Full-time sword repair

Chapter 870 Is it fun to play tricks on me?

Guarding against Baili Canfeng, the idiot, the bored Lin Jichen happened to manage Zhao Laojiu's soul tomb.

If I remember correctly, when he touched the bag just now, he seemed to see a shiny golden thing.

Lin Jichen poured out the soul tomb just now, and sure enough, a piece of golden equipment was shining on the ground, it was not a mysterious item, but an earth item!

This is a finger cot, a weapon for finger repair.

[Earth Grade Jinwu Ghost Lie Finger Gloves]: strength +600, understanding +520, understanding damage +18%, basic attack has its own internal injury effect, and the internal injury effect is doubled after the skill hits.

Comes with [Destroying Soul Finger], [Breaking Magic Finger], [Golden Ghost Finger] skills.

Requirements: Nascent Soul Realm and above can be used only after finger repair.


Lin Jichen took a few glances at this thing and put it back, it was nothing special.

He is now used to the earth-grade gold and martial arts.

The rest of Lin Jichen glanced at it, but there were still two pieces of Earth Grade Ziwu, but their attributes were mediocre.

After reading it, Lin Jichen put them away one by one, and prepared to throw them into the equipment store after returning to Fengqu City.

Of course, the ground product Jinwu is excluded.

No matter how good the land and gold weapons are, he will not sell them, even if they are rotten in his hands.

Just when Lin Jichen thought it was these things, a box exactly like the one he saw in Zhao Laojiu's treasure room appeared in front of him.

Lin Jichen tentatively opened it, only to find that there was a thousand-year-old baby fruit lying inside!

[Special material Millennium baby fruit]: This material can help monks in the Nascent Soul Realm temper their soul, strengthen the Nascent Soul, and condense the baby energy. It is the best auxiliary material for monks in the Nascent Soul Realm.

Note: Each monk can only take it once.


Lin Jichen was overjoyed, he didn't expect to get two thousand-year-old baby fruits at once, so it seems that he doesn't have to swallow them all by himself.

After all, Baili Canfeng also paid a high price, Jufa almost lost his defense after being injured so badly.

Lin Jichen would be a little embarrassed if he didn't get anything in the end.

It's all right now, two people, one for each, and a fair distribution.

Lin Jichen put away his things, he was serious just now when he saw Dipin Jinwu, but now he smiled happily.

During the agonizing wait, Baili Canfeng finally woke up.

"Brother Lin, did we win?"

Lin Jichen pretended to sigh and said: "I didn't win, he tied me up and locked me up here. He said that I'll arrest you and serve him after you wake up. Now that you're awake, go and serve Zhao Laojiu in a good way." .”

After hearing this, Baili Canfeng's already pale face was even paler than a corpse that had been dead for three days. He curled up in a corner, hugged himself, and shook his head frantically.

"I don't want to! I don't want to die!"

Lin Jichen laughed loudly, this kid is really easy to deceive.

Seeing Lin Jichen smiling so happily, Baili Canfeng quickly came to his senses and cursed angrily, "Lin Jichen, are you sick! Is it fun to play me!"

Lin Jichen whizzed cheaply: "It's fun."

"I'll fight with you!" Baili Canfeng couldn't stand it anymore, and was about to beat him up.

However, a little Faxiu had a limp fist, and Lin Jichen easily kicked him on the ground and threw him back.

Baili Canfeng immediately whimpered and cried aggrieved.

It's fine to be taken advantage of by Zhao Laojiu, it's fine to be seriously injured, it's fine to break the magic weapon that his teacher gave him.

I didn't get anything, and now I have to be bullied by Lin Jichen, life is hard~

Seeing him like that, Lin Jichen said, "If you cry again, you won't want the Millennium Baby Fruit."

Suddenly, the crying stopped!

"Brother Lin, what did you just say?"

Baili Canfeng ran to Lin Jichen's side in an instant, and asked expectantly.

"Millennium baby fruit, do you want it?"

"You mean, you're going to give it to me?"

Baili Canfeng hesitated for a moment and shook his head and said: "Forget it, we had an agreement before that we found the Millennium Baby Fruit, and it will be yours first, at worst, wait for you to finish the task, and then accompany me to find the strange beast and cunning cow. "

Lin Jichen said slyly: "What if I say there are two?"


"Must." After Lin Jichen said, he took out the two thousand-year-old baby fruits.

Baili Canfeng reached out to take it, but was slapped back by Lin Jichen.

"Want it?"


"Who wanted to beat me just now?" Lin Jichen asked lazily.

"It must not be me. Our brotherhood is like brotherhood, and we live and die together. How could I be willing to beat you? It's nothing. If anyone dares to beat you, I, Baili Canfeng, guarantee that his old mother won't know him!" Baili Canfeng Just words.

Lin Jichen sighed leisurely: "Oh, my shoulders are a little sore after sitting for so long."

Baili Canfeng instantly turned into a massage master, and began to squeeze Lin Jichen's shoulders and back graciously.

Until Lin Jichen was satisfied.

"Okay, I'll just give you one. I'm very tired. Let's rest for a day. It's your turn to guard."

After Lin Jichen handed the Millennium Baby Fruit to the other party, he couldn't bear the sleepiness and fell asleep with his head covered.

Baili Canfeng happily took the Millennium Baby Fruit and looked it over carefully, then put it away beautifully, and began to serve as Lin Jichen's bodyguard seriously.

He guarded the entrance of the cave, and did not forget to repel Lin Jichen's mosquitoes, lest Brother Lin would not sleep well.

With Baili Canfeng as the security guard, Lin Jichen also quit the game with peace of mind, and went to bed with peace of mind and slept.

When I woke up the next day, it was already noon the next day.

After waking up, Lin Jichen found that Gu Qiuxue and Tang Ning were still busy in the game.

There are only two women left in the family.

Qin Xiaowei went to the company. After resting for so long, she wrote a new song and went to the company to record it.

Ren Lan and Niu Naitang both went to school because the holidays were over.

Ren Lan didn't choose to live in the school. She is now a senior and has more freedom, so she returns to Lin Jichen's place every night.

And with Ren's mother as a cover, Ren's father has been kept in the dark until now.

Niu Naitang is also in school on this point.

There was a lunch left for him by Gu Qiuxue in the kitchen. Lin Jichen warmed it up and ate it whole.

Just after eating, the door of the house was opened.

I saw Niu Naitang running home in a hurry.

"Why do you leave school so early? You won't skip class, will you?"

Lin Jichen asked with a smirk, thinking that the little guy wanted to play games, so he dared to skip class.

"Then you're doomed. It's no wonder your aunt knew she had to spank your ass. I can't protect you either." Lin Jichen gloated.

Niu Naitang shook his head, and asked, "Brother Lin, is my aunt back?"

"No, I'd better send you back to school, don't be naughty, it's really not good to skip class." Lin Jichen said kindly.

Although he very much agrees with Niu Naitang's skipping class, it's even better to suspend school and play games like him.

After all, the two worlds are about to merge, and if you can improve your strength at this time, you should improve as soon as possible.

It's a pity that if such a thing is told, ghosts will not believe it, and Lin Jichen can only do nothing to help.

If Qin Xiaowei knew that Niu Naitang dared to play truant from school, he would definitely be angry, and maybe he would never let this little guy play games again.

However, the answer Niu Naitang gave was not what he expected...


One more~

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