[Douluo/Sword Three] Tang Paper Umbrella

Chapter 40 The end of the first stage of training

Meng Jiang returned to the dormitory with an almost elated mood. Zhu Zhuqing, who was diligent in practicing, was already practicing in bed. She closed the door, took out the candy jar and sipped a piece of candy in her mouth. The tip of her tongue pressed against the fruit candy on her left cheek and a bulge appeared. She tasted the sweetness of lychee in the hard candy and narrowed her eyes with a smile.

After eating the candy, she climbed onto the bed and sat cross-legged to enter the meditative state of cultivation. There was no words for a night, and when she woke up again it was dawn the next day.

After straightening and tying up their loose hair, Meng Jiang and Zhu Zhuqing went to the cafeteria to eat. The buckets in the dormitory were waiting for Tang San and the others to clean them up.

After breakfast, the class bell rang on time, and everyone in Shrek began their first phase of training, which could be described as arduous. The master personally gave them a deep understanding of what a devil is like.

Starting from this day, there will be one to two hours of battle training every day, and the battle situations are different. The two sides will be randomly combined. At the same time, the master will impose some restrictions on them, such as which soul skills cannot be used, or what aspects. restrictions. After the battle, there is physical training. The requirements are the same as those on the first day. Soul power cannot be used and there are weights. The simplest ones are running, climbing and other methods, which will drain everyone's energy every time. energy, pushing them to their physical limits.

After a period of time, the eight Shrek people became accustomed to waking up in wooden barrels filled with potions every day. Moreover, Meng Jiang felt that her skin seemed to be better after soaking in the concoction for so long. This was probably due to the medicinal materials that had the effect of activating blood circulation. This made her even very keen on taking medicinal baths. After all, as a pretty girl, ensuring her appearance is the most important thing. In this world where faces are important, good-looking people are more popular.

During the training, Meng Jiang, Tang San, Xiao Wu, and Oscar went to Soto City to register as Soul Masters. In order not to cause unnecessary sensation, they wore masks specially made for them by the master.

Three months of devil training did not significantly improve the soul power of the eight Shrek people. During this period, only Meng Jiang and Ma Hongjun's soul power improved by one level. This was because Meng Jiang was practicing on his own every minute and second.

But these three months of extreme physical training have made huge changes in the physical fitness of each of them. For example, if Meng Jiang, Tang San and Dai Mubai are asked to run long-distance running with heavy weight on the first day, they can do it with ease even if the weight on their bodies has exceeded fifty kilograms.

Because of this, Meng Jiang is regarded by everyone as "no less powerful than men", which is in great contrast to her gentle and harmless beautiful appearance. At the same time, different from her gentle appearance, the other people who already knew her were aware of Meng Jiang's occasional strength and uncompromising speaking. Her own strength, closeness to girls, and gentlemen's concessions to her female identity gave her the authority and voice to be no less powerful than Dai Mubai's, but she generally would not use them.

Through these three months, everyone's physical condition has been greatly improved. With a large amount of exercise and adequate nutritional supplements, this improvement is most obviously reflected in the body shape.

The boys have all grown taller, their bodies have become stronger and more energetic, and the girls have become a bit more heroic.

Although Meng Jiang is as strong as an ox now, he is still slender in appearance and has grown two centimeters in height, but his face is still sickly pale, as if all the blood is concentrated on the petal-like lips. That's why those lips are so bright.

But what excites Meng Jiang the most is not the growth she dreamed of, but the fact that she finally started growing! The chest is no longer flat, but has some ups and downs. She can finally get rid of the title of "loli" and take a step closer to "royal sister". The queen's figure with big breasts, thin waist, and long legs is the king. She has been frustrated with this loli's bean sprout figure with only a visible face for a long time.

Any adult would be unhappy if he opened his eyes and found that he had shrunk into a little kid. Meng Jiang was just a little more unhappy, but this was the dignity of a handsome dog and he could never give in.

While her appearance changed, as an agility-based combat soul master, Meng Jiang's speed became faster, and her understanding of martial souls also improved to a higher level. At least, her impression of Wuhun will no longer be so solidified.

Three months of devil training finally ended yesterday. The master gave them seven days of vacation to adjust their condition. Finally, they had a chance to rest. Meng Jiang couldn't wait to dive into the water, and did not come out at all except for basic physiological needs. Practicing in water or sleeping would be more beneficial to the growth of her soul power than on land.

This is a method of mimicry training. The master is very supportive and asks her to change the place where she usually practices to the water. This way, she believes that Meng Jiang's soul power will improve more quickly. Even if it doesn't show up for a while, it's still a terrifying upgrade speed.

Now there is only four levels of difference between her and Dai Mubai, who has the highest soul power, but in terms of soul power, she is actually no worse than Dai Mubai. The speed at which Meng Jiang catches up is already terrifying.

Dean Flanders already believed that there was definitely something wrong with the soul power that Meng Jiang measured when he awakened his martial soul at the age of six. After all, which company with innate fifth-level soul power could cultivate it faster than the full innate soul power? He felt that if she kept this pace, she might be able to reach level 40 faster than Dai Mubai within two years.

