Late at night, Mount Xisai, outside the camp.

Everyone's face changed drastically because we thought of the same possibility.

My voice was trembling, and I asked, "Can't you? Put your head on! That man has been dead for 40 to [-] years!"

Frowning tightly, he said, "Everyone don't sleep tonight, Wen Bin, go get more firewood and make the fire more prosperous."

An hour later, all of us sat on the ground, sipping hot water around the fire.

It was midsummer, and the cicada monkey's cries kept coming from the mountains, and the crackling of dry firewood. Brother Yu held a water glass and said: "A few days ago, Yang Jun's sitting tank and corpse suddenly disappeared. You said... ..Is it possible that he is still conscious, but he plotted to rob us."

I took a deep breath of the cigarette to refresh myself: "Brother Yu, don't be scary. I was sure at the beginning that the clay vat was a mummy. His skin was dehydrated. At least he had been dead for decades."

The little Taoist held the cigarette I gave him in his hand, and said: "In my opinion, it is not difficult to explain, that is, you said that the man named Yang Jun was too obsessed with the ancient tomb, and his ghost would linger after death. The state is called "bardo body" in our Taoism, but it is actually a kind of ghost, not a human being.

Seeing that Xiaoxuan's face was not looking good, the little Taoist flicked the cigarette ash and immediately said: "But don't be afraid, I am here, as long as he dares to show up, I will immediately use the Taoist secret method to beat him to death!"

I was about to scold the little Taoist priest for talking nonsense, Xiaoxuan stepped forward and said: "Stinky Taoist priest! Don't talk nonsense here, please!"

The little Taoist immediately said: "If you haven't seen it, it doesn't mean you don't have it! Beauty, I'm not talking nonsense! I really know how to palm thunder, if you don't believe me, try it!"

The little Taoist took a deep breath, waved two palms in the air, and suddenly put his hand on Xiaoxuan's chest, raised his eyes and asked: "How about beauty, do you feel thunder? Does your chest feel hot now? "

I ran over, slapped the little Taoist priest on the head, and cursed: "Fuck you! You don't want to live, do you, kid?"

The little Taoist covered his head and smiled apologetically to me: "Don't be angry, don't be angry, everyone is not in a good mood, I just made a joke to enliven the atmosphere."

"But seriously..."

The little Taoist suddenly looked serious: "There are really ghosts in this world, you have to believe me."

As soon as he finished speaking, there was a sudden gust of wind that blew the campfire to pieces, and I hurriedly kicked the firewood back.

"Where's Bean Sprout Boy? Isn't this kid falling asleep again?" I asked.

Brother Yu looked back at the tent|tent: "Yazai said he was not feeling well and was resting."

"Nonsense! He's just being lazy again! Don't sleep at night after talking about it!"

I ran over to take a look, and found that Bean Sprout was sleeping under the quilt, and I threw off the quilt angrily.

I was taken aback.

Bean sprouts eyes were closed, his face was pale, his lips were purple like grapes, he hugged his hands, trembling all over, constantly shivering.

"Bud boy!"

This scene was frightening, I slapped him hard on the face, but Bean Sprout didn't respond, he was still trembling all over.

I immediately yelled: "Hold your head! Hold your head! Come here quickly! Something happened to Bean Sprouts!"

A group of people hurried over, Xiaoxuan checked and found that Bean Sprout had wet his pants, the bottom half of his pants was wet!

The little Taoist knew some medical skills, so he felt the pulse for Bean Sprouts and immediately said anxiously: "I have a low-grade fever! The pulse fluctuates quickly and slowly! It jumps around on average and stops for a while! This is a fucking poisoning symptom! It may be some kind of severe poison!"

"Did I accidentally get bitten by a snake! There are poisonous snakes in this mountain!" Brother Yu said nervously.

"No! Definitely not a snake!"

I recalled: "It was yesterday! That white centipede in the tomb yesterday!"

Xiaoxuan said anxiously: "Don't care about the snake or the centipede! Anyway, saving people is the most important thing now! Hurry up and find a way to save people! Or send them to the hospital!"

"That's too late!"

The little Taoist said anxiously: "I see that his pulse is beating up to 1 times a minute! And it is still falling! It will take three and a half hours from here to the hospital in the city at the fastest! I am afraid that when he is sent to the hospital, everyone will be scared." It's so cold!"

"What are you looking at me for? Don't count on me!"

The little Taoist said loudly: "I only know a little about medicine! I don't know how to cure this kind of centipede poison!"

The situation of Bean Sprouts is getting worse and worse, and the situation is critical. I suddenly thought of someone, and I ran out immediately.

"Where are you going, Yunfeng!" Brother Yu called me.

Without turning my head, I shouted, "Wait for a few minutes! I'll be right back!"

"Signal! Damn it! Come and signal!"

