Douluo's opening copy Haotian Douluo

Chapter 2 Ten Thousand Years NPC

Holy Spirit Village.

At this time, Ye Buqun was extremely excited.In order to prevent Tang Hao from discovering it, after the copying was completed, he left the east end of the village and returned to the broken wooden house.

He checked his attributes page again and found that Tang Hao's name was added to the 'Imprinted Characters and Items' column.

He could clearly feel that his soul power had been greatly improved.

This is the power of the sixth soul skill: God's Seal. The recreated character itself has no consciousness.Moreover, the recreated character can be permanently stored in the mirror space, and the host can possess it or directly summon it.

The copied character is equivalent to a card. To possess the host, you put the card on the card slot and you will instantly have all his or her abilities.

There is also the mirror space, which can be understood as a mirror world that reflects the real world. The space inside is infinite, so the replica characters and items that can be stored in it are also endless.

What surprised Ye Buqun even more was that not only did he have his martial soul, soul rings and soul power, but he even had Tang Hao's God of Death domain and soul bones reproduced.

Tang Hao has a complete set of six types of soul bones: skull, left arm bone, right arm bone, left leg bone, right leg bone and torso bone. Their quality is above ten thousand years. His torso bone seems to be a ten thousand year flying soul beast. dropped.So this means that Ye Buqun now has the ability to fly after possessing Tang Hao's soul.

"Task: Participate in the Soul Awakening Ceremony in Holy Soul Village tomorrow."

"After completing the mission, you can upgrade yourself or any replica character's soul power level by one level."

When Ye Buqun was thinking a lot, the system's mechanical voice sounded in his mind again, and he was still immersed in indescribable excitement, and he almost didn't fall asleep all night——

The next day, early in the morning.

Following the route instructed by the mission, Ye Buqun came to the Wuhun Hall in the center of the Holy Soul Village. It was said to be a Wuhun Hall, but it was just a relatively large wooden house.

Spirit Halls can be seen almost in many places on the mainland, but these are all branch halls, and they are all at different levels.

When Ye Buqun arrived, he saw an old man and eight children walking towards him.

This old man is the village chief Jack, and these children are all coming to awaken their martial spirits today.

"Ha, I knew this trash was here again."

"Mom and dad both said it was impossible for him to become a soul master."

"He's already ten years old, doesn't he feel ashamed?"

"This guy really doesn't want to give up."

These children all spoke in a nonchalant manner, their eyes and tone full of contempt.

It turns out that Ye Buqun came through his soul, and the original owner of this body was a person with the same name as him.Generally speaking, the martial soul must be awakened at the age of six. However, the original owner was found to have no soul power when he was six years old. However, he still refused to give up and worked hard every day. Every year he was seven, eight, and nine years old. Awakening soul power has to be tested shamelessly, but the result of the test every year is zero soul power.

If you are born without soul power, you will not be able to become a soul master no matter how hard you practice. If you have soul power, there is hope even if you only have one level of soul power.

But the owner of Ye Buqun's previous body did not believe in this evil, and he became the laughing stock of the whole village.

There was also an extremely familiar person participating in the test this time, and that was six-year-old Tang San.

Tang San expressed sympathy for Ye Buqun's original experience, and often took the initiative to play with this incompetent brother.

Regarding these memories, Ye Buqun, who came through the soul, still retains them.

His appearance made the old village chief Jack shake his head.

"My child, you'd better go back. I've already told you that if you don't have soul power innately, you will definitely not be able to become a soul master. What's wrong with working hard and plowing the fields and being an ordinary person in peace? ?" Old Jack said these words seriously. He really didn't want to see a ten-year-old child suffer the fifth blow in his life.

At this moment, a young man with clear features and handsome appearance walked slowly over.He was wearing a black cloak with a fist-sized word "soul" written in the middle of his chest. He was obviously from Wuhun Palace.The emblem of these three intertwined swords is engraved on his left chest, indicating his identity as a great soul master.

Needless to say, this is the NPC that is untouchable for thousands of years, Su Yuntao.

"Hello, Mr. Deacon, can we start now?" Old Jack took the initiative and said respectfully.

Su Yuntao still seemed to be showing off, and said lukewarmly: "I'm still in a hurry, so let's start quickly."

Then, everyone arrived at the Wuhun Hall of Holy Soul Village, which was the big wooden house.

Jack explained: "Children, this is the great soul master deacon from the Wuhun Palace in Notting City. You must cooperate fully when you awaken the soul. The village chief hopes that each of you can become an outstanding soul master."

Su Yuntao looked a little impatient: "Okay, no need to talk nonsense. Let me introduce, my name is Su Yuntao, a level 26 great soul master. The awakening of the martial soul will start soon. Don't be afraid of anything that happens in a while."

As he spoke, he opened the package he was carrying, placed six dark stones on the ground to form a regular hexagon, and then took out a blue crystal ball.

He waved his hand and motioned for the first child to stand in the center of the hexagon.

Although he had been explained before, the child who was preparing to awaken his martial spirit for the first time was obviously a little nervous. He slowly stepped forward and stood at the designated position.

"Lone wolf, possessed!"

Then, Su Yuntao gave a soft drink, and a light golden light was released from the center of his eyebrows to the Tianling Cap.

At this time, I saw that his whole body was suddenly covered by a layer of gray fur and then grew longer, and then the muscles on his body swelled, obviously becoming stronger than before.His eyes had turned dark green, the sharp claws on the index fingers of both hands popped out, and at the same time, white and yellow soul rings rose under his feet.


Seeing Su Yuntao turn into a werewolf instantly, the first child turned around in fright and was about to run away, but Su Yuntao caught him: "Don't be afraid, child, this is my martial spirit. If any of you If he has a beast spirit, he will be like me in the future."

After saying this, the child's fear weakened a lot, and he stood obediently in his original position again, but he was still trembling slightly.He was not sure whether Su Yuntao turned into a wolf or just had the ability of a wolf.

Then, Su Yuntao slapped his hands on the ground, and the pale golden light quickly poured into the six pitch black stones. The stones seemed to reflect the light and then release it, quickly forming a golden mask that covered the ground. The child is enveloped in it——

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