiled softly, "His Majesty the Pope."

Bibi Dong cast her eyes on Meng Jiang: "Meng Jiang."

"Yes." Meng Jiang nodded, "Your Majesty still remembers my name."

"Of course I remember you. Your talent is much better than that of the golden generation of Wuhun Palace. Xie Yue and Yan are at the same level as you, but you are ten years younger than them." Bibi Dong said slowly. , "The Rakshasa God does have very good vision, doesn't he?"

Since both parties already know the identity of the other party, there is no need to compromise.

"Does the Rakshasa God know that you came to see me?" Meng Jiang asked rhetorically.

"Whether he knows or not, you don't need to know." Bibi Dong finally began to face Meng Jiang, "You are a smart girl, so I believe you must know your ending."

"Why do you say the word 'end'? I won't die." Meng Jiang's eyes fell on the flickering candlelight, "Sangji must be very favored by you, or... he is very Is it valuable? Since you promised him to save my life, how could you destroy all his value in advance?"

The corners of Bibi Dong's lips curved in an emotionless arc: "Meng Jiang, you seem to take yourself very seriously. But people who think highly of themselves often don't end well."

Meng Jiang sighed, seeming to feel helpless when Bibi Dong used the word "end" again, "It's not that I take myself very seriously, but that this little disciple of yours takes me very seriously. Since he He is so valuable, how could I not use him to achieve my goal?" She thought of the bait she had thrown out before, and there was something in her words.

"Your purpose? Is it just to survive?" The smile on Bibi Dong's lips disappeared fleetingly, "If that's the case, then your requirements are a bit too low."

"You first told me not to think too highly of myself, but now you think my requirements are too low and it's too difficult for me to do." Meng Jiang lowered his eyes, his crow-feather eyelashes blocking the ridicule that flashed across his eyes.

"Meng Jiang, actually I can give you a choice." Bibi Dong paused for a while and said suddenly.

"What choice?"

"You can choose to give up inheriting the Rakshasa position and join the Spirit Hall. With your ability, I believe you will do something great."

Meng Jiang fell silent.

This is really a nice thing to say. She gave up the position of Rakshasa God, and Rakshasa God would not let her go; her not joining Wuhun Hall meant that she was on the opposite side of Wuhun Hall, and Bibi Dong would not let her go. No matter what choice he made, Meng Jiang couldn't get it right.

This is honey wrapped in poison.

If Meng Jiang dared to swallow it, death would be waiting for her.

If so, she might as well choose the more direct option.

Poison or knife, she chooses the latter. After all, being pierced through the heart by a blade looks more heroic.

"Forget it..." the girl sighed softly, with a gentle expression mixed with some indescribable complex emotions. She quietly looked into the Pope's waveless eyes, her eyebrows were filled with sadness, but it was just a slight sadness. There is no fear, no despair, just like seeing the wind blowing down the golden leaves from the trees on a sunny autumn day, fluttering all over the body.

Meng Jiang seemed to have given up all resistance: "That's it, His Majesty the Pope. Although I want to say, 'Winning or losing is normal,' but I don't seem to be qualified to be your opponent."

"So, that's it."

This is rejection.

Bibi Dong actually had a slight appreciation for Meng Jiang's attitude. With the mental talent of the girl in front of him, given time, he will definitely surpass her. Even she couldn't help but feel lucky that she started much earlier than Meng Jiang, otherwise their outcome would be unpredictable.

"So, you have chosen the ending for yourself."

Meng Jiang already felt numb to the word "ending".

She nodded.

Bibi Dong then stretched out her hand, and the huge soul power was filled with cold and murderous intent, forcing Meng Jiang to take a step back. But the murderous intention was like a giant beast with its huge mouth open, hungrily regarding Meng Jiang as its prey, and like a spider that had laid many traps, watching the prey on its web struggle helplessly and had nowhere to escape.

Cold sweat suddenly fell, Meng Jiang's whole body was shaking violently, and his limbs and bones seemed to be condensing under the killing intent. She seemed to hear the blood in her veins freezing and then bursting.

But at the same time, she was not afraid inside.

This is a contradictory and strange feeling. The body is unable to move under the cover of murderous intent, but the heart is beating at its original frequency, demonstrating the vitality of life.

Smoothly, again and again.

Meng Jiang clearly felt that Bibi Dong wanted to kill her at this moment.

