Full-time sword repair

Chapter 829 Forget it

Gu Qiuxue, the first doctor, Ren Lan, the first puncher, Xing Sen, the first axe, Tangtang, the first chess player, and Zhao Baige, the first alchemist.

There are also Qin Xiaowei, Gong Xiu, Tang Ning, Gong Xiu, and Xing Liyao, Fa Xiu.

Including the captain Lin Jichen, there are eight people in total, all of them present.

Lin Jichen originally wanted to call Jiang Luoyu the number one Dharma cultivator, because with her around, the efficiency of spawning monsters would be greatly improved.

It's a pity that Jiang Luoyu and the guild happened to be in the process of opening up wasteland and couldn't get away, so they had to give up.

Moreover, these people in front of him can be regarded as Lin Jichen's official team members in the true sense. They are team members who all agreed to join after he invited him.

Although Qin Xiaowei, Tang Ning and Xing Liyao are still far from meeting the standard of being Lin Jichen's ideal teammates.

But Lin Jichen wasn't in a hurry. A team doesn't necessarily have to be number one in each profession, and that's not realistic.

The most important thing is to be trustworthy.

Otherwise, if the most powerful person betrays you easily, they will drag everyone to a place of eternal doom at any time.

Lin Jichen never chooses someone based on the opponent's strength. Strength can be cultivated slowly, but character is hard to change.

"lets go!"

With a big wave of Lin Jichen's hand, he was the first to fly into the air with his sword, and everyone followed immediately.

The eight people walked in the air, because considering the speed of everyone in the air, Lin Jichen deliberately slowed down and walked with everyone.

At this time, the sky is sunny and the breeze is blowing. Feeling the cool breeze on the face, the beautiful scenery of the mountains and rivers under the feet is like a passing cloud.

Everyone is in a very good mood.

"This kind of team building activity is so fun, it's much more comfortable than doing boring tasks alone!" Tang Ning sighed while flying.

"Yes, it's a pity that we are not in the same state. Fortunately, there is a teleportation array. Otherwise, the game map will take at least a few days and nights just to fly here from my sect..." Gu Qiuxue said with a smile.

Ren Lan echoed from the side: "Yeah, Xiao Linzi needs to organize more team activities in the future, otherwise we have reason to suspect that you are secretly going to pick up girls."

Everyone laughed.

Lin Jichen smiled wryly and said, "Don't wrong the good people. Team activities can be organized more, but at present we still need to focus on improving our own strength. After everyone breaks through Nascent Soul, we really need to form teams frequently."

"Okay! Tangtang needs to break through the Nascent Soul Realm soon!" Niu Naitang was the first to raise his hand to cheer himself up.

Ren Lan joked: "Tangtang, can you beat the monsters in the Jindan realm at the Nascent Soul realm?"

Niu Naitang snorted, "Of course I can, don't underestimate me!"

Ren Lan made a grimace and said, "But you're about to start school, and you won't have time to play then."

"I'll just play secretly at night, cut!" Niu Naitang accidentally said.

Qin Xiaowei immediately cast a 'murderous' look, and said, "Tangtang, do you often secretly play games at night behind my back?"

Niu Naitang quickly denied it, shaking his head faster than anyone else: "No, no..."

"I don't believe it. No wonder you often dozed off during the day when you were in school. Teacher Yan told me that you must have secretly played games at night with the game ring, right?" Qin smiled and revealed Niu Naitang's little secret.

"That... um..." Niu Naitang was speechless for a moment.

Qin Xiao hummed slightly, and said: "It seems that your school has too little homework. I will ask Teacher Yan to give you more homework when the school starts."

Niu Naitang suddenly drooped his head, like a deflated little ball.

Ren Lan on the side laughed heartlessly.

Seeing this, Niu Naitang rushed to Lin Jichen's side immediately, and threw himself into his arms with a leap of his short legs.

"Woooo...Brother Lin, Sister Ren and Auntie bullied me together..."

Lin Jichen didn't know whether to laugh or cry, rubbed her little head, and said, "It's okay, brother will protect you."

"But my aunt has to assign me a lot of homework, what should I do if I can't finish it..." Niu Naitang said with a pouted mouth.

Lin Jichen whispered in her ear secretly: "It's okay, I can't finish writing by then, brother will help you write."

When Niu Naitang heard this, he immediately shook his head in embarrassment, and said tactfully, "Let's forget it..."

Lin Jichen: "...."

Ren Lan continued to tease behind him: "Little boy, don't think that you will be fine if you hide, your happiness is coming to an end, and school will start soon."

Niu Naitang poked her head out of Lin Jichen's shoulder, unable to refute, she could only make faces at Ren Lan to express her dissatisfaction.

One big and one small just frolicked all the way, which also made everyone laugh constantly.

Looking at this warm picture, Xing Sen felt extremely at ease.

It was completely different from when he was working under Wang Jinghao before, and he would never feel this kind of atmosphere.

"Brother, do you regret not coming earlier?" Xing Liyao saw what his brother was thinking and asked him jokingly.

Xing Sen blushed and said awkwardly: "Didn't I not know before?"

"Fortunately, brother Lin rescued you, otherwise I really don't know what to do."

Xing Liyao recalled the scene of Xing Sen being arrested and Wang Jinghao threatening her with this, and she felt a little scared.

She was also glad that she had made the most correct choice and confessed the matter instead of following Wang Jinghao's orders foolishly without telling everyone.

Otherwise, it is impossible for her to enjoy the life she is living now...

"Yes, because of this, we have to work harder to repay brother Lin, Yaoyao, since you also choose to be a professional player now, you have to work hard together with brother to improve your strength, we can't hold back." Xing Sen warned.

Xing Liyao nodded: "I know, I will work hard! Sooner or later I will be able to help Brother Lin!"

Xing Sen suddenly asked curiously, "Do you like Brother Lin?"

Xing Liyao blushed, and hurriedly denied: "Of course not! Brother, what are you talking about, I don't! Absolutely not!"

Xing Sen laughed, and didn't say any more, he already knew it well.

Amidst the laughter, the eight people flew for two full hours, walked in a dense forest for half a day, and finally wound around and passed through an empty valley swamp.

Finally arrived at the destination, Purple Bamboo Forest!

"I'll go, this place is too remote, I can't find it even if I count it! How do you know this place, Xiao Linzi?" Ren Lan complained.

This place is too hidden, it belongs to a hidden map, but Lin Jichen is very familiar with it, as if he has already been familiar with this place by heart.

"Oh, I got a map and came here once."

Lin Jichen is just talking nonsense, he can't say that he is a reborn person and has been here countless times in his previous life, he must believe in science!

Everyone didn't have any doubts, and they were all sighing, no wonder there is not a single sky-dead purple bamboo on the market, the feeling is because this place is too hard to find.


I went to the hospital for reexamination and stitches removal today. I went back in the afternoon during the day. I was exhausted. I was lazy today, sorry.

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