Chapter 78 Eight Thousand Eggs

In the early morning of the imperial capital, there were not many people on the deserted streets. He Yuzhu rode a bicycle through the streets and alleys.

At this time, He Yuzhu had already been to three vegetable markets. He not only bought some seeds of cotton and other crops, but the most important thing was that he wanted to create a false impression.

Let others think that the things he took out from the other world were bought from here.

It was eight or nine o'clock, and He Yuzhu rushed towards the rolling mill.

When, when he just walked into the office, Secretary Wu was already waiting here.

"Director He, you are here. The factory manager is waiting for you. Come with me quickly."

As soon as he saw He Yuzhu, Secretary Wu came up immediately, with an anxious look on his face.

He Yuzhu was very relaxed. He said to Secretary Wu: "Secretary Wu, why is it so urgent?"

Secretary Wu walked towards the factory director's office without looking back and pulled He Yuzhu.

"Director He, I don't know either, but I can tell from the director's expression that there must be something serious!"


He Yuzhu nodded, he stopped asking, and followed Secretary Wu to call the factory director's office.


Secretary Wu knocked on the door and shouted, "Director He, Director He is here."

In the office, Yang Weimin heard the words and immediately shouted, "Come in."


After saying that, Secretary Wu pushed the door open and walked in. Seeing this, He Yuzhu also walked in. As soon as he entered the door, he laughed at the factory manager and said, "Director, what do you want from me?"

Yang Weimin looked at Secretary Wu, who was also smart, knowing that he could not hear these things, so he walked out immediately, and closed the door gently before leaving.


Yang Weimin nodded in satisfaction, and then said to He Yuzhu: "Director He, how are you doing with the task I entrusted to you? Are there any difficulties?"

It turned out to be this matter!

If it was yesterday, He Yuzhu might still be embarrassed, but today, He Yuzhu alone has no difficulty in these matters.

"Factory manager, there is no difficulty. I went to one of my seniors yesterday afternoon. Through him, I contacted a batch of eggs. Although they are not meat, they are enough to supplement the workers' nutrition in a short period of time."



Yang Weimin said happily, "Really?"

He Yuzhu patted his chest and said: "Director, I'm lying to you! I don't want to be slapped if I dare to become a director. I'm a big man, and I can't afford to lose this person."

it is good!

Yang Weimin slapped the table and stood up suddenly, his face was full of joy. This year's task is very heavy. The factory manager has worked overtime and the workers have a lot of labor. I'm afraid something will go wrong that day.

He has not forgotten the accident a few years ago, in that accident, several people died, and Qin Huairu's husband was one of the unlucky ones.

Suddenly, the joy on Yang Weimin's face faded a little, he looked closely at He Yuzhu, and asked: "Director He, you said how much is a batch of eggs, is it every day, or just this time?"

Looking at Yang Weimin with a tense expression, He Yuzhu said with a smile: "The factory manager has it every day, and the number is [-] each time. Although there is no guarantee that the whole factory will have it, workers on the front line can still do it." Guaranteed."

Eight thousand per day!

Yang Weimin was stunned!

Although the rolling mill claims to have more than 1 people, there are not that many real front-line workers. There are only 7000 to [-] people, and [-] people a day, which is completely enough and a little rich.

Good good!

His face almost turned into a chrysanthemum with a smile!

Yang Weimin walked in front of He Yuzhu, patted He Yuzhu's shoulder, and said excitedly: "Okay. Director He, you gave me a surprise! I saw the right person."

He Yuzhu hurriedly replied: "It's all because of your leadership."

Yang Weimin looked at He Yuzhu, who was very capable, and the more he looked, the more he was satisfied. He was capable, loyal, and even spoke so beautifully. Where could he find such a good subordinate!

He felt that his use of He Yuzhu's move was simply wonderful!

Thinking of this, Yang Weimin asked the question he was most concerned about.

"Director He, when will the egg arrive?"

He Yuzhu's face also became serious. He knew that whether he could lay a good foundation for the future depends on this time.

"I can arrive today. I came this time just to ask you to get a receipt to prove that these eggs are for our rolling mill. Otherwise, people would think I was speculating."

Can be there today?


He Yuzhu's words gave Yang Weimin another surprise. He thought it would take a few days, but he could arrive today.

Excited Yang Weimin said immediately: "Okay, I'll give you a certificate right now, you go and come back quickly, and try to let everyone eat eggs by noon."

"Yes, factory manager, I promise to complete the task."


Yang Weimin handed the certificate to He Yuzhu, and He Yuzhu didn't talk nonsense, took the note and left, walking towards the accounting department.

He used the money to buy eggs!

The market price of 500 eggs is seven cents each, and 500 eggs are only more than [-] yuan. Although the money is not much, it is a good start. From now on, I can get more than [-] yuan every day. million households.

60 yuan households in the [-]s, what kind of gratitude is that!

Just thinking about He Yuzhu made me excited.

Getting the money was very smooth, a few hundred yuan, not to mention Yang Weimin's note, who would dare to obstruct it!

Taking the money, He Yuzhu left the rolling mill again. It was past nine o'clock, but he made a promise with Yang Weimin that everyone would have eggs at noon.

He came to an abandoned house that he had hoped for a long time. This is a small courtyard house. As soon as he entered, the main house collapsed long ago, leaving only the side rooms on both sides, but they were also dilapidated, and there were no residents. It is impossible to live here, otherwise, the Venerable Master would have lived here long ago.

Why do you look at this place? Because not far from here is a market. Shipping from here will not attract the attention of others. Even if someone pays attention, they will think that this is a warehouse.

Anyway, he has a legal approval from the rolling mill, so even if the police come, he won't be afraid!

There was no one around, He Yuzhu had a thought, and bamboo baskets containing [-] eggs appeared in the middle of the courtyard. Each basket contained [-] eggs, and a total of sixteen baskets of eggs suddenly appeared in the courtyard.

He Yuzhu looked at the white eggs with an excited smile on his lips.

The accumulation of capital starts from this moment.

Shaking his head and calming down his excitement, He Yuzhu moved the eggs basket by basket to the carriage he had prepared outside.

It's only a few hundred catties. For He Yuzhu now, there is no problem at all. One in each hand, it can be done in a few strokes.


He Yuzhu raised his whip together, and under his command, the tall horse headed towards the rolling mill!

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