However, when the beautiful woman noticed that there was no sign of the Murloc on Lin Jichen's neck, her eyes immediately panicked.

" dare to bring the human race to the are so presumptuous..."

The beauty's anger level soared rapidly, and she was so furious that she slapped Lin Jichen's quilt directly with her palm.


Lin Jichen tragically became a living target and was beaten until he vomited blood.


Seeing the half of the blood strips disappearing, Lin Jichen wanted to cry but had no tears. Damn, if he gets another slap, he can go to resurrect and get a lunch box.

Beauty is planning to do just that.

However, Tie Shengyi jumped out of the bed in a hurry, lay on Lin Jichen's body, and protected him.

When the beautiful woman saw her daughter hugging this strange man neatly, she felt dizzy for a while.

Don't even think about it, what did these two people do in the room just now?

"You really pissed me off..."

The beautiful woman's chest rose and fell rapidly, and anyone who saw this scene would be furious.

But Tie Shengyi said stubbornly: "Mother, he and I are already husband and wife, we both sleep together, and I may already have a baby, so you just have the heart to kill my husband and make me a widow?"

The beautiful woman was silent for a long time before she opened her mouth and said, "Do you know what the consequences will be if your father finds out?"

"I don't care! Anyway, I already have a man. My father thinks it is impossible for me to marry Botu. At worst, let him beat me to death together with my husband!"

The beautiful woman was speechless for a moment, unable to speak.

She pondered for a long time, and finally sighed: "Forget it, who made me only have you as a daughter."

Tie Shengyi was overjoyed, and hurriedly asked, "Queen Mother, did you agree?"

The beautiful woman rolled her eyes, and said angrily: "If I don't agree, can I still watch you die?"

Tie Shengyi was overjoyed, and immediately rushed up to hug the beautiful woman.

The beautiful woman didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and said, "Can you put on your clothes first? What are you talking about?"

Tie Shengyi chuckled and quickly put on his clothes.

The beautiful woman noticed that Lin Jichen was still motionless on the bed, so she asked puzzledly, "Shengyi, what happened to him? Could it be that he was beaten to death by my palm?"

Tie Shengyi was embarrassed to hide from his mother, so he confessed to the beautiful woman.

The beautiful woman was completely speechless after hearing this, who would have thought that this man was forcibly kidnapped by her own daughter...

"Mother, you have to believe in your daughter's eyes. He is really good-looking, and he is very strong, much stronger than his daughter. If I didn't bring a lot of people from the clan, I really couldn't beat him." Tie Shengyi said Lin Jichen kind words.

The beautiful woman smiled bitterly and said: "You are willing, but have you asked him? If he is unwilling, you can't tie him up forever, can you?"

Tie Shengyi took it for granted, "Why not? If he doesn't agree, I'll tie him up forever!"

Lin Jichen wanted to scold her mother when he heard it, this woman is indeed a perverted psychopath!Outrageous brain holes are rare.

No, he had to find a way to escape.

If you can't use the imprint of the soul, you can only use it to deceive...

Lin Jichen thought for a while, and took the initiative to say, "Would you believe me if I said I agree?"

Tie Shengyi didn't expect Lin Jichen to speak, and agreed?

She was overwhelmed with surprise immediately, but she still asked suspiciously: "Could it be that you lied to me?"

Lin Jichen said with a sneer: "How come, the princess and I are already husband and wife, aren't we?"

The naive Tie Shengyi doesn't know what the reality of a husband and wife is, he just thinks it's fine if he takes off his clothes, so he nods happily.

"Yeah, then you will be my Tie Shengyi's husband from now on! Don't go back on your word!"

【Ding!Tie Shengyi's favorability towards you +20, current favorability: 20 (very happy talk)]

Lin Jichen felt dizzy when he heard the news.

I didn't expect this neurotic girl to come for real...

Now he can only pray in his heart that this is all for escape, so he can only lie to this crazy girl against his will.

After getting Lin Jichen's affirmation, Tie Shengyi happily untied Lin Jichen.

The beautiful woman left the bedroom first with iron holy intentions, and went to discuss matters.

After Lin Jichen got up, he quickly put on his clothes, and then began to think about how to escape.

He could use Jin Peng's Void Breaking Step to teleport away.

But the problem is... he doesn't know where to go...

Lin Jichen, who knew nothing about this place, didn't dare to use body skills casually.

And just before the beautiful woman left, she secretly kept an eye on him, and Lin Jichen noticed it.

I'm afraid it's not so easy to just run away like this.

That beautiful woman revealed the aura of enlightenment, Lin Jichen did not dare to play tricks in front of a master of this level.

Jinpeng's Breaking Void Step can only teleport a hundred miles at most, and for Taoist masters, a hundred miles is just a matter of an instant.

He is running now, and he will be arrested in the next second, and then tied up again.

Lin Jichen needed a complete escape strategy.

So he decided to stand still for the time being and wait and see.

Anyway, at least now there is no need to worry about his safety. Tie Shengyi didn't want to kill him, but just wanted to be her husband.

Lin Jichen didn't stay in the bedroom for long when Tie Shengyi came back.

She walked up to Lin Jichen with a smile, and said: "My mother said that she will speak well of you in front of my father, and then I will take you to meet my father."

"Then what? Will he agree with us being together?" Lin Jichen seemed to have adapted to the status of 'son-in-law'.

Tie Shengyi thought that Lin Jichen had really figured it out, and when he was happy, he took the initiative to sit in Lin Jichen's arms.

Lin Jichen's body stiffened for a while, but he could only pretend and pretend.

"My father probably won't agree, but my father likes strong young people very much. I'm afraid he will test you. If you perform well then you will be able to do it!"

Lin Jichen nodded thoughtfully after hearing this.

No matter what, he had to leave this bedroom first, go out and have a look, and then plan to escape.

【Ding!Tie Shengyi's favorability towards you +10, current favorability: 30 (Traveling with horses)]

Lin Jichen smiled wryly in his heart, why did his favorability rise so quickly...

Tie Shengyi shyly approached Lin Jichen's ear and said, "Husband~ It's getting late, shall we rest?"

Lin Jichen's eyelids twitched, and he was about to refuse, but when he thought of escaping from the murlocs, he had no choice but to hold back.

"Okay, let's go to sleep."

After Lin Jichen finished speaking, he hugged Tie Shengyi and went to bed.

The two lay in bed, but did nothing.

Tie Shengyi always believed that she and Lin Jichen were husband and wife. How could she, who is Xiaobai, know that the relationship between men and women is not that simple...

Of course, Lin Jichen didn't take the initiative to remind the other party, he just temporarily deceived Tie Shengyi in order to escape.

But I didn't expect to deceive others and take away their bodies.

How is that different from a beast?

Thinking of this, Lin Jichen secretly suppressed his little brother...


Three shifts~

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