I ran up and down all the way, looking for a cell phone signal.

I want to call Dr. Fan for help, I have called her several times before!Miracle Doctor Fan is now traveling with the Sword King on the southwest border, and her signal is also very poor there!It's not bad to get through once out of ten calls on average!

After continuous attempts to dial, but also luck, finally....

"Yunfeng? Why are you calling me so late?" On the other end of the phone, Miracle Physician Fan's voice didn't sound very clear, and it was a little intermittent.

"Sister Fan! The situation is urgent! Listen to me first!"

"Do you know Bean Sprouts! He's poisoned! He was bitten by an unknown white centipede yesterday! He's in a serious condition now! He's unconscious! His lips are purple! He's trembling all over! The low-grade fever doesn't go away!"

"Centipede bite? Where are you?"

"We are in the Huangshi area of ​​Hubei!" I said anxiously.

On the other end of the phone, Miracle Physician Fan asked suspiciously: "Hubei? I remember that there seems to be no such poisonous centipede in that area, Yunfeng, listen carefully, you can try this..."

I wrote down the detailed steps, thanked me and ran back, all because of my own cheapness!He shouldn't have touched that white centipede at all!

According to Dr. Fan's method, after I went back, I teamed up with Brother Yu to carry out Bean Sprouts in a hurry, tied him up with a rope, put him upside down with his head upside down, and stood him upside down under a tree. This was to let the blood in his body Backflow.

Then the soldiers were divided into two groups. The little Taoist priest and I went down the mountain overnight to find an old rooster at a nearby villager's house, while Brother Yu and Xiaoxuan went in a group to find camphor leaves in the mountains.

Doctor Fan's anti-centipede poisoning method is to boil camphor leaves with a rooster's head, boil a large pot, and then pour camphor tree water into the bean sprouts until he vomits.

The little Taoist and I hurried to the village at the foot of the mountain. It was already late at night, close to two o'clock.

This is a small village with more than 200 households. At this point, everyone is resting. The doors of every house are closed, and the village looks empty.

"Little Xiangzi, how do we find someone who has an old rooster? Are we going to knock on the door and ask?"

I hurriedly said: "Time is running out, so look for them separately! You go to the west, I'll go to the east! Go around the village! Many chicken coops are set up in front of the house! Whether you find it or not, we will meet in 10 minutes!"

Bean Sprouts is not in good condition, so we may not be able to wait too long, so we must hurry.

Then we separated, the little Taoist went to the west end of the village, and I went to the east end of the village.

About 10 minutes later, I was about to climb over the wall and enter the yard of a family. At this moment, I heard a burst of hurried footsteps and dogs barking.

Looking back, I saw the little Taoist priest running towards me very fast!

He was pale, with a few chicken feathers falling from his hair, holding a big cock in his left hand and right hand, and behind him, two big yellow dogs were barking and chasing after him!

"Little Xiangzi! Run! Two mad dogs!"

I grabbed him and turned my head to stare fiercely at the two big yellow dogs.

The big dog bared his teeth!The eyes are fierce!There were bursts of deep screams in the mouth, and the saliva fell down the side of the mouth.

The little Taoist is afraid of mad dogs, but I am not!If I am afraid of two dogs, if it gets out, it will only make people in the world laugh.

I stayed where I was, staring at the two mad dogs across the air.

After 2 minutes, I suddenly waved my right hand!

The two dogs were so frightened that they turned around and ran away with their tails between their legs.

Seeing the situation, the little Taoist took a long breath and said: "I was bitten by a dog when I was a child, so I am still afraid of dogs now. Little Xiang still knows dogs, you are amazing!"

"The chicken was stolen?"

"You nonsense, you didn't steal it, so it was given away for nothing!"

I nodded: "It's important to save people! Let's go back quickly! I'm afraid Bean Sprouts won't last long."

I walked to the entrance of the village with the rooster in my hands. There is a small stone bridge here, and I can walk up the hill from the stone bridge.


My pupils constricted because I saw a man in black standing on the bridge.

The man in black held a long knife and slowly turned his head to look at us.

The little Taoist immediately stood in front of me, opened his posture, and squinted at the man in black.

From tens of meters away, the man in black slowly raised his knife and laid it across his neck.

In the next second, he cut off his head little by little!Hold your own head in your hands!

Then, he slowly put his head back, and twisted his neck left and right!

Seeing this scene, the little Taoist priest and I widened our eyes at the same time!

The man in black twisted his neck twice, turned around and jumped under the bridge. The little Taoist priest and I hurried over to have a look.

There was no one under the bridge.

I patted the little Taoist priest and said with trembling lips, "Hey, pinch my arm to see if I'm dreaming."

The little Taoist was pale at the moment, he turned his head to look at me and said, "You are not dreaming, I saw it too, little Xiangzi, the two of us may have really seen a ghost..."


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