Douluo's opening copy Haotian Douluo

Chapter 62 The true form of the powerful King Kong Bear!

Shrek Academy.

The fierce battle was still going on, and Doudou couldn't bear the strong aftermath of the fight between the two. She had already flown into the air, observing the fight between the two.

At this time, Zhao Wuji's third soul ring, the thousand-year purple soul ring, had grown in size. The strange thing was that this soul ring did not possess powers, but moved downwards and penetrated into the ground.

Suddenly, Doudou felt that her body had doubled in weight, and her whole body suddenly fell. She flapped her wings hard, and only felt that her body became lighter when she rose to a higher place.

This is Zhao Wuji's third soul skill, Gravity Enhancement!

It can make the opponent's body become heavy and his feet feel like they are stuck in the mud, greatly restricting the opponent's movements.

However, these were compared to ordinary soul masters, but Ye Buqun looked as normal.

It's not that he hasn't been affected by this soul skill, but it's just that the weight on his body is like a huge boulder, which is really light and indifferent to him.

Looking at Ye Buqun whose expression remained unchanged, Zhao Wuji frowned and his fourth soul ring lit up again.

It was also very strange that this soul ring was not attached to his body, but flew towards Ye Buqun and landed on Ye Buqun.

What does this mean? Does this guy want to add soul skills to his opponent?This makes absolutely no sense.

As everyone knows, this is Zhao Wuji's fourth soul skill, positioning tracking. It is used to lock and track the opponent. Once locked, the distance can be instantly shortened within a hundred meters by the power of jumping.

It seemed that he had already targeted Ye Buqun.

However, he did not immediately launch a close attack on his opponent, and the fifth ten thousand year soul ring also lit up.

"Fifth Soul Skill Gravity Squeeze!"

His fifth soul ring grew in size several times, and a dark halo suddenly enveloped the surrounding area. Suddenly, Ye Buqun felt that the air in all directions seemed to have condensed into substance, squeezing towards him.

At this time, a faint smile appeared on Ye Buqun's lips.

In that case, let me show you something interesting.

"Owl, possessed!"

Suddenly, Ye Buqun gave a soft drink, and his whole body was quickly covered with a layer of light brown feathers. His eyeballs suddenly turned orange and his pupils stood upright. A pair of huge wings sprouted from his back, and the shadow of a huge owl appeared. behind.At the same time, seven more soul rings appeared on his body: two yellow, two purple, and three black.


Zhao Wuji was obviously startled when he saw the scene in front of him.

"This, is this the dean's martial spirit?!"

In Zhao Wuji's surprised eyes, Ye Buqun had already fluttered his wings and flew into the air, flying side by side with Doudou.After avoiding the attack of his fifth soul skill, the air on the ground was squeezed and made an explosion sound.

It turned out that when he was at the soul tool shop in Soto City, Ye Buqun had already recreated Flanders. Not only that, when he saw Zhao Wuji, he also recreated him.

Zhao Wuji looked up in the air, his face full of confusion: It turns out that this boy is a twin martial soul, one of which is the same as the dean, and the second martial soul has also been cultivated to the soul emperor level with a full black soul ring.

Of course, this was just what he saw in front of him, and the reality was much more than that.

No wonder this kid can easily defeat the three teachers Li Yusong, Lu Qibin and Shao Xin. It's not surprising to say that, he really has something.

At this time, Zhao Wuji actually had the idea of ​​dragging Ye Buqun into the academy.

This boy is a twin martial soul who is rare to see in a century, and he has cultivated to a very high level. Being a student is naturally a bit unskilled. If he becomes a teacher, the face of the college will be even more glorious.What's more, he and Dean Flanders have the same martial spirit, and they might even be related.

But, is it really as easy as he imagined?

Suddenly, Zhao Wuji said to Ye Buqun, who was hovering in the air: "Boy, come down here and I will discuss something with you."

Ye Buqun, who was in mid-air, laughed and said, "I will go down if you ask me to. Wouldn't that mean I am very shameless?"

Seeing that he couldn't speak to him, Zhao Wuji raised his neck and said: "Then listen, to be honest, the martial spirit of our Shrek Academy principal is the same as yours. For this reason, if you can join In our academy, I will not hold you responsible for beating up three of our teachers."

Ye Buqun's smile did not fade away: "Looking at this, do you still want to force me to stay?"

Zhao Wuji looked tough: "You were the one who found trouble in the first place and also beat our people. How could I just let it go?"

Ye Buqun did not argue too much with him: "Well, if you can defeat me, I will join your college. But what if you lose?"

Zhao Wuji said: "If I lose, I will pretend that what just happened never happened, and I will personally apologize to you."

Hearing his words, Ye Buqun burst out laughing.

The guys from Shrek Academy were indeed more cunning than the other. If he lost, he would have to surrender to them. However, when Zhao Wuji lost, he only apologized. He was very smart in his calculations.

But having said that, even money and power are meaningless to him. The most important thing in this world is strength, so regarding this bet, Ye Buqun did not care about his fairness: "Okay, then I Just suffer a little loss and do as you say."

"Okay, this is what you said. If you lose, don't go back on it!"

Zhao Wuji fully understood in his heart that although the opponent in front of him was young, he should not be underestimated.He no longer dared to hold anything back, and suddenly there was a loud shout, and the momentum in his body skyrocketed again.

At this time, his seventh soul ring bloomed into a deep and shiny black, and a strong black light suddenly enveloped his whole body, and his body underwent huge changes again.

His body, which was originally possessed by the powerful Vajra Bear, inflated even more like a balloon. Almost in the blink of an eye, his height had become six or seven meters, and the muscles all over his body became more muscular and muscular, brown. His fur swelled up as if on steroids, and his whole body turned into a complete brown bear.

What's even more surprising is that in this state, his whole body is shrouded in a layer of brilliant golden light, making him look extremely splendid.

This is surprisingly his seventh soul skill, the powerful Vajra Bear's true form!

As mentioned before, level seventy is the second threshold for a soul master (the first is level thirty). After reaching this level and obtaining the seventh soul ring, almost all beast martial souls, including weapon soul soul masters, can The skills are similar, that is, the martial spirit true body, which can show the true form of the martial spirit and greatly enhance its various states.

In the state of the martial soul's true form, the host can unlimitedly use the soul skills of the first to sixth soul rings for half an hour——

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