Full-time sword repair

Chapter 811 Entrusted by the Fox

Sure enough, the paws stopped in front of Lin Jichen, only a slight distance away from his pupils.

But Lin Jichen's eyes never blinked, and the expression on his face didn't change at all.

"You didn't grow anything, so you didn't dare to kill me. I told you, you are just a native chicken. No, you are not even as good as a native chicken now. I really look down on you."

Lin Jichen sarcastically said that he wanted to die now.

White Bird became angry, and once again fanned Lin Jichen away with one wing.

Lin Jichen fell to the ground, spat out blood, sat up from the ground again, and said with a smile, "Oh, if you don't grow, you don't grow. Just kill me if you have the ability."

On the contrary, Shiratori calmed down, staring at Lin Jichen with a pair of bird eyes, and released a spiritual thought, which turned into a spiritual power.

Lin Jichen froze for a moment, and then found that the other party was actually talking to him using a mysterious method.

"Boy, do you really think that I dare not kill you? Don't think that you are unscrupulous because you have a backing."

Lin Jichen was taken aback for a moment, and then let go of his guard, and retorted: "Then open the skylight and speak honestly. I rely on my backing, don't you? Did you think you could survive without your master back then? "

He brazenly showed off again: "I rely on three things to walk the rivers and lakes, I have a backing, I have a backing, and I still have a backing. What can you do with me?"

Bai Nu was so angry that he wished he could kill Lin Jichen directly.

An ant with a spiritual realm dares to be so presumptuous in front of a strange beast that has enlightened the Dao!

"If I don't kill you, can't I imprison you? I can lock you up for ten or twenty years." Bai Nu sneered.

Lin Jichen panicked a lot, but on the surface he still pretended to be calm and said: "Besides, it's impossible, my master has always spoiled me and asked me to report my whereabouts to her every few days, as long as I don't take the initiative for a few days Report, she will guess that I am in trouble, then, do you think she will come out to find me? Do you think you can escape my master's pursuit?"

Bai Nu fell silent now, from its eyes, Lin Jichen could see that it was a little timid.

The shadow of a famous tree, Leng Feiyan is the number one powerhouse in the world.

Not to mention it, even its owner, Yun Lanyi, cannot be Leng Feiyan's opponent.

Even if they were friends before, how could Leng Feiyan let her go if she tied up her apprentice?

Bai Nu knew that he couldn't scare Lin Jichen, so he simply said, "Okay, I can let you go, but you have to agree to one condition, otherwise I will trap you here to death even if I risk offending your master. Believe me, if I want to hide you, even if Leng Feiyan finds you in the end, it will take at least a few years, do you believe it or not?"

Lin Jichen knew that this was already the opponent's bottom line, and he didn't want to continue provoking, he said, "What conditions?"

"You have an iron eater as a pet, don't you?"

"Yes, what does it have to do with you?" Lin Jichen didn't deny it either.

But Bai Nu said: "Hand it over, and I will let you go."

"Impossible!" Lin Jichen refused on the spot: "It is my pet, why should I give it to you?"

"If you don't hand it over, don't even think about leaving." Bai Nu refused to back down even half a step.

Lin Jichen's eyes turned cold, and he planned to resist death.

But a little puzzled, he wondered why Bai Nu took a fancy to his bear appearance?

He didn't believe that an iron-eating beast with a spiritual realm could enter the Dharma Eye of a Dao-realized alien beast.

"What do you want it for?"

Bai Nu chuckled and said, "I was entrusted by someone."

"Who entrusted you? Did the Peacock Monster Clan call you here? Then let me tell you, delusion! Even if I die, I will not betray my pet."

Lin Jichen made a firm decision, there was nothing to discuss about this matter, the worst would be suicide.

It is absolutely impossible for him to give the bear appearance to the Peacock Monster Race.

If the bear appearance is handed over to the Peacock Monster Clan, he will definitely be tortured to death. Although it is only a pet, he can't be so ruthless.

After hearing this, Bai Nu sneered and said, "Who did you hear that I was entrusted by the peacock demon clan?"

"Isn't it?"

"Of course not, the peacock demon race is nothing. I didn't kill these coquettish miscellaneous birds! Every day I compare myself to Suzaku and Phoenix, I never look at them directly!" Bai Nu proudly road.

"Don't try to deceive me, I'm not a three-year-old child." Lin Jichen obviously didn't believe it.

Bai Nu was speechless, and said: "To tell you the truth, I was entrusted by the fox demon clan to take your pet away."

"Fox demon?" Lin Jichen was stunned, and he couldn't believe it: "What connection do you have with the fox demon?"

Bai Nu slowly said: "200 years ago, I owed a favor to the patriarch of the fox demon clan. She told me a while ago that her granddaughter owed your pet a life, and I must take her favor from your clutches." The bear was rescued, do you understand?"

Suddenly, a group of crows flew over Lin Jichen's head.

This is really a knife butt, an eye-opener.

It turns out that going around in circles is such a thing?

Lin Jichen couldn't help laughing angrily. His mother almost caused him to commit suicide. His feelings were all due to that silly fox asking her grandma to come forward to find someone to settle his feelings in order to save his lover.


What is this called~

"You still have a smile on your face. That little fox told me all about it. You tortured his life-saving bear until it was completely out of shape. You tortured it every day. How could he let you go? I can't see that you are a sanctimonious kid. I didn't expect You have such a vicious and cruel heart, even if you are a beast clan, treating them like this for no reason proves that your heart is vicious and extremely hostile, I think your master has accepted the wrong disciple."

Bai Nu's ridicule didn't stop Lin Jichen from laughing, and he didn't hesitate, and directly summoned Xiong Zang.

The bear who had just come out saw his master was injured, and immediately wailed and wanted to fight Bai Nu desperately.

However, with a look from Bai Nu, it instantly became honest and hid behind Lin Jichen...

Lin Jichen was not surprised, and said to Bai Nu, "Look carefully for yourself, where did I torture it?"

Bai Nu looked at the appearance of the fat and fat bear, and it really didn't look like he was being tortured. He was puzzled, but he still didn't believe what Lin Jichen said.

It speaks directly in the language of the orcs and looks like a bear.

"That idiot, my mother asked you, are you his pet?"

Xiong Zang didn't dare to make mistakes, and nodded honestly: "Yeah, what's the matter?"

"Did he abuse you?"


Bai Nu was overjoyed, but in the next second the bear said: "He didn't find me a wife, he promised to take me to eat delicacies but he didn't do it, so he used some demon pills to fool me every day. I've been with him for more than a year , I only gained more than 1000 catties, is this considered abuse?"

Bai Nu couldn't speak for a while, and was so angry that he gave Xiong Xiang a big fight.

"Wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooow ?"

"Can I not beat you if you're a jerk?" Bai Nu was annoyed.

Xiong Zhan shrank his neck, not daring to refute.

Seeing its lively appearance, Bai Nu really didn't look like it was being abused, he was startled, could there be something else hidden?


Two more~

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