Full-time sword repair

Chapter 982 The Boss Girlfriend is So Big!

"It's fine to rob and kill Zhao Baige. Lin Jichen is protecting you in the game. It's a waste of time for you to go."

Wang Jinghao's eyes flickered, and he said: "That day, the pinnacle alchemy furnace will most likely fall into the hands of Zhao Baige. No one can shake her position as the alchemy king. If so, she must be poached!"

Zhang Chang was a little worried and said: "But this Zhao Baige is very stubborn. No matter how good the treatment is, she just refuses to quit. I said that it is useless to divide the profit of our Wanshi's medicine business into her. "

"You can't get this kind of person with an asking price. She has been brainwashed by that bastard Lin Jichen. This time I gave you the alchemy stove. I can't guarantee that this little girl has fallen in love with this bastard. Lin Jichen is a bastard, he really deserves to die." !"

Wang Jinghao's gums were almost gnawed at the last sentence. His own failure was terrible, but the enemy's success made him even more worried!

Thinking of Zhao Baige's peerless and beautiful face, which cannot be owned by himself, Wang Jinghao's heart aches so badly that he can't breathe, and the fire of jealousy burns in his heart.

"Yes, President, I also think that Lin Jichen, a bastard, should die!" Zhang Chang deeply agreed.

Wang Jinghao calmed down, his eyes gleamed with the sharpness of a poisonous snake, and said, "Since we can't dig it out, let's snatch her away. Have you found out her identity?"

"I've already found out. Her real name is Zhao Baige. She lives in a small city in Jiangsu and Zhejiang. Her parents are both Chinese medicine practitioners. They opened a Chinese medicine shop and have no background."

"Very good." Wang Jinghao nodded in satisfaction, and said, "When the recent limelight passes, you can do it and tie her here for me."

"No problem, President!" Zhang Chang smiled coldly, and immediately went offline to make arrangements.

On the other side, after leaving with Zhao Baige, Lin Jichen headed west all the way, taking advantage of the darkness.

The evil cultivator he wanted to hunt down was in a city in the far west of Muxian Prefecture.

But what made Lin Jichen a little worried was that most of the land in the extreme west was the territory of the Demon Sect, and the Wan Yao Sect was not far away.

Lin Jichen is no stranger to the Wan Yao Sect. Li Xinghun, the young master of the Wan Yao Sect, hates him to the bone.

Li Xinghun's loot was robbed in Lei Ze Land and he was chased all the way, and then he was intercepted by Li Xinghun again.

In the end, at the Immortal Ascension Conference, the two fought for their lives, and Lin Jichen finally defeated him, almost killing him.

It's a pity that it was interrupted by the elder of Wan Yaozong who didn't talk about martial arts.

Since the Immortal Ascension Conference, Lin Jichen has never heard anything about Li Xinghun, and this guy has never come to hunt him down again.

But Lin Jichen wouldn't just think that Li Xinghun was afraid of him and gave up his hatred. A villain like him who must take revenge would definitely want revenge in his dreams.

It's even scarier if there's no movement, because this guy must not hold his fart well.

Li Xinghun Lin Jichen is not afraid, he is mainly worried that Wan Yaozong will have masters to deal with him.

Lin Jichen rolled up his sleeves at this moment, looked at the imprint on his arm, and felt relieved.

With the imprint of the master's soul, don't be afraid!

An hour came quickly.

The game announcement sounded again, exposing Zhao Baige's location.

"Boss, I've been exposed, please hurry up, I'm afraid they will catch up."

Zhao Baige said nervously.

The weak, helpless and pitiful girl is now a wanted target by all players in the server, so don't panic.

"Don't worry, this is already the fastest speed, no one can catch up."

Lin Jichen comforted Zhao Baige, and Zhao Baige breathed a sigh of relief.

Lin Jichen suddenly remembered, and said: "Baige, you have Tianpin Dan Furnace, you should be more careful in reality in the future, I am afraid that more people will want to come to you."

Zhao Baige nodded hard and said, "I know boss, don't worry, I will protect the pill furnace you gave me even if I die."

Lin Jichen didn't know whether to laugh or cry, tapped her on the head, and said: "I didn't ask you to protect the pill furnace with your life, I asked you to protect your life, if you are really threatened, you can generously protect the pill furnace." give him."

"Ah? Give it to him? No, no, I won't give it. This is yours, boss. I won't give it to you!" Zhao Baige shook his head repeatedly.

She felt that if such a precious alchemy stove was lost, she would not be able to pay for her life. No matter what, the alchemy stove was worth hundreds of millions. Zhao Baige, who was raised by her parents since she was a child, only spent hundreds of thousands, so she Even if you lose your life, you can't hand over the alchemy furnace.

Lin Jichen laughed and said: "Don't worry about giving him the alchemy furnace, I'll just grab it back from him at worst. You don't think there are things I can't grab in the game, do you?"

"Hey, that's right!" Zhao Baige suddenly realized that this was a good way.

But she was still a bit reluctant to let her hand over the alchemy stove...

"Boss, what is the relationship between that sister from Zuixianlou just now and you?"

Zhao Baige, who was on the way, suddenly asked an irrelevant question.

"Friend, what's the matter?" Lin Jichen replied.

Zhao Baige was a little disbelieving, and said: "Not only that, I think she likes you very much, she is so close to you, she must be interested in you."

Lin Jichen said happily, "What do you want to say?"

Zhao Baige seemed to have discovered the secret, and quickly explained: "Boss, don't get me wrong, I'm just curious, purely curious, that sister is so beautiful and has money, she is quite suitable for you."


Before Zhao Baige finished speaking, he was hit on the head again.

"Woo, boss, what are you doing, it hurts~"

Zhao Baige clutched his head and felt aggrieved.

"Who told you to talk nonsense? As I said, I and Sister Yang are just friends. She helped me and I helped her. We are good friends, that's all."

"Oh, that's it..." Zhao Baige was overjoyed, and suddenly felt that the head was beaten without pain at all.

"Boss, do you have a girlfriend? I'm just curious. I have a friend who is your fan. She asked me to ask. It's nothing else. Don't think too much about it."

Zhao Baige said with erratic eyes.

Lin Jichen's words made her lose her mind for a moment.

"I have a girlfriend."

Zhao Baige's voice trembled slightly, and he asked weakly, "Is the news true?"

"What news?"

"It's the news that you are with the big star Qin Xiaowei. Is she your girlfriend?"

"It's fake. Sister Xiaowei is also my friend. She doesn't want to be harassed, so she asked me to pretend to be her boyfriend."

"Then isn't your real girlfriend angry?" Zhao Baige asked curiously.

Lin Jichen replied: "Don't be angry, this is her consent."

Zhao Baige opened his mouth wide, looking shocked.

Why is the boss's girlfriend so big?Looks like it's still too small...

"Boss, who is your girlfriend? Have I met her?"

"I've seen it, you guys even brushed through the secret realm together."

"Oh oh oh~ I see, it's Gu Qiuxue, right!"

"Have you guessed all this?"

"I saw it right then!"

"So smart?"

"I wasn't stupid before, hehe~"


Three shifts~

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