But the murderous intention only appeared for a moment, and then disappeared, as if the feeling just now was just an illusion, only the soul power was like a tentacle, using its sharp points to pierce the meridians of the body, and her own soul power They collided, and then gathered and destroyed unstoppably at her Dantian.


The pain, which is like lingering pain, is transmitted to the brain through the nerves, and then fed back to the whole body. Meng Jiang was so painful that he fainted for a moment, but was stimulated by the constant pain and woke up again.

This is hell, this pain, even worse than the burning from the holy fire. The holy fire is the power of light, and Bibi Dong's soul power is the strong acid that will corrode human flesh, blood, muscles and bones.

The soul power poured out and dispersed uncontrollably. In the huge pain, Meng Jiang clearly felt that his soul power was disappearing quickly, as if a hole was broken in his body, and the soul power leaked out of the hole and could not be found again.

——Meng Jiang’s martial spirit was destroyed by Bibi Dong.

She was already a complete useless person. Apart from the physical quality of a soul master, Bibi Dong had nothing left for her.

And even this body was riddled with holes because the martial soul was destroyed.

The girl fell softly to the ground, and the blood that continued to spill from her mouth gradually dyed her snow-white fur red, staining half of her cheeks with blood.

The breath was almost gone, and it looked like a dead person lying on the ground.

The noble Pope turned around and left, his luxurious skirt drawing a perfect arc in the air.

Bibi Dong did not give Meng Jiang another look because she was no longer qualified.

Wuhun was deposed and turned into a useless person. Meng Jiang had lost the capital to compete with her, and naturally he could not let Bibi Dong stay because of her. Bibi Dong would not set her sights on a useless useless person.

Just when she was about to take the last step out of the cell, Bibi Dong heard a "bang" from behind her.

Her footsteps did not stop, and her light golden dress walked out of the darkness and gradually entered the bright sunshine.

Just behind her, Meng Jiang stood up unsteadily for some reason, and then slammed his head against the hard and cold wall.

Her body slid softly down the wall, and the bright red blood left a tragic trace on the marble wall.

Bibi Dong didn't look back, and naturally she didn't see the slight arc left in the corner of Meng Jiang's mouth, which was still unknown whether he was alive or dead at this time, like a sharp scimitar under the moonlight, eager for blood.


Sangji rushed in from the door.

He held Meng Jiang into his arms with trembling hands, but he did not dare to use force. He only checked her in a panic, and found that she was still breathing, so he rushed out with her in his arms, looking for a soul master from the healing department to treat Meng Jiang.

Sang Ji acquiesced in abolishing Wuhun, because only in this way did Meng Jiang completely lose the ability to escape from him. But Sangji never expected that Meng Jiang would be so violent and want to seek death.

so far so good.

Fortunately, Meng Jiang did not leave him.

At that moment, Sangji felt like he was dying too.

He made up his mind to take Meng Jiang away from this place.

Meng Jiang will die if he stays in the Pope's Palace any longer.

If Meng Jiang was awake at this moment and could hear Sang Ji's thoughts, she would definitely smile proudly.

You see, the fish took the bait.

At the same time, Tang San, who was undergoing the powerful impact of the waterfall and was practicing, was about to swing the next blow, but suddenly felt a wave of heart palpitations, as if his heart was grabbed by someone and squeezed hard, and he felt a dull pain. Spread from the heart to the limbs.

His breathing was messed up, and he was thrown into the water by the impact of the waterfall's water flow and the reaction force of his random cloak hammering skills, causing large splashes of water.

"What's going on?" Tang Hao asked when he saw his son swimming out of the water. He could clearly see that Tang San could have continued to swing the hammer, but for some reason his mood and movements were disturbed.

"...Dad, I don't know." Tang San stepped onto the shore, and the water droplets on his body gathered into a small puddle under his feet. He turned around and looked at the clear water pool. Under the purple demon eyes blessed by the wisdom skull, no movement under the water could escape his eyes.

But Tang San seemed to suddenly see a familiar figure in the water. She was struggling in the water, and an undercurrent entangled her ankles and pulled her into the water. She was drowning.

But how is it possible? Ajaan can breathe in water. Water is her favorite.

"I suddenly felt like I had lost something important." He touched his heart, his heart was still beating, and there was no trace of the cold feeling left.

Taking a deep breath, Tang San clenched the casting hammer again and forced a smile, "But that feeling has disappeared now. Dad, I'm fine, I'm going to continue practicing."

He climbed back onto the boulder under the waterfall and struck out one blow after another with determination.

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