The rise of basketball legends

Chapter 88 Write a song for Taylor Swift?Outrageous scandal!

Chen Yan did not take the bus back to the hotel with his teammates, he will act alone tonight.

Although Chen Yan was very careful, he was recognized by some Chinese fans outside the arena.

Almost all the Chinese fans who came to the scene tonight came to support Chen Yan. He also patiently satisfied the fans' requests, signing autographs and taking photos with them one by one.

"Hey! Big star, can you sign me too?" A voice came from behind Chen Yan.

Looking back, Taylor Swift appeared in front of Chen Yan with a smile on his face.

Chen Yan was a little embarrassed, he made Taylor Swift wait outside the arena for too long.

But she didn't mind the bad luck, she knew that Chen Yan would be very busy tonight, and with such a phenomenal performance, the reporters would definitely keep pestering him to ask various questions.

The two haven't seen each other for several months, and they just chatted a few words before the game, but there is no strangeness.

During this time, they chatted on social software almost every day, sharing their lives with each other.

"Where are you going next?" Chen Yan asked.

Los Angeles is Taylor Swift's territory, and she is more familiar with it than Chen Yan.

"Is there any place you want to go?" Taylor asked.

"Just go to the place you go to most often." Chen Yan said.

"The place I go to most often is the recording studio, hahaha." Taylor Swift replied.

"Recording studio? I haven't been to that place yet." Chen Yan smiled.

"Are you interested? Let's go, I'll show you where I work!"

Taylor Swift is a person who likes novelty, she has not tried dating in a recording studio.

The location of daily work, confined space, lonely men and widows, it will feel very exciting...

The two chatted and walked towards Taylor's car.

Unlike ordinary girls, Taylor's car is a Chevrolet Tahoe, a domineering large SUV, which is used by many police cars in American movies.

"Shall I drive it?"

"You've been playing golf all night, let me drive." Taylor Swift pushed Chen Yan towards the co-pilot with a smile.

Chen Yan was a little apprehensive. He knew that Taylor Swift was a street killer. He had to pass the driver's license test three times. He once led a reporter to work and bumped into him twice. The reporter was scared and ran away on the spot...

Fortunately, her hand was steady tonight, and Chen Yan arrived at the recording studio safely.

"Wow, this place is bigger than I imagined." Chen Yan walked into the recording studio with curiosity.

"Chen, do you usually like to sing?" Taylor Swift asked.

"I will sing in the shower to relax my mind."

"Do you sing well?"

"Slightly worse than basketball."

"Haha, it should be fun to hear you sing."

Now there are only the two of them, Chen Yan is not ashamed, and just opened his voice: "It's-been-a-long-day-without-you-my-friend, And-I'll-tell-you-all-about -it-when-I-see-you-again~"

Chen Yan hummed a few words casually, showing a wave of his KTV-level singing voice, the song is "See-you-again"

After all, there are only a few English songs he is familiar with, all of which were popular in his previous life...

But he regretted it immediately after singing, because this song was only released in 15, and now it is 07...

"GOD! This melody is amazing! What song is this, why haven't I heard it before?" Taylor Swift asked in surprise.

"I figured it out by humming around in the shower." Chen Yan casually found an excuse, originally intending to prevaricate it, but unexpectedly, Taylor posted it with an excited face.

"Chen, can you hum once?"

Taylor Swift felt that her inspiration came suddenly!

So the two got so busy, judging from the scene, the two seemed to be working rather than dating.



"It's unbelievable that such music can be created!" Taylor Swift exclaimed.

"It's not considered creation, it's just humming..." Chen Yan said.

"You are a genius! You don't even know how to read musical notation!" said Taylor Swift.

"What's the matter if you don't know how to read staves? Michael Jackson didn't know how to read staves. This doesn't affect his creative talent." Chen Yan smiled.

Michael Jackson's songs basically don't have scores, they are all done by humming, and he is so good at ventriloquist that the soundtrack, drums, bass and even mixing are all done with his mouth...

Chen Yan was not so awesome, he simply hummed the song with the tune from memory.

"This song will definitely be very popular! I will write your name on the lyricist and composer, but I have to edit it before that." After finishing speaking, Taylor Swift rushed into the recording studio.

Chen Yan was lying on the sofa outside, and he helped Taylor compose a song for no reason?

He thinks he's a bit like Charlotte, who is bothering Charlotte now...

Although the door to a new world has been opened, Chen Yan will still focus on basketball, which is his passion.

As for the entertainment industry, it's okay to have a side job once in a while.

Although Taylor Swift's earnestness in the recording studio is charming, Chen Yan is really sleepy, and tonight's game consumed a lot of energy.

Lying on the sofa, Chen Yan fell asleep unconsciously.



"My God, you recorded all night?" Chen Yan opened his eyes in the morning and saw that Taylor was still in the recording studio!

"Well, this song is so good, I have to do it while I'm inspired!" Although the dark circles are heavy, Taylor Swift is still in a state of excitement.

Chen Yan was a little speechless. The first date of the two, one was sleepy and fell asleep, and the other was working desperately. It seemed a little different from what he had imagined.

However, Chen Yan was also encouraged to see Taylor Swift working so hard.

Sure enough, no one can succeed casually, it seems that I have to work harder in the future.

After bidding farewell to Taylor Swift, Chen Yan hurried back to the hotel, he was about to prepare for the next game.

The next game is still an away game, but fortunately, the opponent is the Clippers, and the venue of the game is Los Angeles.

In the lobby of the hotel, the Suns' players have assembled and are ready to start a new day of team training.

As soon as Chen Yan appeared, the Suns players booed wildly.

"Awesome!" Dior came over with coffee in one hand and patted Chen Yan on the shoulder.

"Know how to play!" Raja Bell also came over and patted his butt.

Just when Chen Yan was bewildered, Xiaosi held his notebook in front of Chen Yan.

"Golden Boy and Jade Girl!A late-night private date between a rising star in the basketball world and a newcomer in the music world! "

"There are so many tricks, first the dressing room, then the recording studio, the next fierce battle location? "

"Chen Yan conquered Taylor Swift through unsolvable means! "

"Taylor Swift isn't just screaming for him on the court! "

"Fight All Night?Taylor Swift walked out of the recording studio with dark circles under her eyes, messy hair and shambling steps! "

"Practice extra shooting after the game, Chen Yan extra practice two-handed ball control after the game to break the press!" "


Only then did Chen Yan realize that he was on the pages of major entertainment news!

He forgot that he is now a public figure, and Los Angeles is a place where paparazzi gather again.

What's outrageous is that even the coach D'Antoni on the side smiled happily.

Mustache is not an iron-fisted head coach and will not interfere with players' private lives. He gives players enough freedom both on and off the court.

But the premise is not to affect the state of the game.

Seeing the cheap smiles on his teammates, Chen Yan didn't want to explain anymore.

Said that I and Taylor Swift actually made a song for one night, does anyone believe it?

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