Douluo: On the wedding night, Bibi Dong eavesdropped on her heart

Chapter 73 1 Poke 1 Bounce (4 more! Ask for tickets! Please follow up!)

Thoughts at a Quiet Night is a poem written by Du Bai after careful consideration, mainly for Tang Yuehua.

"Silent Night Thoughts" writes about the feeling of watching the moon and missing my hometown in the quiet night.

And Tang Yuehua is a direct disciple of the Clear Sky School, the younger sister of Tang Xiao and Tang Hao, and Tang San's aunt.

Tang Yuehua has a pivotal position in Haotianzong.

Because of Tang Hao's serious injury to Haotianzong, Haotianzong was forced to seal the sect and disappeared from sight.

As an important figure in the Haotian Sect, Tang Yuehua naturally had a home that he could not return to and a family that he could not see.

And this song "Thinking at a Quiet Night" just rightly expresses the emotion of missing the old people in my hometown.

Du Bai believed that if Tang Yuehua saw this poem, he would be touched by the scene and be greatly shocked.

"This poem can be easily adapted to Tang Yuehua!"

Du Bai thought to himself.

Originally, Du Bai just came over to step on the spot to see if Tang Yuehua was there.

Unexpectedly, Tang Yuehua has become obsessed with poetry recently and even holds poetry conferences.

Coincidentally, he met this hypocrite Xue Qinghe who wanted to compete with him in poetry again.

Then let's reveal a song, and be worshiped by Tang Yuehua, so that he can be taken away later.

By the way, let Xue Qinghe in front of me know what poetry is and teach him a lesson.

When Du Bai wrote this song, only Bibi Dong saw it, the others did not see it.

At this moment, Bibi Dong repeatedly chanted the song "Thoughts for a Quiet Night" in her heart, and couldn't help being shocked.

"The bright moonlight in front of the bed is suspected to be frost on the ground."

"Raise your head to look at the bright moon, lower your head to miss your hometown."

Bibi Dong repeated the reading in her heart.

From the short four-line poem, Bibi Dong read out the poet's feelings of loneliness and desolation when he was wandering in a foreign country and missing his hometown.

"I didn't expect Du Bai to write a good poem!"

"And Du Bai seems to miss his hometown very much."

"I remember that Du Bai was an must have been very difficult for him over the years..."

Bibi Dong couldn't help but feel a little pity for Du Bai...

At the same time, Bibi Dong also thought of Du Bai's first assessment in a flash of thought.

Previously, Bibidong agreed to Du Bai's pursuit of her, but she needed Du Bai to complete her three assessments.

Now, Bibi Dong has thought about the first assessment.

"For the first test, I asked Du Bai to write a love poem. As long as he can write it to my heart, he will pass..."

Bibi Dong secretly decided...

"Have you finished this poem?"

At this time, a dog barked at Du Bai, which also brought Bibi Dong's thoughts back.

"It's done."

Du Bai responded indifferently.

But he didn't spread out the paper in his hand, and he didn't have the idea of ​​showing the poem to everyone.

"I don't dare to show the poem to everyone. Is it because the writing is so bad that I'm embarrassed to show it to you?"

A dog barked at Du Bai again.

Du Bai is used to being barked by so many dogs today.

In response, Du Bai responded with an indifferent expression.

"Let's take a look at the second prince's compelling poem first. How is it written?"

Du Bai said calmly.


When several dogs nearby are about to bark in unison.

The leading dog, Xue Qinghe, waved his hand and said elegantly, "Don't curse people."

"I've already written the poem!"

Xue Qinghe said gently.

"Read and listen."

Du Bai said calmly.

"Listen carefully, the poems written by His Highness the Second Prince sound like a spring breeze, very comfortable!"

"Today, you are able to hear the Second Prince's poem, you are really lucky!"

Two dogs came out boasting.

Waving his hands, Xue Qinghe signaled them not to talk too much.

"The sunset forest is huge!"

Xue Qinghe read the first sentence gracefully.

The seven dogs around were sitting upright, listening carefully.

"Okay, Your Highness the Second Prince, the first sentence describes the vast space of Sunset Forest!"

A dog barked softly.

"Forest Sunset!"

Then, Xue Qinghe read the second sentence as elegantly as before, and even glanced at Du Bai confidently.

"As expected, Your Highness Qinghe, the second sentence, the natural transition from the forest to the full moon seems to be right in front of you!"

Another dog barks.

"There are soul beasts in the sunset forest!"

Then, Xue Qinghe maintained his elegant demeanor and read out the third sentence.

In the third sentence, all seven dogs look fascinated.

"Absolutely, this third sentence is absolutely!"

"It is very true to write that there are soul beasts in the sunset forest, and it makes people look forward to the rest of the poem."

"I feel like this fourth sentence will reach the climax of the whole poem!"

Several dogs crossed their heads and barked at each other.

Seeing the admiration of the people around him, Xue Qinghe looked satisfied.

"One poke and one jump!"

In the admiration of the seven dogs, Xue Qinghe read the last sentence, and put his hands behind his back, maintaining a graceful demeanor.

"The finishing touch!"

At this time, a dog couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

"The last line of the verse vividly and profoundly expresses the scene of the poet beheading the soul beast."

"At the same time, it shows a childlike innocence under the great ambition of being the prince of the empire, which can be called a famous sentence of a generation!"

At this time, a dog barked with admiration.

Listening to the explanation of the elegant and luxurious, handsome Qi Tiaogou, passers-by couldn't help thinking that the poem was well written.

Even Jasmine, the receptionist of Yuexuan, felt that there was something in this poem after listening to the poem and the interpretation of the seven gentlemen.

"Recited silently over and over again, Senior Qinghe's poems are indeed well written..."

Jasmine thought to herself.

"It's your turn, since it's a fighting poem, read your poem and listen to it!"

"Let's see if the poem you wrote is as good as His Highness Qinghe's. If not, you must apologize for your previous behavior!"

"Yes, if Du Shi loses, you must apologize!"

The seven dogs barked at Du Bai together.

Du Bai heard Xue Qinghe's poem just now and was amused by its humor.

At this moment, the seven dogs barked in unison, Du Bai withdrew his thoughts.

"I have to say, Qinghe is compelling."

"The poems you wrote are very humorous and funny!"

Du Bai commented indifferently.

As for the dog barking, Du Bai was immune to it.

These people have been silently followed by Du Bai.

Find a suitable opportunity, and Du Bai will take away punishments one by one!

"What? You actually said His Highness Qinghe's poems were funny!"

"His Royal Highness the Second Prince's poems are excellent. If you are able, let us have a look at your poems!"

"Yes, let us see your poem quickly..."


The dogs started barking again.

Du Bai didn't pay any attention to this, but turned around to look at Yuexuan's reception girl, Jasmine.

"Miss Jasmine, please pass this poem to Mrs. Tang for her evaluation!"

"Of course, you can watch it if you want."

"However, when you watch, remember to prevent these eight long-necked dogs from peeping."

Du Bai said calmly.

At the same time, Du Bai handed the folded paper in his hand to Jasmine.

Jasmine subconsciously took the paper handed over by Du Bai.

"Okay, I will definitely pass it on to Mrs. Tang!"

Jasmine responded with a smile.

For some reason, Jasmine felt that the man in front of her had an extraordinary feeling.

From Du Bai's body, Jasmine felt a calm and reserved feeling.

At the same time, Jasmine also vaguely felt that Du Bai's poems were extraordinary.

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