Douluo: On the wedding night, Bibi Dong eavesdropped on her heart

Chapter 83 The Devil (2 updates! Please vote! Please read!)

After Du Bai's figure disappeared.

Miss Mo at the front desk of Shanhaijian Hotel also withdrew her gaze.

"This guest is really interesting!"

Little Mo girl murmured with a smile on her lips.

It was the first time for Xiaomo to meet such an approachable guest, and he was also funny and cute.

It's really interesting to actually call a dog Mr. Yellow Dog and give the dog a room.

Since I came to work at the front desk of Shanhaijian Hotel.

What Xiao Mo saw was men bringing women to open rooms, or to open rooms for mistresses.

It was the first time Xiaomo saw a room for the little yellow dog.

And judging from the breed of the dog, it seems that it is just a piece of junk, not unusual.

"Dog fetishist?"

"Could it be that the guest has a special hobby?"

Xiao Mo thought to himself.

But soon, the girl Xiaomo shook her head and rejected it.

First of all, Du Bai does not seem to have a special fetish for dogs.

Secondly, Miss Xiaomo just received Du Bai at noon today.

At that time, Du Bai stayed in the hotel with an elegant and stunning woman.

According to Miss Mo's guess.

The two of them are not lovers, and I am afraid they will become lovers in the future.

Therefore, Miss Xiaomo believes that Du Bai's sexual orientation is normal.

Xiao Mo has a good impression of Du Bai's interesting personality.

And this is also the case, the little Mo girl winked and said the words "if you need it, you can find me".

This sentence is of course a joke.

Because Miss Mo knew that Du Bai had Bibi Dong, a peerless beauty, and she must be upright.

I will never have any other unreasonable thoughts with myself.

The reason why she said that was just a joke by Miss Mo, and she wanted to further please the guests.

Miss Xiaomo didn't mean to make extra money, and she only said this to Du Bai.

Miss Mo is very measured and won't talk nonsense to other guests...

Of course, these are digressions.

And Du Bai's side.

At this time, Du Bai had arrived in front of room 301 with his male dog Xiao Huang.

Across the door of room 301.

Du Bai could faintly hear the shy humming of a girl inside.

Obviously, right now Xue Qinghe is doing serious business with the girl.

“Xue Qinghe’s energy is so good!”

Du Bai sighed.

Mr. Little Yellow Dog, who was carried by Du Bai, obviously also heard the sound of movement inside.

At this moment, a pair of dog eyes are piercing, as if they have discovered a new world.

"Wait a minute and let His Royal Highness inside play the flute for you!"

Du Bai patted the little yellow silly dog's head gently and thought to himself.

dong dong dong-

Du Bai knocked on the door of Room 301.

However, there was no response from Xue Qinghe.

dong dong dong-

Du Bai tapped again.

Still no response.

Obviously, they were busy with business inside and didn't have time to open the door.

dong dong dong-

Du Bai knocked on the door tirelessly.

dong dong dong-

dong dong dong-

Still knocking on the door.

"Who is it? What are you doing!"

Xue Qinghe's impatient voice came from inside the house.

He was doing business, which beast knocked on the door for no reason and disturbed other people's feelings.

"That's right, who is it!"

Yue Rou was wrapping her arms around Xue Qinghe's back and neck, Jiao Didi said.

takeout! Your takeout has arrived!

Of course, this was just the response in Du Bai's heart.

dong dong dong-

Du Bai didn't speak, but continued to knock on the door.

"Damn it, why keep knocking on the door?"

Xue Qinghe said angrily.

No matter who it is, they will get angry if they are disturbed when they are having sex.

At this moment, Xue Qinghe was in high spirits and was naturally very angry when he was disturbed.

"Yue Rou'er, lie down on the bed and cover yourself with the quilt, don't show your flesh!"

Xue Qinghe said softly, kissing Yuerou's beautiful rosy cheeks.

