Beipai Tomb Raiders Notes

Chapter 46 Reunion

Pull down your trousers, exposing one side of your thigh.

Sister Hong and I were both terrified.

Never thought of that.

On the outside of my thigh, near the pocket of my trousers, there was a wound the size of a fingernail!

The skin and flesh of the wound were turned outwards, purple in color, and a little suppurated.

The point is, I didn't feel any pain at all!

I pressed it lightly with my hand, and I didn't feel anything at all.

As soon as I pressed the wound on my thigh, some juice flowed out of it.

At the same time, Sister Hong obviously didn't speak, but I heard a voice.

"Yunfeng, where are you? I'm here." This is what I heard on the night when the fog started.

From Sister Hong's expression, I knew that only I could hear this voice, not her.

"Wait! Yunfeng, don't move!" Sister Hong yelled, her eyes were terrified, staring at my wound.

I saw that on the inner side of my thigh, visible to the naked eye, the skin and flesh kept rising and falling, and there was clearly a living creature wriggling inside!

"Don't move! Hold on!" Sister Hong directly took out the dagger.

I was terrified when my thighs became like this.

I bit my clothes and watched all this in horror.

The dagger is very sharp, Sister Hong gritted her teeth, and she aimed at the slightly wriggling spot on my thigh.Straight down the knife.

When the dagger cut the flesh, it left blood. I bit my clothes tightly, thinking it would be very painful.I didn't expect to feel no pain at all, just a tingling sensation.

After cutting the flesh, it was very clear.

Inside was a russet bug.It was the legless cicada bug I carried in my pocket out of curiosity.

Sister Hong carefully used the tip of a knife to gouge out the worm.

After the cicada worm came out, it died.

As soon as the bug died, I started to feel pain. The wound on the outside of my thigh was excruciatingly painful.

Sister Hong cut her own clothes with a dagger, and tied them with cloth strips to stop the bleeding.

She wiped off her sweat, took a breath and said, "Okay, it should be fine."

Strange to say, once the bug came out, I no longer imitated her speech, the previous auditory hallucinations disappeared, and everything returned to normal.

Sister Hong looked at the dead worms on the ground, frowned and said, "It's such a wicked thing, I didn't think of it before, but now I suddenly thought of something, a legendary little worm called an echo worm."

Sister Hong spent more than ten minutes telling me everything she thought of.

I also found it incredible after hearing it.

There have been many records of this kind of insect in ancient books. At first, the ancients didn't know enough about it, so they classified this disease as one of the rare and difficult diseases. There was a record in "Compendium of Materia Medica".

"Read medicinal materials, stop thunder pills, stop worms talking."

Specifically how Li Shizhen cured it is interpreted in this way by later generations.It is said that Li Shizhen showed the catalog of medicinal materials to a person suffering from a strange disease, and Li Shizhen asked the person to read the names of medicinal materials aloud. At first, the patient did not have any abnormalities, but when the name "Lei Wan" was read aloud, the patient began to tremble and sweat on his head. , looking terrified.Later, Li Shizhen used Lei Wan as medicine, decocted it and let it drink. Sure enough, the strange disease got better the next day.This is a saying in the legend of later generations.

This kind of bug was found in the secret place of the garden, and I carefully recalled the cause and effect of the matter.

Chen Jiansheng was trapped here for some time. Before we arrived, he had entered it several times.

Is there a possibility that the reason why he learns to speak like a human is because, like me, this kind of strange bug got into his flesh.

It may be that it has been a long time, Chen Jiansheng's condition is more serious than mine, so before the attack, his eyesight will be lax and his mind will be in a trance.

And because I discovered it early, I still had my own consciousness when it happened.

Chen Jiansheng never met anyone at first, so this thing has been lurking.

When I think about it this way, it seems to be able to explain it.

It is not a good thing that this happened. Although it was dealt with early, it must have an impact on our upcoming launch plan.

become more difficult.

There's something weird going on here.

Mandrill, golden moss, unknown flowers and trees, as well as responding insects, burial pit, sacrificial altar, stone carving of eight steeds, and finally the small pool in front of you.

What Sister Hong meant was that it should not be too late. When the wound on my leg stopped bleeding, Sister Hong got up and said, "Get ready, let's get into the water and swim out."

Standing by the pool hand in hand, she took a deep breath, turned around and told me: "I've got a kick out of Yunfeng, you have to fight for yourself, don't be afraid, remember what I said earlier? We can all get out alive. "

I gritted my teeth and nodded, "Got it, Miss Hong, let's fight!"

"Breathe in, take a deep breath."

I gulp in, take a deep breath.

"I count from one to three, and start when I reach three, keep pace, the distance is not far, hold my breath to the end, you have to hold on to me."





Without hesitation, with the count to three, I jumped into the water with her almost simultaneously.

The water temperature was not as cool as in the underground river, but the visibility in the water was not high. I puffed up my cheeks, held my breath, kicked my legs, and grabbed Sister Hong tightly, letting her take me for a swim.

A few very small fish swam past me and dived for less than 1 minute. In the vagueness, I saw a lot of stone steps in the water, one after another.

The direction of our swimming is to follow the direction of the steps.

There are no aquatic plants underwater, so you don't have to worry about getting your feet entangled by aquatic plants, but something unexpected happened.

Since I was kicking my legs underwater, the place where the wound on my thigh was bandaged opened...

A lot of blood flowed from the wound to the surroundings continuously.

Because of the bloody smell, a foot-long black fish was attracted from nowhere.The black fish is not big, but it looks like it has teeth.

Sister Hong looked back and saw the fish.

Her eyes were terrified, and she desperately dragged me forward with great strength.

Such violent movements are accompanied by a large consumption of oxygen in the lungs.

Soon I felt that I had reached the limit, and my lungs were uncomfortable.

Blood continued to ooze.

Then, I saw black fish with teeth constantly gathering around.

They gathered together, followed the smell of blood, and finally locked on me and Sister Hong.

The school of fish gathered more and more and began to chase us!

Swimming along these underwater steps, at the critical moment, red dots of light appeared on the water surface ahead, which looked like torches.

"Gudu," I reached the limit, couldn't hold my breath, and took a big sip of water.

Pain came, and a black fish bit my thigh.

Then, two...

Getting closer to the surface of the water, Sister Hong was also attacked. She seemed to go crazy and dragged me out of the water.


As soon as I showed my head, I took a big breath and called for help, and a piranha bit me.

On the shore, the torches shine.

Sun Boss and Sun Lao San held torches and looked at me and sister Hong in a daze.

"Little Red!"


The eldest brother and the third brother put down the torch, and without taking off their clothes, they jumped into the water with a plop, and dragged me ashore.

I still had a few black fish biting on my leg, and Sister Hong was similar, she also had a few black fish biting on her arm, it hurts just looking at it.

The third brother slapped his thigh fiercely, with an excited expression on his face.


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