Douluo's opening copy Haotian Douluo

Chapter 162 Amazing strength, the powerful Snake Spear Douluo! !

The imperial family is gradually broken.

The four patriarchs were all dealing with different enemies. There was still a masked man in the enemy camp who never moved, and Ye Buqun also stood aside and watched without taking action.

The most exciting part is the battle between Yang Wudi and Ju Douluo.

Gold emerges and black light surges.

Yang Wudi was like a sharp arrow surrounded by black fireworks, heading straight for the golden energy bullet condensed by the Qi Rong Tian Ju.

There was another "boom", and the huge golden ball exploded in the void, announcing that Ju Douluo's fifth soul skill was broken.

However, Yang Wudi showed no sign of attacking him, and the dark spear tip came straight towards his face.

Damn it, why is a Contra so strong? !

This time, Ju Douluo did not confront him head-on, but quickly avoided Yang Wudi. Yang Wudi had no ability to fly, and the tip of his spear pointed downwards, falling to the ground.

There was a deafening sound, and the force on the tip of the gun actually blasted a big crater into the ground.

With such tyrannical power, even the Titans, who are known for their strength, feel inferior.

"Old She, are you still watching the fun? Hurry up and do something!" Ju Douluo was actually a little anxious and shouted to the masked man who had not yet taken action.

But the masked man suddenly smiled and said jokingly: "What's wrong? Old Juhua, are you anxious? You can't even handle a Contra?"

Ju Douluo suddenly seemed to be told something important, and his face was a little confused.While Ghost Leopard Douluo easily resisted Bai He who was almost constantly delaying time, he said calmly: "Old She, take action quickly, otherwise the news of your inactivity will reach the ears of His Majesty the Pope. , that would be bad."

The last masked man said: "Okay, after I kill this old black gun (Yang Wudi), little leopard, can you go on a date with me?"

Ghost Leopard Douluo was indeed beautiful enough to be described as a beautiful couple. The powerful men in Wuhun Palace did not dare to covet the Pope's beauty, so there was no shortage of suitors around Ghost Leopard Douluo.

Whether it was a joke or serious, the last masked figure finally moved.

This man's figure was as slender as a javelin. While charging forward, he clenched his fists in front of his chest and then opened them to both sides.

An exquisite snake spear appeared in his hand. The straight spear shaft was about eight feet long, and the slightly curved spear head was three feet two inches long. There was also a line of exquisite blue runes carved on the spear body, as if to indicate Showing its power, the sharp spear head bifurcated in the middle like a snake's letter.

While releasing the martial soul, nine soul rings, two yellow, two purple, and five black, lingered on the snake spear.

She Long, one of the elders of Wuhun Palace, Wuhun Snake Spear, a level 95 attack-type titled Douluo! ! !

Snake Spear Douluo She Long dragged his martial soul backwards, creating strong sparks on the ground as he ran forward, and quickly moved in front of Yang Wudi.

"The third soul skill Split Shadow Nine Slashes!"

She Long shouted softly, and at the same time, he quickly danced the snake spear in his palm. The exquisite runes on the spear shaft lit up, and a burst of golden light emerged, turning into nine rays of light and shadow, and instantly enveloped Yang Wudi.

Seeing another Titled Douluo coming to help, Yang Wudi was not afraid at all. His eyes still released a strong fighting spirit. The sharp black spear condensed his aura at one point and suddenly struck at the nine golden lights: " The fourth soul skill: Shatter!"

"Bang!" There was a muffled sound in the void, the deep black intertwined with nine interlaced golden lights, and even the space was slightly distorted.The next moment, the black light couldn't hold on and was cut through by nine golden lights!

This seemed to be something Yang Wudi didn't expect. He touched the ground with the tip of his spear, and his whole body suddenly rose into the air. However, his right arm was still cut by one of the golden lights.

As if not wanting to give his opponent any chance to breathe, She Long held a snake spear in his hand, flew forward and attacked Yang Wudi again.

Yang Wudi had just stabilized his body, and when he saw his opponent attacking again, he straightened up his gun to block.The two of them were going back and forth, the snake spears and the spears were constantly colliding, sparks were constantly flying in the air, and the sounds of gold and iron clashing in the void resounded throughout the earth and sky.

Yang Wudi's right arm was already injured, and his strength was not as strong as that of the powerful Snake Spear Douluo. Under these constant attacks, the offensive gradually fell into disadvantage.

Taking advantage of a gap, I saw a dazzling golden light shining on the tip of the snake spear, its fifth soul ring glowing a deep black color, and golden lightning as thick as a thumb lingering on the entire snake spear.

"The fifth soul skill: Thunderous Explosion and Crushing Kill!!"

There was a shout in the void, and the snake spear surrounded by lightning suddenly stabbed at the opponent. A burst of lightning, fire and thunder came straight to Yang Wudi's face.

At this time, Yang Wudi could only parry and had no ability to fight back. He could only use random moves. Seeing the lightning spear coming towards him, he could only block it again with the soul-breaking gun.

A burst of intense firelight shone where the snake spear and the spear collided. The firelight turned into sparks and fell on the ground, creating small craters. Yang Wudi couldn't resist it at all, and his body was like a kite with its string broken. He flew out, then felt a vibration in his internal organs, his throat felt sweet, and he vomited a large mouthful of blood.

"Old goat!"

"Old goat!"

Seeing Yang Wudi flying backwards, the other clan leaders all shouted anxiously. Tai Tan wanted to step forward to rescue him, but was knocked back by Hu Yanzhen's punch.

"Now is not the time for you to care about others, old gorilla!"

The shape of the battlefield was already clear at a glance. Hu Yanzhen looked at Titan with a playful expression and said this.

"Asshole! I'll fight you!" Titan's anger level skyrocketed, and in this rage, his figure skyrocketed again.

"The seventh soul skill: The true form of the powerful gorilla!"

A roar resounded through the sky, and the Titan's body actually inflated like a balloon. It was completely covered in dark brown fur, and its body became seven or eight meters tall.

This is not a gorilla at all, it looks like a King Kong.

When the martial soul's true form was released, the ground beneath its feet cracked and then exploded!

"The momentum is really good! Master Huyan, please step aside first!"

Not far away, Snake Spear Douluo She Long didn't know whether it was a compliment or a joke, he spoke lightly and flew over again with a snake spear in hand.

Hu Yanzhen obeyed Elder She Long's order and quickly stepped aside.In the true form of the martial spirit, Titan was seen clenching his fist, which was many times larger than a cattail leaf fan, and suddenly punched forward with an extremely powerful fist wind.

Snake Spear Douluo She Long took his time and waved his snake spear towards the front. A sharp energy directly split the majestic fist wind into two. When he quickly approached, he raised a spear and smashed it. On Titan's waist, Titan's huge figure actually flew out and fell to the ground——

PS: Let me tell you something here.Snake Spear is the author's favorite martial spirit. I personally think that Snake Spear Douluo appears more handsome in both the original work and the anime. According to Xiaofeng's own preferences, slight changes have been made here.

She Long's level was originally level 92, but here it is level 95.In the setting of the original work, Yang Wudi was stronger than him, but the setting here is obviously weaker than She Long.

Because the first part has basically reached the advanced stage, I want to add more ink to Snake Spear Douluo. I hope everyone can understand these changes. If you don't like it, don't criticize it.Please give me your support.

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