Full-time sword repair

Chapter 856 Cave Town

After entering the Wudu Mountain Range, Baili Canfeng took out the map he had prepared.

Baili Canfeng was quite careful about this point, and had done enough homework before coming here.

These maps are all from the Wudu Mountains, which can help newcomers avoid those high-risk areas.

There are many dangers here. Once you reach the dangerous area, you may not know where a monster or villain will rush out and attack.

Only the old people inside know some safer roads, but there is no absolute safety, it still depends on luck.

Lin Jichen, who died here three times, the first time was because he went the wrong way, and then died inexplicably.

Later, he learned to be smart and bought a map before going in.

The two of them used the map to shuttle through the mountains, and after a day, there was no danger.

The two rushed to the first foothold, a small town hidden in the deep mountains.

Although the Wudu Mountains are full of dangers, there are very few safe areas.

These safe areas are these small towns hidden in the mountains.

These small towns are the only safe havens in the Wudu Mountains, and they are all built here by monks who are good at doing business.

The town has everything in it, and it has everything on the outside, but the prices are ridiculously high.

The price of any product inside is more than ten times more expensive than outside. A bottle of ordinary blood recovery pills only sells two or three spirit stones outside.

And here, at least to sell more than 20 yuan.

Because the people in the Wudu Mountains are all wanted criminals, they dare not go out.

Therefore, the prices that merchants sell things naturally rise.

Of course, these small towns would choose to rely on some old monsters in the God Transformation Realm to seek shelter, otherwise they would not be able to go on at all.

The town they came to was called 'Cave Town'.

This small town is very simple, full of rows of cave dwellings, with a sign hanging at the entrance of the cave, stating what kind of shop it is.

There are all kinds of people traveling through it, including human monks and ghost monks.

Everyone does not violate the water of the well, as long as they come to the town, they are not allowed to fight, this is a clear rule.

Of course, you can hide in there all the time if you want to, unless you can afford the high protection fee, 100 yuan per person per day for Lingshi, as the protection fee.

The two paid 200 yuan of spirit stones before they were released.

To be on the safe side, the two put on masks early on.

There is no way, Lin Jichen's charm value is too high, Baili Canfeng is also a handsome guy no matter what.

It's so messy here, it's bound to cause trouble.

The camouflage mask can also be used as a simple mask when not in use.

Seeing that it was getting dark, the two of them wandered around the town casually, and then came to the only restaurant in the town.

It is said to be a restaurant, but it is a bigger cave dwelling...

"There is a fee to enter the door, 50 yuan for Lingshi per person."

A monk at the Jindan stage stood at the door and said to the two expressionlessly.

Lin Jichen turned a deaf ear and looked up at the sky, waiting for the big grievance Baili Canfeng to pay for it.

No way, who made him a big disciple of a super sect with a rich family background.

Unlike him, he is just a player and cannot use the resources of the sect at will.

Only by opening a shop by myself, earning millions of spirit stones every month and barely getting by, it makes me sad to think about it~

Baili Canfeng took the initiative to pay without Lin Jichen expressing himself.

Two people were put in.

As soon as I entered, I saw many people covering their noses.

"What smells so stinky!"

"Damn, who shit in the crotch?"

"Can you talk about civilization, I want to stink to death!"

"Ouch, it stinks!"


Seeing everyone yelling and cursing, Baili Canfeng hurriedly left the hall with a guilty conscience and went to the front desk to open a room.

Lin Jichen looked at the crowded hall, but had an ominous premonition.

Sure enough, when they came to the counter, the boss told them that there was only one room left...

"Just one room, haha, it's okay, open the room!"

Baili Canfeng happily took out a bag of Lingshi and slapped it on the table, as if he was afraid that the room would be taken away.

Then he took the key to the house and walked ahead with a smile, while Lin Jichen followed behind with a gloomy expression.

The room is simple and clear, with a table and a bed, and the inside is tattered.

But there's no way to pick and choose in a place like this.

"Brother Lin, there is nothing to do tonight, there is only one bed left, so we can only be together..."

Before Baili Canfeng finished speaking, Lin Jichen threw out a blanket and spread it on the ground, then sat on the ground.

"I'll be here tonight, you go to bed."

"This...how did you treat me so well all of a sudden? You always let me sleep on the floor at Jingsi Cliff."

Baili Canfeng was inexplicably moved.

Lin Jichen pointed at the rotten bed with disgust, and said, "I don't want to sleep in this hanging place, you can go, it happens to have the same smell."

The heart of Baili Remnant Wind is cool...

The two temporarily settled in this room.

"Brother Lin, I heard that the Millennium Baby Fruit is only found in the strange beast, the cunning ox. The cunning ox only exists in the Wudu Mountains, and this thing is very cautious and cunning. It may not be easy to find it."

Baili Canfeng sat on the bed and started analyzing with Lin Jichen.

Lin Jichen didn't know that something like a thousand-year-old baby fruit is hard to come by, and the strength of the strange beast is at least the Nascent Soul level, and it is difficult to catch.

The key is not yet known.

"Let me go out and inquire. There are quite a few people in the lobby. Maybe I can get some clues. If you really can't, just look slowly."

Lin Jichen calculated the time in his mind, and he didn't plan to focus on finding the Millennium Yingguo.

He made up his mind that if he couldn't find it within ten days, he would give up. He was going to do another task, to find Eunuch Gao's younger brother!

That's the top priority.

"Okay, I'll go with you." Baili Canfeng got up and said.

Lin Jichen raised his hand to stop it, and said, "You should stay here honestly, as soon as you go out, all the people in the hall will stink away."

Baili Canfeng was so embarrassed that he could only pretend that he didn't hear, and stayed in the room honestly.

After Lin Jichen went out, he found an empty table and ordered some wine and food.

Good guy, I ordered something casually, and asked him for 500 yuan of spirit stones.

too dark!If I knew it earlier, I would have asked Baili Canfeng to come out first, pay the money, and then go in and stay...

After Lin Jichen sat down, he drank slowly while observing the guests in the cave dwelling in the hall.

It's really a mixed bag here, human monks and ghost cultivators are all gathered here.

Lin Jichen glanced around, and found that most of their strengths were in the Nascent Soul Realm, there were very few spirits here, and the Golden Core Realm was even rarer, even rarer than pandas here.

Lin Jichen didn't speak, but just silently listened to the conversations of the guests at other tables. As expected, after staying for an hour, he didn't find any useful news.

Not wanting to attract attention, Lin Jichen didn't take the initiative to ask. Seeing that he didn't get anything, he returned to the guest room and discussed with Baili Canfeng to leave here tomorrow and go to other places to see.

The two turned off the lights and fell into meditation with their legs crossed.

In this kind of place, it is impossible for the two of them to really sleep, and they both choose to practice at night.

The night was getting darker, but in the dark night, Lin Jichen and Baili Canfeng opened their eyes at the same time, their eyes met each other...


Two more~

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