Douluo's Black Bamboo Sword

Chapter 83 The master mixed up with an elder


Fireworks nodded lightly.

Then she continued: "Behave well these days, behave well, and you will be rewarded!"

After saying that, the fireworks went back, leaving Chen Liang alone outside.

Chen Liang was stunned. Fireworks really had such a plan.

"It seems that she has some kind of private connection with Wuhun Palace secretly!"

Chen Liang thought secretly in his heart.

Abba Abba!

Then Chen Liang shook his head and continued to finish the uneaten midnight snack.

"Damn it, when will I learn this skill?"

Chen Liang, who was eating and enjoying the deliciousness of this midnight snack, became more and more looking forward to learning how to cook fireworks.


In the next few days, Chen Liang stayed here with the fireworks and didn't sleep for several days. However, Chen Liang's mental state was always surprisingly good.

And it was after spending these few nights that Chen Liang finally understood the book given by Hua Hua.

The fireworks did not live up to Chen Liang's expectations. On the night when Chen Liang completed this task, the fireworks cooked a dinner for Chen Liang alone.

The difference from the past is that the fireworks took much more time this time than before. Chen Liang estimated that it took half an hour anyway.

After eating this meal, Chen Liang's soul power increased by three levels, reaching the twenty-sixth level.

And if he hadn't compressed the energy in the food, Chen Liang doubted whether he would have been promoted to level 30. Now it has caused him to hold on very well, and he will reach level twenty-seven if he is not careful.

Chen Liang was confused about the fireworks.

Things like soul power level are once again done step by step. It is best to accumulate more and continue to compress and purify. Only in this way can a soul master's foundation be more solid and his upper limit raised.

Regarding Chen Liang's doubts, Yanhua just said: "My meal also has the effect of strengthening the body and strengthening the foundation. It will not affect your cultivation!"

Chen Liang had no choice but to stop talking.

After this night, early the next morning, Chen Liang, who had rarely slept for a while, was carried away by fireworks and lifted in front of a bunch of people.

Among them were Hu Liena and three other students, and about ten students. They were basically the same age as Hu Liena and the others.

When they met Chen Liang, these people, except for a few people who had met Chen Liang, all showed surprised expressions. Apparently they thought Chen Liang should not be here.

"Your Majesty the Pope!"

Fireworks stepped forward and saluted a person standing in front of Hu Liena and the others.

Seeing this, Chen Liang also stood and saluted this person like fireworks.

"Hello, Your Majesty the Pope!"

"No courtesy! Elder Yanhua, your disciple is indeed extraordinary!"

Bibi Dong motioned for both of them to level up.

Then the scene became silent, and because Chen Liang had just arrived and was being watched by many people at this time, he closed his eyes and rested at the side.

Not long after, a few more people came. The middle-aged man who was the leader came forward, knelt down on one knee, saluted Bibi Dong, and reported to her.

Then Bibi Dong nodded lightly.

Then he said: "Okay! Everyone is here, let's go!"

Then a few middle-aged people took Hu Liena and many others away.

As for most of Bibi Dong's people, they stayed where they were.

After everyone had gone away, Bibi Dong turned to look at the fireworks and said, "Elder Yanhua, do you have time to come and chat?"

"It's an honor!"

Fireworks bowed his hand and followed Bibi Dong without hesitation.

"Congratulations to the Pope!"

The remaining jishi

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