[Douluo/Sword Three] Tang Paper Umbrella

Chapter 10 Age, Night, and Practice

Meng Jiang pulled Tang San and followed the guidance of the Ghost Network Three System to bypass the female teacher who was coming this way. After getting rid of a small trouble, she breathed a sigh of relief, and felt that Tang San's palms were extremely hot, causing a thin layer of sweat to form wherever the skin of her palms came into contact with Tang San's.

The boy's high body temperature makes the girl's body even colder. Meng Jiang twitched his hand, but before he could pull it out, he heard Tang San say next to him: "A Jiang, tomorrow I will go to the Soul Hunting Forest with my teacher to find a suitable soul ring."

"Going tomorrow? So soon?" Meng Jiang turned his head and looked at Tang San's side face, "But that's right, you have stayed at this level for a long time. If you get the spirit ring as soon as possible, you can continue to practice as soon as possible."

"Oh, I really don't know when I can get the soul ring. It's really uncomfortable to be so weak now."

"Quickly." Tang San smiled, "Ajiang, you are so talented, are you already at level nine now?"

"I just reached level nine." Meng Jiang nodded and confirmed, "Maybe when Wang Sheng graduates, I can follow their group of graduates to get the soul ring."

"That won't be long."

Meng Jiang said warmly: "I may catch up with you soon. Do you have a sense of urgency?"

"Yes." Tang San nodded, "That's why I have to work hard, otherwise I'll have to ask you, Ajiang, to protect me."

"What's wrong with me protecting you?" Meng Jiang raised his chin, "You look down on girls?"

"No, no." Tang San quickly denied, "But isn't it natural for boys to protect girls?"

"Tang Xiaosan." Meng Jiang called him, squinting his eyes and smiling softly, but he looked a little scary, like a blooming Widowmaker, eerie, "Didn't I say that I'm older than you? I'm I know your birth date. So it is only natural that the younger brother is protected by the older sister."

Tang San somehow decided to argue over this issue: "Then... I was twenty-nine years old in my previous life. What about you? Are you younger than me?"

"I..." Meng Jiang was speechless. She was indeed younger than him. She hummed, and after thinking about it, she still didn't want to add Muchito's age, even though they were still the same person at that time.

"But now is not the previous life, so I am older than you. You have to call me sister and listen to sister." She said this angrily. After catching a glimpse of the smile in Tang San's eyes, she realized her childishness and threw it away. Open the opponent's hand.

Then she remembered something: "If you want to find the soul ring, it will take several days to come back, but what about work?"

"Ajaan, I would like to ask you to work hard these days and help me do it. The salary will be all yours. When I come back, you will also leave your work to me."

"Then there's no need." Meng Jiang tilted his head, "I'll do my own work, and I don't want your salary. I'm almost out of candy. Buy me some more when you come back."

"Almost finished?" Tang San was a little surprised, "Such a small jar of sugar, you almost finished it in less than a day?"

"Yes." Meng Jiang nodded, "If you have nothing to do, just put one in your mouth and play with it. You'll finish it soon."

Tang San:……

He suddenly felt that Meng Jiang might be going to slap himself in the face. If he ate at this rate, who would get cavities if she didn't?

Tang San looked at the sky and guessed that there was no food in the cafeteria now: "You haven't had dinner, right?"


"Ha, I should starve you next time to make your memory long. No matter how angry you are, you can't stop eating." Tang San reached out and tapped the girl's smooth forehead with his crooked finger, "There is still some dry food and dried fish in the package when I get it back. Let's make do with it first, and go to the cafeteria to have a good meal tomorrow. Also, brush your teeth twice tonight."

At this moment, Meng Jiang didn't dare to confront Tang San. This wasn't cowardice, it was just following his heart. She rubbed her forehead, curled a strand of hair hanging on her chest with her fingers and responded obediently, "I know, Tang Xiaosan, the housekeeper."


It was night, a boy in a dormitory felt disappointed when he saw that the bed curtains had been installed and he couldn't see Meng Jiang and Xiao Wu's pajamas. Little Rabbit excitedly threw himself on the big bed that was joined together, lifted the quilt and patted the bed next to him. The position is called Meng Jiang.

"Jiang Jiang, come on, come on."

Then after Meng Jiang also went to bed, he couldn't wait to cover himself with the quilt and rub the pillow comfortably.

Tang San put his hands under his head and lay on the bed. There was a distance between the bed and the bed curtain, and he heard the small voices and laughter next to him. Then it became quiet over there, and someone closed the door of the dormitory. The lights were turned on, and the entire bedroom sank into the darkness that filtered through the window from outside.

Tang San took his hand, pulled the quilt up, and closed his eyes. When his vision fell into darkness, his other senses became sharper, and he subconsciously looked for the familiar breathing frequency that had been with him throughout the year.


All he could hear was his own breathing.

Suddenly I felt a little empty in my heart, as if something was missing. The last time I felt this way was when I heard the little rabbit calling Meng Jiang "Jiang Jiang".

... He has known Meng Jiang for so long, and he still calls her by his full name.

But today, Tang San finally became a little closer to Meng Jiang, and they no longer seemed like strangers to each other, even though the other person's voice was always soft and gentle when he called him "Tang San". And Meng Jiang's "Tang Xiaosan" voice also had a hint of playfulness that is rare for girls.

So the emptiness in his heart was filled again, Tang San curled his lips and fell into a deep sleep with peace of mind.