"I'm going to see who keeps knocking on the door!"

Then, Xue Qinghe snorted coldly.

"Okay, I'll wait for you here!"

Yue Rou'er said reluctantly.

Afterwards, Xue Qinghe put on his casual robe, took a bite of cherries and walked towards the door.

From time to time, there would be knocking on the door.

"Who, stop knocking, I'm coming!"

Xue Qinghe walked over and said impatiently.

Outside the house, Du Bai, who was carrying the male dog Xiao Huang, naturally noticed Xue Qinghe's footsteps.


A flash of light flashed in Du Bai's eyes, and he was ready to fight.


The door of Room 301 opened a corner, revealing Xue Qinghe's handsome face slightly rosy with sweat.

Obviously, Xue Qinghe had just experienced a fierce battle.


Xue Qinghe saw a man carrying a dog, but he didn't realize what was going on.

The door that opened at a corner was violently pushed open by the man.


The man carrying a dog had already barged in, and slammed the door shut with another bang.


As soon as Xue Qinghe saw the man's face, he was hit hard with an uppercut in the abdomen, and he immediately let out a muffled groan.

The pain made Xue Qinghe bow his back involuntarily.


Yuerou on the bed sensed something was wrong, someone broke in, she panicked and yelled.

However, the panicked sound stopped after only a second or so.

Because Du Bai had already spread the fluctuations in Contra's cultivation at this time.

The sense of oppression brought by this Contra Xiuwei fluctuation made Yue Rou unable to be born.

The delicate body was under tremendous pressure, and it was difficult to even breathe, so naturally it was impossible to make a sound.

The second prince Xue Qinghe felt this powerful sense of oppression, his body shook, his face full of shock.

Contra, this cultivation base is probably Contra!

Xue Qinghe naturally recognized the man who broke in as Du Bai.

After seeing Du Bai's poems, Xue Qinghe already admired the dialogue and regretted his previous behavior of offending Du Bai.

Moreover, Xue Qinghe wanted to apologize to Du Bai and exchange poems with Du Bai.

He even asked Du Bai to be his poetry teacher to enlighten himself.

Of course, Du Bai didn't know about Xue Qinghe's changes.

Du Bai only knew that Xue Qinghe had offended him, so he punished him!

Xue Qinghe wanted to defend himself, but Du Bai hooked his legs as soon as he entered the door, and then suppressed Contra cultivation base.

At this time, Xue Qinghe was speechless.

He has not yet adapted to the pain in his abdomen and the pressure of his Contra cultivation.

Xue Qinghe felt his body light up and was lifted up by Du Bai.

Holding Xiao Huang in one hand and Xue Qinghe in the other, Du Bai came to the bed in an instant.

Of course, Du Bai didn't intend to take Yuerou by force in front of the prince and Xiao Huang, and do that shit with Yuerou.

Du Bai threw Xue Qinghe on the ground casually.

Then, with a flash, he came to Yuerou's side.

Du Bai showed no mercy and struck Yuerou's soft neck with a knife.

Just like that, Yue Rou, who was full of panic, fainted.

Mr. Little Yellow Dog in Du Bai's hand witnessed the whole process.

At this moment, the male dog Xiao Huang opened his dog eyes wide with shock on his face.

Beast, this human being is a beast.

Not only did he disturb himself and Xiao Huanghuang's good things, but he also ruined the good things of other human beings.

This human is a devil!

The male dog Xiao Huang was scared.

Next, it’s time to get down to business.

Du Bai took out a rope from the storage bag soul guide.

Then, Du Bai roughly tied the male dog Xiao Huang to a chair, exposing its white belly and...

Then, Du Bai brought Xue Qinghe, who was full of shock and pain, to Xiao Huang.

Let Xue Qinghe assume a kneeling posture.

"I'll give you five minutes. If you can satisfy Mr. Yellow Dog, I'll let you leave!"

Du Bai spoke like a devil.

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