The green devil

Chapter 244 Victory over Laco

Alberto's shot sounded the alarm for the Spaniard.

The Spaniards are now on the rise, and they don't have much arrogance. They quickly adjusted their mentality and kept up with the rhythm of the Deportivo players.

The strength of other players in Deportivo is actually not much different from that of the Spaniards. The reason why the gap in performance is so large is because they lack stars like Zhao Yang and Asensio.

Even a striker like Caicedo, Deportivo can't find it.

On an 11-man team, with three star players, it's already possible to take a team up a notch.

Once the Spaniard's players go all out, Deportivo will be overwhelmed.

It was the Spaniard's three star players who broke the balance on the field.

The Spaniard's defender steals from the backcourt and passes the ball to Asensio's feet.

Asensio didn't pause, he pulled the ball under his feet the moment he caught the ball, and turned around at the same time, widening the distance from the defensive player.

The defensive players know that Asensio has good skills, but they are stuck in the position and dare not rush up.

Asensio didn't force himself to break through the opponent. His main task was to organize, and the breakthrough was left to the Chinese.

Today is their holiday, let him behave well.

Asensio made a fake move, flicked his ankle, and passed the ball to Zhao Yang.

Compared with Asensio's escape just now, Zhao Yang is more agile.

Using a deformed "Cruyff", he stopped and turned around, leaving the defender behind.

It's almost a gimmick.

The fans in the stands were also very face-saving. As soon as Zhao Yang finished this action, they applauded and cheered.

Getting rid of the close-fitting defenders, Zhao Yang strode forward and rushed forward.

Zhao Yang is the key player in Deportivo's defense. When he saw the ball moving forward, two defensive players quickly double-teamed him.

Zhao Yang took a look at the positions of the defensive players, and knew that he had no hope of attacking in the middle.

Zhao Yang made a feint to the right with his upper body, and then ran forward to the left.

The two defenders followed Zhao Yang one by one to prevent him from cutting inside suddenly.

The player that Zhao Yang got rid of just now was also chasing after him.

As Zhao Yang got closer and closer to the penalty area, the defensive players became more and more nervous.

At this stage, everyone knows that Zhao Yang's long-range shots are quite accurate.

Two defensive players approached Zhao Yang subconsciously and drove him to the side to prevent him from suddenly taking a long shot.

However, these La Coruna people don't know Zhao Yang too well, and they are too close to Zhao Yang.

At this moment, Zhao Yang accelerated suddenly, as if he wanted to forcefully overtake.

When the two defensive players also accelerated, Zhao Yang suddenly stopped and flicked the ball horizontally with his left foot.

This is the rhythm to cut in!

As soon as the two defensive players accelerated, they stopped suddenly. Seeing Zhao Yang dialing horizontally, they quickly moved to the middle.

After these three actions, the two defensive players have not fallen, which can be regarded as solid basic skills.

However, Zhao Yang's movement was not finished yet, he then immediately returned the ball with his right foot.

“Fried meatballs!”

At this time, everyone understood that what Zhao Yang did just now was an extraordinary move of "fried meatballs".

But the bodies of the two defensive players couldn't keep up with their consciousness.

When they were still trying to follow Zhao Yang, their bodies twisted into twists, and they fell straight to the ground.

After knocking down two players, Zhao Yang had a wide open front.

Without the slightest pause, Zhao Yang dribbled the ball to the corner of the penalty area, and immediately took a shot before the defenders came to block it.

Zhao Yang didn't make a strong shot, but made a beautiful banana ball.

Zhao Yang's explosive power is very strong, the ball not only draws an arc, but also rotates violently.

Goalkeeper Lukes was also confused by Zhao Yang's dazzling fake moves just now.

Although his body didn't move, his consciousness had turned back and forth several times.

The consequence of dizziness is that the goalkeeper Lukes did not choose a good position.

I saw Zhao Yang's banana ball going straight to the upper right corner of the goal.

Lukes knew something was wrong, because he was still preparing to guard Zhao Yang on the left side.

Lukes couldn't move enough, he could only watch the ball fly past him.

The ball was very fast, and when Lukes turned his head to look, the ball had already flown into the net against the crossbar.


Zhao Yang's banana ball basically sealed the victory for the Spaniard.

After scoring the goal, Zhao Yang jumped up high, raised his arms and shouted, and then stood there with his arms raised high, waiting for his teammates to come to congratulate him.

Normally, Zhao Yang's celebration behavior is not so exaggerated, but today, Zhao Yang seems to be expressing it intentionally.

On the court, intense competition and confrontation can easily stimulate the adrenal glands of the people.

Not only did no one feel that Zhao Yang's exaggerated celebration was very secondary, on the contrary, many fans cheered and praised Zhao Yang.

The commentator He Wei sighed: "Zhao's goal is really beautiful!"

Fang Nandao: Ah, I think this Zhao Yang is taking an oath of sovereignty today?This is his chassis.

He Wei said with a smile: "Actually, he doesn't have to. He is the banner and patron saint of the Spaniards. I think he is more likely to be seen by the fans."

Zhao Yang scored the goal, and there were still more than 30 minutes left in the game.

But Deportivo has lost its fighting spirit.

3 goals behind, the opponent is still strong and perverted, it may be difficult for any team to come back.

After the Spanish coach Sergio celebrated, he saw that his opponent Deportivo had no morale, so he was relieved. He quickly sent Cheryshev to let the Russian winger and his teammates run in, so as to cope with the increasingly important situation in the future. the match of.

After Cheryshev came on the field, with him assisting Asensio in controlling the midfield, Zhao Yang focused on offense.

When Asensio scored in the 62nd minute, the game completely lost its suspense.

Deportivo coach Sanchez recognized the situation and sent young people on the field to adapt to the atmosphere of the game.

Sergio had the same idea here. At the end of the game, he even replaced Zhao Yang and let him accept the cheers of the fans.

Zhao Yang understood what the head coach meant. Usually he didn't want to show off the limelight, but this time, he was very happy.

Wealth and honor do not return home, like a night walk in brocade.

Leading the team to win, Zhao Yang naturally hopes to see his compatriots see his status in the team.

Zhao Yang waved to the fans as he walked off the field.

The applause in the stands continued continuously, until Zhao Yang sat back on the bench, it still didn't stop.

Neither side had any interest in the game, and the next ten minutes turned into a training match.

Although the players who came off the bench are eager to score goals, such as Cheryshev, other teammates have lost interest in scoring goals, and Cheryshev has no way to break the opponent's goal by himself.

Until the end of the game, the score of 4:0 was not rewritten.

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