I don’t understand the meaning behind it. I think Mr. Zhao probably means that being bitten by this thing is similar to being bitten by a lizard. The mouth is full of bacteria. You need to go out for further treatment within three days, otherwise you will die. life-threatening.

Looking at the motionless corpse on the ground, he said, "Master Zhao, how long can you keep money in your mouth? Is there a time limit, don't wait until you pick up the corpse."

Binding the wound with clothes, Mr. Zhao said weakly: "Don't worry, as long as the money is still in this thing, you won't be able to get up. That group of people may kill their carbine. Let's find the key and leave here as soon as possible."

"Don't worry, I found the key," as she was speaking, Sister Hong took out a bunch of keys from the hole in the wall.

"In just a blink of an eye, that person hid the key. I guess the place where the key is hidden must be not far from the iron gate," she shook the key chain in her hand.

After trying to open the iron gates one by one, a group of people walked out of the No. [-] cave.I searched around with a flashlight, but I didn't see that group of people.

I asked, "What's next?"

Putting his head down for a moment, he said: "Xiao Zhuantou is double-faced and three-faced, but I guess, the boss and the others should be locked up here. Let's take a walk around the No. [-] hole."

Mr. Zhao may have lost too much blood. I think he walks very slowly, and he has to be supported by others to barely walk.The situation was really similar to guessing. We walked back along the ninth hole, and it didn't take long to find a seventh hole and an unmarked cave.

The only pity is that the Sun brothers are not locked up in the cave.

After walking along the road for another half an hour, he turned his head and said anxiously, "Turn off the flashlight, there is a situation ahead."

We turned off the flashlight, squatted on the ground and looked ahead.The structure of the cave has a strong sound transmission effect, and I heard someone's voice in front of me.

"His grandma, after guarding this ghostly place for so long, it's finally going to be his downfall today. When I go out, I have to find three girls to vent my anger, but I'm suffocated."

"Okay, don't complain, brother Jian told us to take people there as soon as possible, and evacuate after the aftermath. The subsidy is high in this event, so much money, and you can play as you like when you go out." The two finished drawing. Yan turned and went into the cave.

He glanced at Beggar Liu, Master Liu nodded and said, "I'll deal with you two ordinary people, you wait for my news." After he finished speaking, he drew out his soft sword and touched it against the wall.

Only 10 minutes before and after, a flashlight from the other side of the cave shook us, and waved his head, "Let's go."

We entered the cave and saw that the two doorkeepers in the cave were lying in a pool of blood and died. Beggar Liu bit his flashlight and was wiping his soft sword.Seeing how ruthless Mr. Liu was, he knew that he was holding his breath.

At this time, he suddenly waved his head and said, "Shut up, listen."

I listened carefully, and there was a faint cry from the cave behind me.

"Over there," beggar Liu walked over with his sword in hand.

As soon as we turned the corner, we saw three people lying on the ground, all bound and with rags in their mouths.

These three are the brothers of the Sun family who have been away for a long time.

"Big brother!"


As soon as the tie was untied, the boss tightly grasped the hand of the handle, and said excitedly: "I knew it! I knew it! You will definitely find us!"

The boss now has disheveled hair, and his clothes have not been changed for several months. He has a sour smell. It may be due to long-term dehydration and malnutrition. His lips are chapped. Compared with before, he has lost a lot of weight and looks haggard.

He turned his head and immediately asked, "What's the situation with the second child?"

Being supported by Sister Hong to stand up, the third child turned pale, and said through gritted teeth, "Second brother has been like this all the time, waking up and sleeping, sleeping and waking up again, without saying a word."

Shaking his head, "You have all suffered, anyway, go out and talk first, and go out to find a way to cure the second child, Yunfeng, you carry the second child on your back, and the others will also help."

I picked up my second brother and said, "Hold on, I tried the method of listening to thunder when it was raining before. From where we are, the way out may be in the northwest."

"I know, why don't I know, we can't get down without knowing the way, and I left a big gift for those people." After finding the Sun brothers, the expression on his face became much lighter.

"I left a big gift, what kind of gift?"

"Don't ask, you'll know when the time comes."

There were a lot of us, and we were divided into two teams when we went out. One team was headed by beggar Liu and was in charge of guarding the front, while the other group, including me, was responsible for taking care of the wounded.

After walking for less than an hour, I kept looking for something on the stone wall.

I asked him, he made a mark with a talc pen before he said his head down, if the general direction is correct, the exit should be near here.

As he expected, he turned his head to find the mark he had made on the wall, followed the mark all the way west along the cave, and everyone finally reached the exit.This direction is exactly the same as what I tried with the Tinglei method before.

"From here, you can climb to the ground. The robbery hole on the ground is a little far from the one we went down before. Miss Yao, how is the inspection going?"

Yao Yumen walked to the wall and turned back and said, "The king's head, the things are still there. There are a total of 37 detonators. If they are detonated at once, they are enough to blow up the cave."

Put your head down and say with a cold face: "You go first, I will detonate the detonator. Once the road here is blocked, it will be enough for those people to drink a pot."

This is the plan that Baotou said before. Once the Sun brothers are rescued, they will directly use detonators to blow up the road and block all the Xiaozhutou gang inside!

For more than ten minutes, I supported Mr. Zhao who had a severed hand, only to hear a loud bang behind him!

The cave in the distance was filled with dust and collapsed...

After waiting for a while, in the dust and smoke all over the sky, he ran out with his head covered with his clothes.

If you touch my person, I will block your way. The move of planning your head in advance can be said to be a draw from the bottom of the pot. So what if the other party gets the Yinzi corpse?If you don't eat or drink inside, if you can't get out, you will die!

Beggar Liu turned around and looked at the collapsed cave, laughed loudly and said a word.



At three poles in the sun, a group of people suddenly appeared on Moth Mountain in the middle of the day. Most of the people in this group were disheveled, and there was an old man with a broken arm.

I covered my forehead with my hand, looked up at the long-lost sun and murmured: "Finally, I finally saw the sun."

When we arrived at the bungalow we rented at the foot of the mountain, Yao Yumen called and found two cars. When we parted, the beggar Liu clasped his fists and said, "Big boss, I'll help you this time. It's a favor. It's best if Xiaozhutou dies. If you don’t die, you will definitely be retaliated by the Changchun Society, especially that brother Jian’s godfather is Xie Qirong. If you encounter trouble in the future, go directly to Zhaowang Hotel in Handan, Hebei to find me. When you get there, I will keep you safe .”

He clasped his head in the same way and said, "Thank you."

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