Full-time sword repair

Chapter 814 It's Over

Seeing Xuan Yizong's up and down Xiaguang asylum.

The general's expression changed.

"Sect Master Yun, don't be so ruthless. For the sake of a junior, you don't hesitate to open the mountain protection formation? Could it be that you want to keep the deity here?"

"You guessed it right, as long as you dare to touch him, I will kill you with my entire sect! I will never die!"

Yun Lanyi's tone was casual, but she had an indescribable majesty.

The general nodded, gritted his teeth and said, "Okay, very good! Sect Master Yun, I admit that I'm wronged, so I won't bother you this time."

The general said and looked at Lin Jichen, jokingly said: "Boy, remember, you won't be so lucky every time!"

After finishing speaking, the figure of the minister turned into a cloud of black mist, and disappeared before the formation of the mountain guard was opened.

As soon as the general left, Xuan Yizong heaved a sigh of relief.

If there was a real fight, although the strength of the entire Mysterious Medicine Sect would definitely win, it would definitely be very difficult to win, and there would be a lot of casualties for sure.

Fortunately, the general ran away, otherwise they really didn't know what to do.

A great elder looked at the opened mountain protection formation with heartache, and said to Yun Lanyi: "Sovereign, once this mountain protection formation is opened, it will consume tens of thousands of top-quality spirit stones, and it also consumes the power of the spirit vein once, which is too wasteful." It's..."

Yun Lan said without changing his face: "Shut it off, as long as the sect is fine, you all go back, and comfort the disciples, don't panic."

"Yes!" The elders took orders and said goodbye.

Yun Lanyi also turned around and was about to leave, Lin Jichen said: "Thank you, Sect Master Yun, for saving me. In the future, when the junior is capable, I will thank you."

Yun Lanyi didn't appreciate it, and said: "Remember, I'm helping you this time, not because of Leng Feiyan's face, but because of the alliance between Jianzong and my Xuanyizong. You don't owe me anything." What, I don't need you to repay me, if it's okay, just leave quickly, don't let me ask someone to throw you out."

After finishing speaking, Yun Lanyi disappeared directly in place.

Lin Jichen shook his head with a wry smile, it seemed that his bearish appearance would never come back...

He was too embarrassed to open his mouth again, after all, Yun Lanyi just saved himself, and he did not hesitate to activate the mountain protection array.

Even if Bai Nu wanted to return the fox's favours, he could only pinch his nose and admit it, as if he was repaying the favours.

As for the appearance of the bear, he can only find a way to save it by himself.

But Bai Nu brought Xiong Zang to the Ten Thousand Monsters Territory, so he had to go to the Ten Thousand Monsters Territory to find him.

How can this special meow get there?

Not to mention that he can't get into the Ten Thousand Monster Territory if he doesn't have a bear appearance as a spiritual medium, even if there is, it will take several days for him to rush to the Ten Thousand Monster Territory now.

Right now, there is still a general outside, waiting for him to fly out to die now.

If he ran to find Xiongxiang now, he would die countless times on the way.

Lin Jichen pondered for a long time, and decided not to go for the time being.

The key right now is to figure out how to get the nun out of Xiaowan's body.

As long as the female demon regains her freedom and returns to the ghost clan, the general will have no reason to risk offending Tianyan Sword Sect to provoke him.

As for the appearance of the bear, let it stay in the fox family for a while.

Anyway, the little fox demon loves Xiong Ziyang so much, even if Xiong Ziyang passes away, he will definitely be treated as a national treasure, and he won't suffer.

I took the opportunity to improve my strength. If I could break through the Nascent Soul, I would be more confident in going to the Ten Thousand Monster Territory.

Thinking of this, Lin Jichen didn't dare to stay longer.

"Sister, these two things are for you."

Before leaving, Lin Jichen did not forget to hand over the two treasures obtained from the Eternal Icefield to Gu Qiuxue.

