Beipai Tomb Raiders Notes

Chapter 461 The Uninvited Guest


I immediately turned off the lighting equipment, and made a silent gesture code for Master Yu.

Immediately, I quietly walked to the hole in the wall, turned sideways, and looked out.

I saw two young people, a man and a woman, coming outside. They seemed to come in to shelter from the rain like us.

The man was ordinary, the woman was wearing a small floral dress, most of her clothes were wet by the rain, her figure was slim and her face was quite pretty.

Just listen to the two talking.

"Strange, Yanan, why is there a fire here? Is there someone living here?"

While twisting her hair, the woman said: "There is no one here now, maybe they came in to hide from the rain before, and they have already left."

"No, why is there a big hole in the wall?"

After finishing speaking, the man walked towards us with a puzzled expression on his face.

I took a deep breath and hid sideways.

When this person came in curiously, Master Yu dragged him in!Then he quickly tapped the back of the man's head with his fingers, without making a sound, the man passed out on the spot.

The woman was concentrating on arranging her hair, and obviously didn't notice this scene. When she realized that her male partner had suddenly disappeared, she immediately panicked.

The woman's eyes were flustered, and she shouted: "Aqiang! Aqiang, don't make trouble! Come out quickly! This is not fun at all!"

At this time, I jumped out directly.


I was covered in dirt, and the woman screamed in fright!She doesn't care that it's still raining heavily outside!Turn around and run outside.

How could it be possible to let her run away!

I quickly caught up and grabbed her clothes!He directly dragged her to the ground!

Her face was pale, she put her hands on the ground, moved back a little bit, and kept saying in her mouth: "I'm sorry! I'm sorry! We didn't know there was anyone here! We saw that the gate was open! I just wanted to come in to hide from the rain! It's nothing else! "

With a gloomy face, I approached her step by step.

"Please! Don't hurt me! I have money! I have money in my wallet! Take it all!"

It may be that I look scary, but her voice is obviously crying.

She quickly retreated to the corner, and there was no way to retreat. She held up the wallet for me to take, her hands shaking violently.

I grabbed my wallet and looked down.

There is a lot of money, at least two to three thousand yuan by visual estimation, but am I the one who lacks these two or three thousand yuan?

"Hey!" I deliberately scared her.

She yelled!Put your hands on your knees and cry.

I threw the wallet back to her and said coldly: "Beauty, your name is Yanan, right? We didn't know each other, we had no grievances, but there is a way to heaven, you don't go, and there is no way to hell, you break in." !What do you do?"

"I...I'm a college student! is Valentine's Day, we drove to the Yellowstone Cultural Palace to play, and the car ran out of gas on the way back! It was raining again! I had to come in to hide from the rain!"

I was taken aback.

Damn, it turns out that today is July [-]th, and I didn't pay attention to the date.

I turned my head and glanced at Master Yu, no wonder he was busy sending flowers to Mrs. Xianshui early in the morning.

Master Yu rolled his eyes and urged: "Decision quickly, what to do with people, just let me know."

At this moment, the woman got up and wanted to run again!

With quick eyes and quick hands, I put her down again.

I made a look, and Master Yu came over and stunned the girl.

"That's amazing, Master Yu, you're just like the acupoints on TV, you can make people dizzy!"

Master Yu waved his hand and said impatiently: "I ordered Fengfu acupoint, they won't be able to wake up within two hours, so hurry up, are you planning to kill people to silence them?"

"No, we are not outlaws!"

I smiled and said, "I've experienced this kind of scene a lot! That man didn't see anything just now! Let alone this woman! A silly girl! I'm afraid of a fart!"

"Wait! I'm looking for something!"

I stacked two broken tables together, stepped on to climb up, and stretched out my hand to untie the old rope from the beam.

I tied the hands and feet of the man and the woman behind their backs, and told Master Yu to watch people outside. Afterwards, I took their flashlight, turned around and got into the hole in the wall.

He jumped into the pit and kicked open the coffin lid.


