
Qiu Hongyun shouted, and a layer of intense fiery red light suddenly burst out from her body.

Then Chen Liang saw Qiu Hongyun, whose eyebrows and pupils turned fiery red.

Seeing Qiu Hongyun like this, Chen Liang was immediately stunned.

This look, with a hint of heroism in it, made him feel itchy again.

Suppressing the impulse in his heart, Chen Liang said calmly: "You take action first!"

"it is good!"

Qiu Hongyun had no objection. After all, Chen Liang was so powerful and she had just seen it.

Although she also felt that her challenge to Chen Liang was a bit self-defeating, but because of her competitive spirit and the fact that the classmates in the class did not let her enjoy themselves when fighting with her, she still chose to fight with Chen Liang. .

After taking a deep breath of air, Qiu Hongyun activated her first soul skill, and with incredible strength, she rushed towards Chen Liang as fast as she could.

After Chen Liang roughly estimated her attack, he decided to give up his speed advantage and choose to take it hard.


As soon as Qiu Hongyun's attack came in front of Chen Liang, there was a dull collision sound. This was Chen Liang himself blocking Qiu Hongyun's attack with his sword.

But just when Qiu Hongyun subconsciously thought that Chen Liang's bamboo sword would be shattered by her blow, Chen Liang's bamboo sword retreated a bit.

This made her attack suddenly empty, causing her whole body to lean forward a bit.

However, taking advantage of this opportunity, Chen Liang's bamboo sword bypassed her hand at a neither fast nor slow speed and came to her neck. This frightened her so much that she couldn't even move.

But just when she closed her eyes subconsciously, Chen Liang's bamboo sword made an arc, and the man took a step forward, taking a step away from her.

Bang! With a sound, Qiu Hongyun felt a force coming from her back shoulder, and then she was about to lean forward a few steps.

But it wasn't over yet. Immediately afterwards, Chen Liang pulled her back again, and then she saw a slap that kept getting bigger in front of her.

"Bang bang bang!"

After a few dull sounds, Qiu Hongyun took a few steps back.


Qiu Hongyun covered her right front shoulder and shouted in grief and indignation.

Chen Liang's several attacks just now landed on her position, but fortunately Chen Liang's attacks were not very powerful, so she did not feel much pain, but only felt a little numb.

After stabilizing his figure, Qiu Hongyun's eyes seemed to burst out with a ray of light.

From Chen Liang's simple attacks, she seemed to see a direction she wanted to go.

This ignited her fierce fighting spirit, and then she ran towards Chen Liang faster than before.

Only when her attack came in front of Chen Liang, Chen Liang used the same method to resist her attack, and then a set of combo attacks knocked her out.

However, Qiu Hongyun was not discouraged after being knocked down. She then ran towards Chen Liang.

"Bang bang bang!"

Several more dull sounds sounded, and Qiu Hongyun was knocked back a few steps.

However, Qiu Hongyun, who seemed to be beaten to pieces at this time, still did not lose his fighting spirit. Instead, he seemed to be getting more energetic as he fought.

Although she was looking disgraced at this time, there was an excited smile on her face.

Because she just received a blow from Chen Liang!

In fact, this was all thanks to Chen Liang slowing down his attack speed so that she could see his movements clearly, allowing her to catch his blow.

Qiu Hongyun looked at Chen Liang excitedly. Although she didn't like Chen Liang's weak attacks, the smoothness of Chen Liang's attacks won her heart.

She thinks that's so cool!

Although she had been beaten all the time, she could really feel her progress.

However, she really hated the moment when Chen Liang resisted her attack. It felt like punching cotton. Although her attack was very powerful, she couldn't find the motivation.


Another dull voice sounded, knocking Qiu Hongyun back a few steps.

Chen Liang looked at Qiu Hongyun, who still had fighting spirit, and he couldn't help but admire her a little.

This is really a very energetic child!

He feels Qiu Hongyun's progress most clearly.

Looking at the panting Qiu Hongyun, Chen Liang frowned, thought for a moment, and said, "Maybe you can reduce your offensive strength and save the extra strength for the critical moment."

"No! I like fierce battles!" Qiu Hongyun rejected Chen Liang's proposal without hesitation

Then she scratched her head in embarrassment and whispered: "And can you not use such a weird way to resist my attack? It's really unpleasant to hit me like this!"

"That's not okay! If you like to fight, you won't fight if you don't want to fight! And if you encounter other enemies in the future, can you ask others to cooperate with you?" Ignoring the expectations in Qiu Hongyun's eyes, Chen Liang ruthlessly rejected her request.

After all, it is the nature of a child to give priority to his or her own preferences even in some critical matters.


Seeing Qiu Hongyun's appearance, Chen Liang began to miss the days of sparring with Tang San.

In the beginning, Chen Liang kept learning some fighting skills from Tang San, but was always beaten by Tang San.

But after about half a year of sparring, Chen Liang was already able to fight Tang San reciprocally.

At that time, Tang San kept praising Chen Liang as a martial arts prodigy.

However, Chen Liang just smiled and said nothing about Tang San's praise.

He understood that the main reason why he was able to progress so quickly was because, after seeing through a lot of things, he was able to hit the mark immediately.

Although there are three thousand avenues, as long as you peek through one of them, or delve deeply enough into one avenue, you will find that their frameworks are the same in diameter.

The same is true for the way of fighting!

By skipping many distracting options and focusing on the key points, you will naturally be able to make progress quickly.

When Chen Liang progressed to the point where he could fight with Tang San, Chen Liang still asked Tang San to spar with him.

After all, if Chen Liang was asked to fight other little guys, he would rather fight with Tang San.

Then the next year and a half of sparring was the time for the two of them to make progress together.

However, what disappointed Chen Liang was that, perhaps because he didn't want to accidentally hurt him, Tang San never used any attack methods such as hidden weapons, which made him lose some opportunities to grow.

As for the Tang Sect's footwork, Tang San had also used it before, but Chen Liang had never seen the essentials, so Chen Liang had never been able to learn it.

Then he could only retreat and add his own understanding to some of Tang San's movements, keep practicing, and keep improving.

After such a cycle, Chen Liang's combat strength was greatly improved.

"If it doesn't work, it won't work! Why are you sighing?"

Qiu Hongyun was frightened by Chen Liang's sigh. She felt that Chen Liang was very suitable to be her opponent.

Hearing Chen Liang's sigh, she was really afraid that Chen Liang would not want to fight her.

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