Not to mention that Meng Jiang is three years younger than Dai Mubai.

However, Flanders was still a little worried. If the master hadn't repeatedly assured that Meng Jiang's foundation was very solid, he would have asked Meng Jiang to slow down and lay the foundation.

Among the Shrek Eight Monsters, if we say the monsters among monsters, they must be Meng Jiang and Tang San. Both of them have transcended levels to absorb soul rings. One has an extremely fast cultivation speed, and the other has an external soul bone. In terms of talent, the two of them are definitely the best among the students Shrek Academy has accepted since its establishment.

Meng Jiang stayed in the water to practice until the bright moon was in the sky. She emerged from the water, took a breath of the air that was not so humid on the ground, stepped onto the grassy land, and prepared to go to the cafeteria.

Dai Mubai had already arrived in the cafeteria. She greeted her skillfully, took out her portion and sat down to eat. At this moment, bustling sounds came from outside the door, and then Tang San walked in along with Oscar and Ma Hongjun. Meng Jiang raised his eyes and saw that for some reason, Ma Hongjun's originally cute round face was now swollen into a pig's head, looking very embarrassed.

She couldn't help but frown, helped Ma Hongjun put the rice in front of him, "What's going on?"

"Thank you." Ma Hongjun nodded and took the chopsticks from Meng Jiang. He put a piece of meat into his mouth and swallowed it before explaining the cause and effect.

After learning the whole incident, several boys were filled with indignation and geared up to avenge their brothers.

Meng Jiang also agreed with this idea in his heart, but he only managed to finish the meal with a few people. Then he stood up and said, "Let's go, I'll go with you."

She is skilled in fighting, and she often puts up flags with others.

As soon as he reached the door of the cafeteria, Meng Jiang suddenly thought of something. He stopped and turned back to the four people, "Wait a moment and hold hands before going out."

"...Huh?" Several people were stunned. Among them, Dai Mubai and Ma Hongjun, who knew more, had no idea where they were thinking, and their expressions were distorted.

Meng Jiang knew at a glance that they were wrong. He rolled his eyes unceremoniously and explained angrily, "What if you are discovered by the teacher when you leave the academy so late? I will take you to sneak out invisibly, but we need to A few holding hands.”

Saying that, she took the lead in holding Tang San's hand.

"Scared me, Meng Jiang, I almost thought you had... uh, strange taste." Dai Mubai breathed a sigh of relief.

"Weird taste? Are you talking about watching a man split his sleeve?" Meng Jiang raised his eyebrows, half-smiling, "I'm really interested, and I've read a lot of books like this."

After all, masculinity was prevalent during the Tang Dynasty, and her romantic relationship with a junior brother who played well was with a man. It was a pity that the other party was from Lingxue Pavilion, and the two of them spent little time together and separated many times. Later, I heard that the man died in a mission, so her junior brother fell silent and couldn't recover. Later, she never saw that junior brother again.

"By the way," seeing a few people acting so obviously, Meng Jiang couldn't help but add harshly, "I also watch things between women."

"...Cough cough cough!" Next to him, Oscar couldn't breathe properly and coughed due to his own saliva, while Ma Hongjun took a big step back, making even Tang San feel a little scared.

The four of them actually didn't have any bad views on same-sex love, but they all liked girls, so it was a bit awkward. And because of Meng Jiang's last sentence, both Dai Mubai and Oscar were a little worried that Zhu Zhuqing and Ning Rongrong would be seduced by Meng Jiang. Tang San, thinking of Meng Jiang's closeness to Xiao Wu, also began to worry that she would He cares about Xiao Wu.

But as soon as this thought appeared, Tang San felt a little sour in his heart, and he didn't quite understand why he had such worries. He was not opposed to people of the same sex falling in love. As my thoughts turned around, the feelings seemed to become more and more clear.

"Okay, stop talking nonsense." Meng Jiang raised his chin when he saw that it was not too late, "Hurry up and hold hands, let's sneak away."

Dai Mubai, Oscar and Ma Hongjun had indescribable expressions, holding each other's hands in disgust, and then Dai Mubai's free hand took Tang San's.

Meng Jiang gloated and laughed twice, and activated the dark dust to disperse. Soon, the invisibility effect enveloped everyone.

Lowering his voice, Meng Jiang warned the four of them, "Control your breath and be careful not to make too much noise."

After sneaking all the way, passing by the dormitory where the teachers lived, and avoiding the little rabbits wandering near the college gate, the five of them finally slipped out of the college. As soon as they reached a safe place, the boys couldn't help but quickly throw away each other's hands, causing Meng Jiang to cover his lips and smile, making his eyebrows crave.

Tang San, on the other hand, not only did not let go of Meng Jiang's hand, but intertwined his fingers, holding Bai Ji's soft and boneless hand tighter. The intertwined fingers of the two were hidden under the night and Meng Jiang's sleeves.

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