Seeing the Lord, I took a deep breath.

My lord, the shape is quite unique.....

In fact, I guessed it before opening the coffin. There is no peculiar smell, which means that the owner has rotted into bones long ago.

This old man Huang is now a pile of bones. On his skull, he still wears a small black round hat that old landlords wore in the past, with a sterling silver hat flower inlaid in front of the hat.

The person was rotten to the bone, and the clothes were rotten into rags, but the landlord's round hat was completely preserved in the coffin.

There are not many funerary objects, but compared to this small pit tomb, there are not many.

I found a lot of small pieces of jade, two large strings of scattered copper coins, all of which are Kangxi Tongbao, the best quality is a very green jadeite old cigarette holder, besides this, there is also a walking stick made of pure copper.

After looking carefully, I found that this walking stick is very unusual. First of all, it is engraved with the word "yellow". Apart from the intricate pattern carvings on the whole body of the walking stick, it is very heavy and overwhelming!This proves that its material is expensive refined copper!In the position of the hand, there are also three oval-shaped top-quality Hetian white jade embedded in it. I waved it casually twice, and I couldn't put it down immediately.

I didn't take the copper coins. Kangxi Tongbao is generally worthless. If I took it, it would take up space, so I kept it.

It took about half an hour to build the coffin, fill it with soil, and restore everything to its original state. I even covered up my own footprints.

"Master Yu, this girl looks pretty good, she's fair and clean, and she's still a college student?"

"It's okay if it's long. Why, what do you think?"

"I didn't! I was afraid that you would have ideas!"

"Pull it down," Master Yu shook his head and said, "I never use force, it's boring, and besides, I don't know any rules, and I'm not interested in this kind of young girl's movies at all."

Seeing me withdraw the money from the wallet, Master Yu asked in surprise, "Are you still short of this money?"

I smiled and said, "It's not that there is a shortage. They will feel at ease when I take the money. On the contrary, if I don't want anything, they will become suspicious."

"Okay, wake her up, I have something to tell her."

Master Yu nodded, and saw that she squeezed the girl named Yanan's neck twice, and the girl slowly opened her eyes.

Believe it or not, it's really that powerful. The most famous thing about Jiangxi Wubaiqian's acupoint acupuncture is the Jiangxi Evening News's live report on the "Dog Dog" incident in the early years. I found a stray dog ​​on the side of the road. The master touched the dog, and the dog passed out immediately. Later, the master touched the dog twice, and the dog jumped up and down again.

The girl woke up slowly, her face was pale, and she was looking straight at me.

I lifted her chin, but she didn't dare to resist or speak.

"Hey, I want to ask you a question, it costs money and life."

"Damn! Terrible!"

"Okay, I'll accept the money. If someone asks you what I look like, what would you say?"

"I don't know anything! I lost my wallet! Never met any strangers!"

"Go on."

I leaned close to her ear and whispered: "I just looked at your ID card and your mobile phone, I know where you go to school, I know what your parents' names are, I wrote down your home address, beauty , you are a smart person, you have to take care of yourself..."

I then whispered in her ear: "If you dare to call the police, I swear to God, I will find you! Rape first and then kill! Then, rape and kill..."

She collapsed on the ground, trembling.

I was taken aback for a moment, but I didn't expect her to pee all over her pants.

When I came out of the old house, the rain just stopped.

Master Yu and I pushed the broken Santana to the grass on the side of the road, and then walked towards the national highway with our bags on our backs.

This car is a black car with no formalities and no registration. Even the serial number on the engine has been deliberately worn out. In the era when the Internet was not connected at that time, the car I bought could not be checked by the traffic police.

I leaned on Mr. Huang's crutches and walked side by side with Master Yu. The air was sober after the rain. On the way, I looked back from time to time to see if there was a car coming and I could take a SF Express.

Suddenly, I thought of the scared look of that girl just now.

I asked myself: "Am I so scary?" It scared her to pee.

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