One is Suxue Silk Cloud Skirt, the other is Shuangqiluo Umbrella, both of which are gold quality equipment of local quality.

Taking it out casually can make all medical players crazy about it.

If it is auctioned, it may be sold for a sky-high price.

However, Lin Jichen chose to hand everything over to Gu Qiuxue, leaving nothing behind.

"It's too expensive, why don't you sell it?"

Gu Qiuxue said distressedly.

Lin Jichen had a firm attitude, and said, "I won't sell it. This is something to improve your strength. I don't want to sell it for any amount of money. Just use it, sister. It's not too late to sell it when you have better equipment."

"Well, sister will not let you down."

Gu Qiuxue had no choice but to accept these two top-quality medical repair equipment, and silently vowed in her heart that she would not live up to Xiaochen's high expectations, nor would she waste these two pieces of equipment.

"Then I'll go first, sister."

After Lin Jichen finished speaking, he greeted Fang Qingzhu again, then sat in the teleportation formation, and returned to Muxian State, Tianyan Sword Sect.

As soon as he came back, he went straight to Jiangong Mountain, looking for Leng Feiyan.

No way, the enemy outside is too powerful, if you don't find the master yourself, once you are singled out and arrested, a hundred lives are not enough to die.

This time, I really don't blame Lin Jichen for taking the hard way.

If there are some enemies in the Nascent Soul Realm or even the Transformation God Realm, Lin Jichen doesn't want to talk about it, and he can solve it by thinking of a way by himself, and it should be tempered himself.

But you say that he is only in the spiritual state, but there are enemies at the enlightened state or even the ascension state peeping in. Isn't this called a backer and a hook?

However, after Lin Jichen went to Jiangong Mountain, he realized that Leng Feiyan was not there, and he didn't even find anyone in the bedroom.

He only found out after asking that Leng Feiyan had also retreated a few days ago.

Lin Jichen wanted to cry, and even wondered if Nuwa was targeting him...

At such a critical time, Master retreated.

This leaves a few big troubles, but how to deal with it...

After thinking about it, Lin Jichen ran to Lingyao Mountain to try his luck, to see if he could get some life-saving things from the second master.

However, his relationship with Tianqing is just an ordinary master-student relationship, far inferior to that of Leng Feiyan.

Limited by the rules of the game, Lin Jichen couldn't get any benefits from Elder Tian Qing.

In desperation, Lin Jichen had no choice but to give up his plan to find a backer to move the soldiers, and the soldiers came to cover the water and the soil.

As long as he is more careful in his actions recently, the general will not squat himself every day, not to mention that he is also afraid of the strength of Tianyan Sword Sect, and he dare not do too much on the surface.

Thinking of this, Lin Jichen heaved a sigh of relief, he really couldn't do it, at worst he would die once.

Anyway, this life has already been picked up, so there is nothing to be satisfied with.

Lin Jichen came down from the Lingyao Mountain, and a disciple from the inner hall came towards him, and said to him very politely: "Junior Brother Lin, there is something that you may have forgotten."

"what's up?"

The disciple smiled kindly, and said: "Junior brother Lin is the deacon of Shangong Hall, the sect has rules, anyone who holds any position in the sect must go to the office every month, and check the process, so as not to let someone enrich their own pockets or play tricks, and damage the interests of the sect , I also specially reminded the younger brother, in case you forget, the younger brother can go there someday when he is free."

It was only now that Lin Jichen remembered that there was indeed such a rule, and it had existed when he was the deacon of the Miscellaneous Hall.

"Thank you, brother, for letting me know. I happen to be free now, so I'll go to the Shangong Hall to have a look."

Lin Jichen finally remembered that he was still an official in the sect, and went all the way to the main hall of Shangong Hall in the outer hall.

Unexpectedly, as soon as they arrived outside the hall, there was a burst of men and women arguing inside, and the voices seemed familiar.


Two more~

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