Full-time sword repair

Chapter 808 Make some noise

Knowing that Mother Tang was eavesdropping outside, neither of them dared to act rashly and kept their current posture.

Tang Ning was focused on listening to the movement outside the door, trying to wait for Tang's mother to leave.

But Lin Jichen's mind is not here.

After all, Tang Ning held him down at this time, and her body was facing her in the air, as if she was doing push-ups.

The invigorating fragrance no longer touches Lin Jichen's heartstrings all the time.

Especially with the lights on, Lin Jichen could see clearly that the anger in his body hadn't dissipated, which made him unable to restrain himself even more.

Just when Lin Jichen was dreaming, Tang Ning suddenly whispered: "My mother probably won't leave so easily."

"What should I do?"

Lin Jichen said absently, he wished Tang's mother would not leave, so that he could continue like this.

Tang Ning thought about it, and said softly: "Why don't you... make some noise..."

"Huh? Make some noise?" Lin Jichen's pupils opened slightly.

Tang Ning nodded, and said, "My mother probably won't leave unless she hears."

"The question is, how can I make noise when you are pressing me down?" Lin Jichen said.

Tang Ning's cheeks flushed immediately, and she quickly let go.

"Hurry up and send my mother away, otherwise she will be able to squat at the door overnight."

Lin Jichen regained his freedom, but smiled wryly, "Sister Ning Ning, why am I a man making noise?"

Shouldn't it be more appropriate for girls to do this kind of thing?That movement is realistic.

Tang Ning blushed even more, she was too embarrassed to look at Lin Jichen, and said forcefully, "I don't care, I'll do it for you."


"Just because you... just took my... first kiss, is that enough? You have to make it up!"

As soon as Lin Jichen heard this, he knew that he couldn't refuse.

"Okay, then we'll settle the matter after I do it, okay?"

"It's a good idea." Tang Ning glanced at her mouth, and the boss was not happy.

Just kidding, the first kiss I kept for more than 20 years was taken away like this, how could I turn the page so easily?

She was still waiting for Mother Tang to settle the score with Lin Jichen after she left.

"Okay, then I won't do it. I'll go out and tell my aunt that you won't let me touch it, and let me sleep on the sofa."

Lin Jichen started to play a rogue, got up and was about to leave.

Tang Ning was in a hurry, so she quickly grabbed him and refused to let him go.

"You did it on purpose, didn't you take advantage of the fire?" Tang Ning asked angrily.

Lin Jichen didn't deny it either, and said, "I'm afraid you'll keep catching me with this matter, so you can either settle the matter, or I won't do it."

"You..." Tang Ning was angry, but could only agree.

You can't let her make noise, can you?She's not that thick-skinned.

"You're ruthless, that's fine, I promise you."

"That's what you said, Sister Ningning, you are a policeman, so don't lie." Lin Jichen reminded.

Tang Ning said impatiently: "I know, do it quickly!"

"I can do it, but you have to cooperate a little bit."


"Yes, call twice."

"Dream!" Tang Ning blushed.

"Please, I can't just do it by myself. If you don't cooperate with Auntie, you will know it must be a fake. Auntie is someone who has been here before, so why don't you understand." Lin Jichen said speechlessly.

Tang Ning also thinks it makes sense, but it's a bit hard to tell her to cooperate with this kind of thing...

But it's not a problem for my mother to squat outside all the time. If it continues like this, they won't be able to leave tomorrow if they don't keep it together, and they will have to be kept by their elders for a night.

Long-term pain is worse than short-term pain.

After figuring this out, Tang Ning gritted her teeth and agreed, "Okay, I will try my best to cooperate."

"That's good."

After Lin Jichen finished speaking, he started to applaud, really applauding.


The applause resounded in the room, ringing loudly and fast-paced.

Although Tang Ning is a novice, she is not stupid. She immediately realized that Lin Jichen was imitating some voice.

In an instant, Tang Ning's face was on fire, and she quickly turned her head to look at him shamelessly.

"Can you take pictures slower and lighter, that's too fake..."

Tang Ning whispered her opinion.

Lin Jichen held his neck high and said, "Are you kidding me? I'm a young man with such a good body. I should make such a little movement. This will also prove to Auntie that my physical fitness is really good."

"If you shoot slower and lighter, you will die?" Tang Ning said angrily.

"No, everything else is fine, but this is not enough. I have to think about my reputation."

Lin Jichen refused to agree, and still maintained the applause speed and rhythm.

Just kidding, if there is no such movement, then he will be a virgin for two lifetimes. If it is true, he promises to be ten times stronger than this!

Tang Ning was speechless, so she could only ignore him and act as if she didn't hear him.

But Lin Jichen urged: "Sister Ningning, you should cooperate."

But Tang Ning refused to speak, and shook her head vigorously.

"It's not so easy to fool you if you don't cooperate with Auntie."

Lin Jichen clapped continuously and said, whoever has been here can't tell it's fake.

The sound is so loud and fast, and the woman can't make a sound at all, that's too fake.

Tang Ning also knew this was the reason, but she just couldn't open her mouth...

"I can't scream..." Tang Ning said with an embarrassed face.

Lin Jichen pondered for a while, and suddenly had an idea, and said, "I have an idea, but you have to suffer a little bit, okay?"

Tang Ning was also afraid that Tang's mother would find out, so anxious and helpless, she nodded and pinned her hopes on Lin Jichen.

"Okay, as long as you have this to say."

Lin Jichen stopped applauding as he spoke, turned Tang Ning over, and before Tang Ning could react, he raised his hand and slapped her on the buttocks.



Tang Ning yelled subconsciously, just about to settle accounts with Lin Jichen.

"That's it, Sister Ningning succeeded."

Tang Ning was suddenly stunned. So this is the way he said?I rely on!

Lin Jichen wanted to slap him, but Tang Ning hurriedly covered his ass and stared at Lin Jichen as a warning.

Lin Jichen stopped his hands in mid-air, and sighed: "Sister Ning Ning, otherwise you refuse to call yourself, you are so difficult to serve, why don't you call yourself."

Tang Ning was so aggrieved, not to mention being spanked, but also being accused in turn?Is there still Wang Fa?

But... otherwise, she really couldn't scream...

After weighing the pros and cons, Tang Ning decided to grit her teeth and endure.

"You do it..."

As she said that, Tang Ning lay on the bed, pouted her buttocks, and buried her head under the pillow.

When Lin Jichen was happy, he stopped being polite, and started to work hard.

The crackling sound continued to echo in the room, accompanied by Tang Ning's strange voice.




"Take it easy..."


When Mother Tang, who was hiding outside the door and eavesdropping, heard the movement, she immediately smiled, blushing and covering her mouth in amusement.

"I can't tell, this young man, Achen, is in such good health. He is a young man. My daughter will be blessed in the future."

After talking and listening for a while, Mother Tang felt that her body was starting to feel a little strange.

Immediately, he didn't dare to listen any more, so he left in peace.


Two more~

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