Full-time sword repair

Chapter 910 The third pet!

Seeing the little phantom whale resolutely refuse.

Lin Jichen also seemed to have expected this result.

He was in no hurry.

"It's fine if you don't agree. I originally planned that if you were willing to be my pet, I would help you break through the God Transformation Realm and make you the only one of your Deep Sea Illusory Whale Clan's Dao Realm Sea Beast. Since you don't want to, then Never mind."

After speaking, Lin Jichen turned his head and left.

The little phantom whale behind him suddenly made a sound, as if trying to keep Lin Jichen back.

Lin Jichen stopped and looked back, only to see that Little Huanjing's eyes seemed to be struggling.

After a long time, it seemed to have made a decision, and its eyes were gradually replaced by sincerity.

"You agree?"

Lin Jichen suppressed his ecstasy and asked pretendingly calmly.

Little Magic Whale nodded his head.

From its point of view, Lin Jichen was able to defeat it at such a low level, and he could also completely predict his escape route, set up an ambush, and play himself in the applause.

It can be seen that this person's strength is definitely more than a little bit.

It's even possible that a certain boss is pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger.

If you can become the other party's pet, maybe you can really soar into the sky.

And from now on, there is a backer, no need to be injured, and no longer need to be bullied by other powerful phantom whales in the group.

Thinking of this, the little magic whale made up his mind, but it had to declare first that it was definitely not afraid of death!Absolutely not!

"Since you agree, let's sign the contract first."

After Lin Jichen finished speaking, he bit his finger, flicked a drop of blood, and dripped on the forehead of the little magic whale.

Little Magic Whale didn't resist, and willingly signed a pet contract with Lin Jichen, serving Lin Jichen as the master.

【Ding!Pet contract signed successfully!Congratulations on getting your third pet!Deep Sea Phantom Whale (Weakness)]

After signing the contract, Lin Jichen resolutely took the initiative to destroy the eyes of the formation, so that the phantom whale would no longer be tortured.

The phantom whale was also very touched when he saw that the master he had just recognized was so kind to him. He immediately swam to Lin Jichen's side and rubbed his head affectionately on Lin Jichen's face.

Lin Jichen got a new pet, which is still in the state of transformation, and he was in a good mood, laughing loudly.

He checked the attributes of the phantom whale by the way.

【Pet: Deep Sea Phantom Whale (soul body)】

【Name: Unnamed】

【Master: Lin Jichen】

【Loyalty: 100】

[Strength: Nascent Soul Early Stage]

[Health Volume: 42000/400000]

【Attack: 3300】

【Defense: 2655】

【Speed: 2800】

[Supernatural Power: Jun of the Ancient Sea]

[Own skills: the spirit of swallowing whales, controlling water spirits, overturning rivers and seas, and the power of overlord]


"Fuck! How did you become Nascent Soul Realm?"

Lin Jichen was a little dumbfounded after reading the attribute panel, but soon he guessed that it should be the reason why the phantom whale's real body was knocked out by him, which caused the opponent's realm to drop.

But it doesn't matter, as long as it is well cultivated, the phantom whale will return to its peak state sooner or later.

"Don't worry, with a powerful master like me, sooner or later I will be able to lead you to the peak of whale life!"

Lin Jichen touched the head of the magic whale, and began to draw a big cake.

Little Magic Whale is also very naive, believing it is true, and favors Lin Jichen even more.

Lin Jichen suddenly realized that he hadn't named the other party yet.

"I have to give you a name, what should I call it..."

Lin Jichen pondered for a while, then suddenly had an idea, and said, "You are so white, let me call you Fatty Bai."


The little phantom whale immediately shook its head in protest, obviously it didn't like the name very much.

Lin Jichen didn't give it a chance to refute at all, and overbearingly finalized the name of the little magic whale.

In Lin Jichen's words, this owner is a reputable name-naming genius, and the name I chose is not bad, and I don't accept rebuttals!

Look at the bear, how much he likes this name, and look at the big fly, tsk tsk, they are all so satisfied with their name.

Little Magic Whale will definitely be satisfied with his name!

Under the resentful eyes of the little phantom whale, it was forced to accept the name of 'white fat man'.

The fat white man seems to be very tired. After a big battle, he was tortured by the formation again. Now he just wants to have a good sleep and wait for his body to grow out.

Lin Jichen also understood it very well, instead of letting it go to work now, he gave it a long vacation and took it back to the pet space.

Lin Jichen, who was in a good mood, didn't hold back his smile when he left the entrance of the reef cave.

Unexpectedly, because of the sneak attack of the saber-toothed shark, I escaped here with the Tianpin movement method. I thought I was unlucky enough.

Unexpectedly, it was a blessing in disguise, and I took a sea beast with the potential to transform into a god as a pet!

The strength of the Phantom Whale must not be underestimated.

Although it is in the realm of transforming gods, it can compete evenly with him, Li Mu and Chu Tianhan, which shows that its strength is really worth mentioning.

Although the three of them are only in the early stage of Nascent Soul, their strengths are far beyond their own realm.

With the combined combat power, another ordinary opponent in the Transformation God Realm would definitely be able to easily deal with it.

If Patriarch Gou Peixi from the Wudu Mountains met the three of them now, if she didn't beat her out of the shit, she would be fine.

However, Fatty Bai can have this strength because of the favorable location.

Its strength can be fully displayed in the water, but if it is on land or in the sky, its strength will be compromised.

But Lin Jichen didn't care, he subdued Fatty Bai, and he wanted it to help him when he was in the ocean.

There are countless wealth and various resources in the Luocha sea area, and there are even hidden treasure houses and fairy caves in the sea.

From now on, Lin Jichen can rely on Fatty Bai to search slowly in the sea.

And after the phantom whale grows out, there is no need to worry about the problem of not having a ferry boat.

The phantom whale can carry him to roam freely in the sea.

Thinking of this, Lin Jichen swept away the previous haze and left the sea.

Change back to the Jiugong Yujian robe, and start looking for an island where you can rest.

After flying for a long time, Lin Jichen finally saw an island. He quickly landed there. After checking that the island was safe, he set up a tent and released a swarm of poisonous horned bees as bodyguards to rest here.

Although there is no danger now, it does not mean that Lin Jichen is necessarily safe.

I am still in the period of guarding the treasure, if I can't keep it all, which stunned young man will come to snatch the treasure.

Lin Jichen didn't forget the rewards from the system, so he quickly took them out to check.

The first kill reward this time has a total of three heavenly items.

They are Tianpin equipment + 1 piece, Tianpin Dao Heart Fruit + 1 piece, and Tianpin skill book + 1.

Lin Jichen first took out the heavenly grade equipment, and he grinned when he saw it.

[Tianpin Zizhuang Qiankun Ring]: Storage space +100000 grids, energy +10 points, luck +3 points.

[Sleeve Universe]: After the ring space is full, you can temporarily add 10000 additional storage spaces, but the items in the temporary space can only be stored for 24 hours.

[One side of the world]: Bring a side of 10x10 meters of spiritual soil, which can cultivate all kinds of elixir, exotic flowers and plants, and the growth speed +100%.

Requirements: None.


Lin Jichen has always been worried that he doesn't have enough storage rings, but this time it's all right. With the Qiankun ring, he no longer has to be afraid of stolen goods... Ah bah, it's because he doesn't have enough booty!


Second watch~ I'm delayed by something today, but it doesn't matter, I will rush out if I stay up late today!

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