Beipai Tomb Raiders Notes

Chapter 72 Resurrection

There is a folding cyclone shovel in the bag. Compared with the Luoyang shovel, the cyclone shovel digs faster. The difference between the two is that one focuses on fine soil exploration, and the other focuses on efficient digging.

After making a mark, he greeted me with his head and asked me to join him in digging down.

After the excavation, the upper layer of soil was relatively soft, but as we gradually dug deeper, we found that the soil became harder and harder as we dug deeper, and what we finally dug out was not blue and white soil, but a kind of white soil with a hint of hoarfrost. Soil, this soil is like frost on the ground in winter. I touched it with my hand, but it was still cold...

The hunchbacked old man from Xiangxi has been watching. After seeing this scene, he raised his eyebrows and said lightly: "It seems that we have found the right place. If the dead have been lying in this place for more than 2000 years, it is impossible to imagine that the corpse will be suffocated." It's hard, this master is cruel enough to have buried eighteen generations of his descendants with him."

We dug so hard that we didn't sweat, and I obviously felt that the surrounding temperature dropped a few degrees.

I'm not sure if it's my eyesight, but for a moment, I seemed to see that my exhalation was white.

In the tomb robbery shop, a skilled geotechnical worker with a whirlwind shovel is qualified to go down to a depth of two or three meters in one hour, and a geotechnical worker like the second brother and the third brother can go down at least four meters in an hour.If my head is okay, I am not qualified. I am digging slowly because the soil is too hard, and because there is not much work to do.


"Wait, something is wrong, stop first," beggar Liu suddenly told us to stop.

"What's the matter, Master Liu?" She turned her head and asked him.

As soon as we stopped, the clanging sound of digging disappeared instantly.

Beggar Liu closed his eyes, his ears moved back and forth, as if he was listening carefully.

Suddenly, he opened his eyes suddenly!Turn around and use the flashlight to shine upwards!

At this moment, the light of the strong flashlight is like a beam of spotlights, illuminating a figure impartially!

We saw a man lying on the rock face like a gecko, head down, looking at us!

Just took a look...

I stepped back a few steps, and I couldn't hold the whirlwind shovel firmly in my hand, and the tower fell to the ground with a bang.

I tremblingly pointed in the direction of the rock wall and said, "An...Researcher An!"

Researcher An on the rock wall lowered her head, her hair was down, and we couldn't see her face clearly.

"This dress belongs to Researcher An! I recognized it immediately, how could it be! She was obviously dead before!" My face turned pale suddenly, because I was frightened.

Sister Hong looked over there with the same expression of fear, because she, like me, had seen the corpse of Researcher An with her own eyes.

"What the hell!" Yao Yumen gritted her teeth and cursed. She took out her pistol and fired twice without looking at it!


A shot missed and hit the rock wall. In the darkness, the bullet collided with the hard rock wall, and sparks were wiped out.

On the rock wall, Researcher An spread her limbs flat, and she suddenly crawled down the rock wall like a gecko!Surprisingly fast!

"Be careful!" He shouted loudly, and directly raised the whirlwind shovel in his hand as a weapon.

Researcher An was too fast, and the flashlight in his head followed her quickly.

"Bang bang!" Yao Yumen fired two more shots, and the two shots hit. Researcher An's body just shook, without slowing down at all, and he crawled in front of Yao Yumen in the blink of an eye.

"Sister Yu, be careful!" I ignored my fear, shouted loudly, picked up the whirlwind shovel and slapped it on the head!

"Snap!" I felt like I wasn't hitting a human head!Hard as a rock!The reaction force shook me so badly that I almost lost my grip on the shovel in my hand.

At that moment, I saw clearly.

What kind of timid beauty, Researcher An, is this!

This thing's face was as white as tree pulp, the veins on her face were purple-black, and her eyes were full of whites!Also, now Researcher An's mouth has been open and not closed, and the teeth exposed in her mouth are all black, and some black liquid is constantly dripping from the corners of her mouth.


At the very moment, the old man in Xiangxi yelled angrily. He took out a piece of rope from the navy blue cloth bag, quickly circled the front part of the rope, and then threw it forward!

Unbiased, this piece of rope is like a loop around Researcher An's neck!

Quickly twisting the rope a few times in his hands, the old man in Xiangxi pulled hard, and the rope instantly tightened!

"What are you still doing!" the old man yelled at me.

I hurried to grab the rope and worked hard with him.

Researcher An is so strong now that neither the old man in Xiangxi nor I can hold her back, and we were taken away by her as if we were about to lose a tug-of-war.

I pushed my legs on the ground, and my upper body was desperately lying on my back.If a living person was pulled by a rope around his neck like this, his head might be pulled off.


With a sound, the rope snapped.

Due to too much force, I lay back as soon as the rope broke.

The hunchbacked old man turned pale with shock: "My corpse rope!"

My whole body was falling apart, and I was so angry and anxious, I got up and cursed: "If you pull it, it will break! What kind of fucking broken rope is this!"

Researcher An ignored me and the old man in Xiangxi, and she seemed to have great resentment towards Sister Yu.

With half of the corpse rope wrapped around her neck, Researcher An threw herself at Yao Yumen, opened her mouth and bit her neck!

"Not good! Girl, be careful!" Liu Yushan shouted angrily.

"Crackling." At the critical moment, Sister Yu directly stuffed the barrel of the gun into Researcher An's mouth, jamming her teeth.

Biting the barrel of the gun, a large amount of black juice dripped from her mouth, all dripping onto Sister Yu's forehead.

"Bang bang bang! Bang bang bang!" A series of shots sounded, and Sister Yu pulled the trigger with a ruthless complexion, directly emptying the magazine.

At such a close distance, the bullet entered from the mouth and exited from the back, and the back of Researcher An's head was smashed.

"Beggar! Why don't you fucking fight!" Liu Yushan shouted anxiously.

"Clang!" This is the sound of a sharp sword being unsheathed.

I was taken aback for a moment, and saw that Beggar Liu actually pulled out a soft sword with a cold light from his waist!This soft sword was wrapped around Beggar Liu's waist like a belt.

There was just a flash of white light in my eyes, so close that I didn't see it clearly.

A human head floated in the air, then fell to the ground and rolled twice.

The whole process took only five seconds. Researcher An's head was cut off by the beggar Liu Yijian...

"Still... still alive..." I couldn't even speak clearly.

"Huh?" Beggar Liu walked over and squatted down curiously. He looked at it, grabbed An Research's hair, and lifted it up.

not dead.

Researcher An's eyeballs are still moving at this time, and her mouth is like a fish lacking oxygen, opening, closing, opening, closing...

"It's strange, this is not a dead body, what is this?" Beggar Liu held Researcher An's hair and looked at it in amazement.

Looking at the scene in front of me, my soul is almost frightened...

The Xiangxi old man said angrily: "It's not a corpse! It's not a corpse! It's not a ghost! What the hell is this! No wonder my rope is useless!"

At this time, Sister Hong seemed to have thought of something, and she looked at me suspiciously.

I lowered my head with a guilty conscience, not daring to look at Sister Hong.

Sister Hong was also present at the old Xu incident last time, and she witnessed everything at that time.

"What's the matter Yunfeng?" asked me with a gloomy face.

Yao Yumen was almost killed, and I realized that I had caused trouble.

I took out the small glass bottle from my trouser pocket to show them, and there was still half a bottle of the light blue liquid in it.

"What is this?" He looked at the small glass bottle and asked suspiciously.

Before I could explain, Sister Hong took a deep breath, and said abruptly, "Let's get started, everyone."

"I guess, this is what Changchun will always want."

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