Full-time sword repair

Chapter 840 Controversy in the Great Hall!


A figure stood in front of Lin Jichen in time, it was Lin Jichen's second master, Elder Tianqing.

"Old Yuan! What are you doing! Are you really going to kill my apprentice?" Tian Qing shouted with a dark face.

Tian Yuan was also a little displeased, and said: "Old Yuan, you are a bit too much, Lin Jichen is the master's apprentice no matter what, even if you want to kill him, you have to ask the master?"

Elder Tianjian said silently: "Lin Jichen's dealings with Moxiu violated the patriarchal law. The head of the sect is not here. I will manage the sect on my behalf. Naturally, we must strictly enforce it. The emperor breaks the law and commits the same crime as the common people. Also clean the door!"

Seeing Elder Tianjian's indifference, Tianqing and Tianyuan also felt helpless, they knew very well the temper of this old friend, he was notoriously stern and selfless.

It's okay to talk about other things, as long as it involves the issue of magic cultivation, no one can try to persuade him.

When Chu Tianhan went out to practice in the mountains when he was young, he also met a friend who was a demon cultivator, and even chatted with him over wine.

Elder Tianjian became furious when he found out, beat Chu Tianhan half to death, and forced him to kill that demon cultivator.

Afterwards, Chu Tianhan was still imprisoned in Jingsi Cliff for half a year, even if Leng Feiyan came forward to mediate and persuade him, it was useless.

Just when the two great elders, Tianqing and Tianyuan, were so anxious that they didn't know what to do, Lin Jichen walked around them tremblingly and walked up to Elder Tianjian.

His face was pale, but his eyes were still as clear as water, bright and firm.

"Great Elder, in this world, there is no clear definition of good and bad, right and wrong, and the same is true for righteous demons. I want to ask, is there no villain in the righteous sect?"

Elder Tianjian was dumbfounded for a moment.

But Lin Jichen continued: "Disciple ask again, is there no good person in the Demon Dao Sect?"

"Of course, there may be evil people in the orthodox sect, but it is impossible for the evil sect to have good people!" Tianjian said decisively.

Lin Jichen denied it right away: "Grand Elder, you are wrong."

"What's wrong with me?" Tianjianchang asked eagerly.

Lin Jichen was not intimidated, but replied calmly: "You think there are no good people in the magic world, but you didn't meet them. How can you tell the difference between good and bad in this world because of a title? Some people join the magic cultivator, maybe It’s hard to say, we can’t generalize, there are good and bad monsters, let alone humans.”

"Although Baili Canfeng is a demon cultivator, this disciple can conclude that he is not bad in nature. Back then, the West Cloud City that my little senior sister guarded experienced a desperate beast tide. I'll wait for my disciples to come to support me, and ask the Great Elder, can this be considered a villain?"

Elder Tianjian couldn't answer.

Seeing that he couldn't come up with anything, Lin Jichen continued: "I, Lin Jichen, make friends, but I ask for a clear conscience. I never look at the other person's status, but only at the other person's character. Gentleman, even if you are a beggar on the side of the road, your disciple can still have a drink with him, so what about the righteous way, what about the evil way, as long as you have a clear conscience, if the human heart really only depends on righteousness and evil to judge good and bad, wouldn’t it be ridiculous?"

Lin Jichen's words moved everyone.

Even Chu Tianhan, who had been indifferent all this time, opened his eyes unexpectedly, looked at Lin Jichen with some surprise, then seemed to remember something on his mind, and the loneliness in his eyes flashed past.

Both Elder Tianqing and Elder Tianyuan nodded silently. In fact, they also thought so, but Tianjian had a knot in his heart and was too stubborn.

Lin Jichen looked at Elder Tianjian calmly again, and said, "Grand Elder, forgive me for speaking bluntly, what you hate is not the demon cultivator, what you hate is just... that person."

As soon as these words came out, the whole place was silent.

Elder Tianjian seemed to recall that sad night, the flames of hatred rose and exploded, and his face was extremely ugly.

But in the next second, he seemed to have exhausted his energy, and he seemed to be much older.


A sound of breaking through the air suddenly sounded.

Immediately afterwards, Lin Jichen was knocked out heavily.

Everyone was taken aback for a moment, but the person who made the move was Chu Tianhan.

Chu Tianhan shot angrily, his eyes were not kind, he looked coldly at Lin Jichen who fell to the ground, and said viciously: "You dare to disrespect my master, I can't spare you!"

Lin Jichen got up from the ground, coughed another mouthful of blood, and said slowly: "I know I'm disrespectful to the elder, but what I'm telling is the truth. I respect the Great Elder Tianjian, and I don't want him to be blinded by hatred. Others dare not Say, but I will say, even if you die here today. Wrong is wrong, right is right!"

As he spoke, Lin Jichen scanned the audience and asked, "Has any of you heard of Baili Canfeng's evil deeds?"

No one here said anything, and news of other demon sect disciples doing evil things broke out from time to time.

For example, big disciples such as Li Xinghun and Situ Zhao have done many things that endanger the common people and are horrific.

But only Baili Canfeng, there has never been any news of him doing evil.

On the contrary, some disciples also heard that Baili Canfeng had done many good deeds, for example, it was rumored that Baili Canfeng was once in the hands of a little demon sect, and saved thousands of people who were about to be killed.

There were also people who heard that Baili Canfeng once deliberately came to provoke trouble because he couldn't understand the behavior of a master of magic, and then killed him.

Looking back now, Baili Canfeng seems to be really different from other demon cultivators.

Lin Jichen puffed out his chest, and said loudly: "Our Jianzong is a decent school! It is our duty to eliminate demons and defend the Tao, but we should not discriminate right from wrong. Baili Canfeng is not only my friend, but also the lifesaver of Xiyun City Benefactor, the people of a city rely on his actions to be safe, he has done nothing wrong, if we kill him, how is it different from killing innocent demon thieves indiscriminately? Wouldn't it be revenge for kindness?"

Lin Jichen's words were like a knife piercing everyone's hearts, and everyone present was speechless.

Elder Tianjian's expression was heavy, his face gradually turned red, he was not only angry but also guilty.

Chu Tianhan on the side was also silent, he seemed to be thinking of something, his expression was complicated, looking at Elder Tianjian next to him, he hesitated to speak, and finally gave up and stopped speaking.

Lin Jichen continued: "I can also swear to the heavens that if one day Baili Remnant Wind harms the common people and does a lot of evil, this disciple promises to get rid of him with his own hands! There is no doubt about it!"

After finishing speaking, Lin Jichen walked up to Elder Tianjian again, and said, "Elder Tianjian, I respect you. It was my disciple's fault for disrespecting you before. I've finished my words. If you want to do something, just do it."

Immediately afterwards, Lin Jichen opened his arms, closed his eyes, and went to die calmly.

Elder Tianjian raised his arm, but finally put it down.

As for Baili Canfeng, who was locked up on the other side of the hall, after watching the whole process, he smiled very happily.


One update~ I messed up the time difference by doing nucleic acid yesterday morning, sorry

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