The fire in the fire was getting weaker, Chen Jiansheng kicked two dry sticks, and the fire started to burn again.

"Yunfeng, you go, take off the hat," Sister Hong told me, and she handed over the dagger.

"it is good....."

Holding the dagger in both hands, I approached it step by step cautiously.

Taking a deep breath, I kicked the big frieze hat off the thing's head.

Under the hat, it turned out to be a monkey face!

no no.

To be precise, it cannot be said to be a monkey face, but it can only be said to be like a monkey face.

The few of us looked at each other in surprise.

This thing has a long and pointed face, a protruding nose, bright red hair on both sides of the mouth, a layer of white hair on its forehead, small eyes, and looks very strange.

Now, this thing is dead with eyes closed and mouth half open.

"Oh? Is this thing that thing?" Chen Jiansheng suddenly turned to look at Sister Hong.

Sister Hong took a closer look, frowned and said, "I can't be sure, I haven't seen it before."

Seeing them playing charades, I became a little anxious, so I asked Sister Hong if she knew something.

Sister Hong told me that this thing might be the mandrill in folklore, the mountain spirit and wild monster.

About this thing, Sister Hong told me a few things she knew one after another.

In the past, in the deep mountains and old forests in folk areas, if you ask experienced old hunters what is the most powerful and evil thing in the mountains, not tigers and leopards, many old hunters will give almost the same answer.


In some places, this thing is also called mountain ghost, mountain god.Mandrills are divided into males and females. The male mandrill likes to eat people, is sexually promiscuous, and likes to rape human women, while the female mandrill likes to tease people, and likes to dress up as human children, mix in the crowd, and play games with children. If you are happy, you will take the children away.

This thing is more than one meter tall, and likes to cover itself with a big hat. From a distance, it looks like children. Also, about the mandrill's hat, some old people said that the hat worn by the mandrill can be invisible. When people wear it, they can hide their body shape so that others can't see it.

Of course, the claim that the mandrill hat can make you invisible is nonsense.I dare say that because I tried it.

In front of Sister Hong and Chen Jiansheng, I bravely picked up the hat and tried it on.

The hat smelled bad, so I put it on and asked, "Sister Hong, Chen Tugong, am I invisible now, can you see me?"

Chen Jiansheng looked at me with drooping eyelids, and said flatly: "That's right, you are invisible, you can wear this hat to rob banks in the future, make sure no one sees you, and also, when you go to the women's bathhouse, the cameras will watch you." Not to you."

I curled my lips and threw away the broken hat, how could I not understand the meaning of ridicule in his words.

As for where the hat came from, we don't know, but Chen Jiansheng suddenly recognized the clothes on the mandrill when we rummaged through them.

Because the dress was worn backwards.

Chen Jiansheng took out a plastic bag from the inner pocket of his clothes, opened the plastic bag, and found a lighter and half a box of Wuduo Jinhua cigarettes in it.

With a livid face, he kicked the dead body five or six times in succession.

"Damn it! This bastard! This clothes belonged to someone in our team! This bastard took it off and put it on himself!" After he finished speaking, he became angry and kicked several times.

"Okay, they're all dead, why are you so crazy," Sister Hong shook her head and said, "Look for something else, see if the thing you mentioned is hidden in it."

I also helped, and I searched carefully several times, but I couldn't find the sapphire sacrificial vessel that Chen Jiansheng was talking about.

Suddenly, Chen Jiansheng clapped his hands, which startled me.

Sister Hong frowned and asked what she wanted to do.

Holding the cigarette case, he pointed to the sky, and suddenly said excitedly: "This brother of mine happened up there, and I saw it with my own eyes! This bastard took off his clothes, put them on himself, and came to the owner of the tomb again." In the back garden, Chen Logistics, tell me, what does this mean?"

Sister Hong thought for a while, then pondered, "There is a way."

"That's right!" Chen Jiansheng first pointed to the sky and the ground, "That's right, there must be a passage above and below, as long as we find this road, we can go up!"

I am also very excited, because if what Chen Jiansheng said is true, then we can leave here, go up, and find the eldest brother and third brother.

But the question now is, where is the way for the mandrill to come down from above?

Some things are now beginning to take shape.

In the crevice in front of the mountain, the underground space with lush vegetation may be the private back garden of the owner of the tomb. If the owner of the tomb is a mustard, relying on the appeal of the princes and kings, it may be possible to find so many precious flowers and trees and plant them. Go to the back garden I built for myself to enjoy after my death.

This method is actually similar to the mercury in the Mausoleum of the First Emperor as the sea, and the night pearl as the sun, moon and stars.

The slight difference between the two is that Sima Qian clearly recorded the Mausoleum of the First Emperor in Lishan Mountain in the Shiji, while Jiehou, the unofficial history and official history, did not mention a word.

Regarding how to find this way up, Sister Hong thought of a way.

Although mandrills are evil, they still retain some of the habits of monkeys. Sister Hong speculates that they live in groups.

One of the mandrills is missing, will these things be sent to look for them?

In fact, it is not a plan. Chen Jiansheng has been stuck here for half a year. Once he is forced to do nothing, he is willing to try any possible method.

We lifted the dead mandrill up, let it lean against a tree, and then put on the hat and clothes for it.

Then, we retreated 100 meters, hid behind a big tree, and secretly looked at the wind and grass here.

After our careful arrangement, not to mention, from a distance, the mandrill does not look dead, but seems to be resting against the tree trunk.

After waiting for over an hour, we got what we wanted.

I was dozing off, and Sister Hong patted me and signaled me not to sleep, there is something wrong, hurry up and take a look.

Hiding behind a tree, I only glanced at it.

I was terrified.

I didn't know what was going on at the time, but it suddenly became foggy.

About 400 meters ahead, in the hazy white mist, many small black figures appeared indistinctly. They couldn't see their faces clearly, only a lot of hats could be seen.

There are about a dozen of them, and the clothes on these things are different, some are black and some are white, I don't know where they got them.These things imitate people walking, twisting and twisting.

This scene.

The white mist is light, a bit like the old Hong Kong movies, the feeling of ghosts walking in the night.

I swallowed several mouthfuls of saliva, and my heart was in my throat.

Soon, these things found their dead accomplices.

They circled around, looking at each other, squeaking like mice.

After a while, these things seemed to have reached some kind of consensus, and the four of them lifted up the dead one, twisting and turning, and were about to leave.

"Follow," Chen Jiansheng took the lead and strode out.

The distance has always been more than 100 meters. In addition to the favorable geographical environment, there are flowers and trees everywhere. As soon as we find something wrong in front of us, we will immediately hide in the nearby grass.

Stop and go, along the way, those things looked back from time to time, it was very dangerous, and we were almost spotted several times.

I don't know how long we walked, turning and turning, following these things, we walked outside a very hidden small cave.

Weeds are overgrown outside this small cave, and the entrance of the cave is well hidden. If we hadn't watched these things go in one by one with our own eyes, we wouldn't have found it.

Watching these short people get in one by one, I lowered my voice: "Chen Tugong, you have been here for a long time, have you discovered this place before?"

Chen Jiansheng hid in the grass. After hearing the words, he poked his head out and took a closer look.

"It's such a mouse hole, and it's covered with grass."

"Where can I find out?"

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