The next day, Tang San left early in the morning. When Meng Jiang woke up, Tang San's bed had already been neatly folded.

She rubbed her eyes, pushed away the little rabbit that had rolled into her arms due to restless sleep last night, opened a corner of the bed curtain and looked at the sky to calculate the time, and then went to call Xiao Wu to get up.

After changing into the Notting College uniform in the bed tent, briefly washing up and having breakfast, it was a boring opening ceremony for freshmen. Fortunately, it didn't take long. Meng Jiang didn't listen carefully to the teacher above. At most, Just pass it around in your ears and get a rough impression so you won't make any mistakes later.

The opening ceremony couldn't even be held in the morning, and there weren't many new students at Notting College. The remaining time was actually a lot of free time for the new students like them.

Meng Jiang didn't want to go out anymore, so he just stayed in the dormitory after he came back, thinking about practicing by himself, while Xiao Wu ran out again and probably wouldn't be able to come back for a while.

She sat cross-legged on the bed. There were several work-study students who were practicing cultivation like her in the dormitory.

But Meng Jiang's situation is actually different. According to her cultivation speed, it is very likely that she will have reached the tenth level before Wang Sheng graduates and it is time to find the soul ring. But without anyone to take her, Meng Jiang cannot If he went by himself, a lot of time would be wasted, so Meng Jiang was wondering if he could lay a solid foundation before that.

And Meng Jiang is now considering whether he can make his soul power deeper at the same level.

Soul power behaves like air, and most of the time, among the three forms of gas, liquid, and solid, the volume of solid is the smallest. So is it... that she can compress the soul power stored in her body into a solid? How about using this to increase your own soul power reserves?

"Becoming solid, does Miss Meng Jiang want a stone to grow in her body? And it's the kind that can grow bigger and bigger with practice." The Ghost Network Three System suddenly spoke coolly in her mind.

Meng Jiang:......

She gave up the idea in an instant and chose the liquid form as the next best option.

This time, the Ghost Network Three System said nothing.

So Meng Jiang keenly realized that this...may be feasible.

Just like the internal energy accumulated thicker and thicker, eventually forming a sea of ​​qi in his body, Meng Jiang wanted to refine his soul power into a sea of ​​soul power.

She guides the soul power to circulate in the body according to the way the internal power travels for several weeks, and at the same time compresses and refines the soul power.

This was effective. The soul power gradually changed from a thin mist in the body to a thick haze, and then turned into a trickle. But the change was very small, and the trickle was so thin that after shrinking, it was only a drop of water the size of half a small fingernail.

Then... Meng Jiang discovered that his level had dropped, from level nine to a state where he had just reached level nine.

She was suddenly a little worried, worried that after she compressed all the soul power in her body, she would not even be able to reach the fifth level shown in the initial test.

So Meng Jiang tried to practice while compressing his soul power. This method was more difficult. When the muscles and veins accommodated the soul power that turned into liquid, they had to endure the new soul power generated in the body, so that the muscles in Meng Jiang's whole body became weak. My pulse ached.

It's not the kind of unbearable severe pain, but this kind of discomfort is like when you eat fish and accidentally get a fish bone stuck in your throat. Every time you swallow the fish bone, it stings you to highlight your sense of existence.

Meng Jiang frowned, but based on the fact that the discomfort was bearable and his sense of urgency to become stronger, Meng Jiang decided to ignore the discomfort.

So in the past few days, Meng Jiang became a study madman in the eyes of many students. He listened carefully in class in the morning and did his handwriting carefully. After class, he had to review it carefully to consolidate his memory, and then he started to sit cross-legged on the bed. Practice.

But this madness was useful. Meng Jiang gradually felt that his muscles and veins no longer hurt, because with the refining day after day, the muscles and veins were gradually widened.

Meng Jiang was also very "pleased" to see the results of her efforts - she fell to level six.

Haha, what a joy, joy, joy, congratulations.

However, this cultivation method is also very effective. Meng Jiang feels that his cultivation speed has become faster. It seems that it will not take too long to reach the ninth level again and reach the tenth level.

She also asked the Ghost Network Three System: "This method... can other people use it? For example, Tang San who came through time like me?"

"No." The system answered truthfully.

"Why?" Meng Jiang asked doubtfully, and then she lowered her head and thought, "Is it because I am not the original shell here?"

"You can say that, Miss Meng Jiang."

So Meng Jiang also gave up the idea of ​​sharing this buggy cultivation method with Tang San.

The soul power is originally hidden in the blood, tendons, bones, and even every cell in the body. If it is said that the soul power is like the air existing in the chest, abdominal cavity and bones of the body, and Meng Jiang's cultivation The method is like turning soul power into water, which is essential for the human body - you know, 70% of the human body is water, accounting for about 65% of the body weight.

This is already a terrifying number, and soul power is completely different from water. If she keeps practicing in this way, then Meng Jiang's soul power will be much higher than that of people of the same level as her, and the higher the level, the higher the level. The higher the higher.

"If I practiced like this in the original world, would I have achieved the results I have now?" Meng Jiang asked the system.

"No." The electronic sound of the system seemed a little gentle, but when Meng Jiang tried to distinguish it carefully, the gentleness disappeared like an illusion, "Although Penglai's skills are the best martial arts, and they have been practiced to the extreme. It is also possible to ascend to heaven, but due to the upper limit of the world, Miss Meng Jiang cannot do this. Only those who have glimpsed the way of heaven - such as Lu Dongbin of Chunyang - can do it."

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