Full-time sword repair

Chapter 760 Move!

Xing Sen seemed to see what his sister meant, and said, "Why don't you live here, Xiaoyao, and I can go find a house outside."

Although Xing Liyao was a little moved, she still shook her head obediently, and said, "No need, brother, I will accompany you to live outside, your legs are inconvenient, I have to take care of you."

Everyone heard the words and knew that there was nothing to be done, so they all acquiesced.

At this moment, Qin Xiaowei suddenly suggested: "Why don't Xiaoyao and his brother live here with Xiaolin."

Gu Qiuxue said with some embarrassment: "Wei Wei, I can't live here anymore..."

She is already in the same room as Lin Jichen, and there are Ren Lan and Tang Ning at home. There is only two rooms and one living room, so there is no place to live.

Qin Xiao smiled and said: "What I mean is, let them live here, and you move to my place. How about we rent together?"

As soon as these words came out, everyone froze for a moment.

Niu Naitang was the first to jump up. He didn't even eat his favorite chicken leg, and shouted excitedly: "Great! I can live with Brother Lin again~~~"

Gu Qiuxue didn't expect Qin Xiaowei to come up with such an idea.

But this idea is really great. It is most suitable to leave the two bedrooms and one living room to the Xingsen brothers and sisters, and they can move upstairs together.

In the future, not only can I see Xiaoyao anytime, but I can also live with Qin Xiaowei, and the little one Niu Naitang will be my pistachio.

As if afraid that Gu Qiuxue would not agree, Qin Xiaowei sneaked into her ear and said, "Qiu Xue, don't worry, my house is not that big. Tang Ning will still share the room with Ren Lan, and you and Xiao Lin will continue to sleep in the same room."

Gu Qiuxue slapped her face, her face turned red, and she raised her hand in embarrassment to hit her, and the two played around for a while.

Gu Qiuxue still left the decision-making power to Lin Jichen: "Ask Xiaochen, if Xiaochen is willing, you can."

Everyone looked at Lin Jichen.

Lin Jichen hesitated for a moment, and finally nodded: "Okay, then let's move to Miss Xiaowei's house."


Niu Naitang was so happy that he took off.

Xing Sen said embarrassingly: "Brother Lin, if you forget it, Xiaoyao and I can just go outside and find a house nearby, and I have to trouble you to move. I'm so sorry."

Lin Jichen smiled and said: "It's okay, you can live here. It's easy for us to move, it's upstairs, and it's safer here. I guess Wang Jinghao won't let it go so easily. He will definitely find a way to get revenge on you. You live here , the safety factor is very high, and we also have a response in case of an accident."

Seeing what Lin Jichen said, Xing Sen couldn't refuse anymore.

Now that the decision has been made, everyone will start planning to move after dinner.

Xing Sen and Lin Jichen acted as coolies and moved all the game cabins in the house upstairs, as well as some heavy objects.

Lin Jichen did not forget to ask the game company to send a new game pod for Xing Sen to use.

Xing Sen was even more moved, and secretly made up his mind to follow Lin Jichen to do things well!

They are working as coolies, and the girls are packing the thin clothes, sheets and quilts and so on.

Because there is only one floor apart, it is very convenient to move, and it didn't take long to finish.

The vacated room is just right for the Xingsen brothers and sisters to share.

And Lin Jichen and Gu Qiuxue finally changed places, even though they only changed floors.

However, Qin Xiaowei's home is much better decorated than the room she rented out downstairs. It is not only much more spacious, but also has many smart home appliances, which is very convenient.

Her home is a large flat of 160 square meters, with four bedrooms and two living rooms.

Usually Niu Naitang and Qin Xiaowei lived together, and before that there was Xing Liyao.

Now that Xing Liyao has moved out, there are four more people, but there are still only two rooms.

Originally, Niu Naitang said that he could sleep in a room with his aunt, so he vacated his room.

But Qin Xiaowei said that she couldn't be disturbed if she wanted to go to school and do her homework, and she seriously rejected her proposal.

The last two rooms are still lived in twos.

Tang Ning and Ren Lan lived in Xing Liyao's former room, while Lin Jichen and Gu Qiuxue moved into the guest bedroom.

Qin Xiaowei originally wanted to give up his master bedroom, but neither of them had the nerve to ask for it, so they had to give up.

After the move was completed, Qin Xiaowei's house suddenly became lively.

What was originally a home of two people has now become a family of six people.

Qin Xiaowei and Niu Naitang couldn't be happier.

They are usually very envious of the bustle and bustle of Lin Jichen's house downstairs, so they often come down to eat and chat.

But this is someone's house after all, and I still have to go back upstairs to live after dinner.

It's all right now, the two of them don't need to go downstairs to find someone to chat with, and they will live together every day, eating and sleeping together.

Qin Xiaowei couldn't hold back her smile all day, she felt that the little wish she had been looking forward to for more than a year had finally come true~ Tears~

That night, the two families got together again for a lively dinner.

After the dinner, Xing Sen bid farewell and went back.

Xing Liyao stayed temporarily to chat with her sisters.

Lin Jichen couldn't help laughing when he saw them chatting together while watching TV in the living room.

A big house has the benefits of a big house, the living room no longer has to be afraid of being crowded.

But Lin Jichen was not dazzled by this comfortable life.

Having not been online for a few days, he knew that he could not slack off any longer.

After he told everyone, he took a shower and lay down in the game cabin.

On the other side, the magic capital.

"Wanling, did you find out? He really went to the capital?"

In Jiang's mansion, Jiang Luoyu asked Su Wanling.

Su Wanling nodded, and said: "I've found out, he did go to the capital these few days. It was Wang Jinghao who kidnapped Xing Sen. He asked Shang Wanhe from the God of War Guild for help, and he has already rescued him."

Jiang Luoyu was a little disappointed and said: "He didn't ask me for help, but he was willing to go to Shang Wanhe. Could it be that we still can't be trusted in his eyes?"

Su Wanling comforted: "Maybe it's because he thinks that you can't help Wang Jinghao in the capital. Don't think too much about it."

Although Jiang Luoyu knew it was possible, she still couldn't hide the disappointment on her face.

Lin Jichen preferred to seek help from Shang Wanhe, whom he didn't know very well, and never asked her a question, even if it was a question.

This made Jiang Luoyu inevitably disappointed, after all, she considered herself and Lin Jichen to be good friends.

The two have met in reality several times.

But Lin Jichen didn't say a word to her, and even ran to the capital by himself.

Lin Jichen seemed to be avoiding himself on purpose, could she not feel sad?

Su Wanling was also a little helpless, and felt quite critical of Lin Jichen's ignorance of the two of them.

"Forget it, don't mention this, I will enter the game later."

After Jiang Luoyu finished talking, she turned and went upstairs. After returning to the room, she was in a bad mood and ignored Zhou Ketong's greeting, turned around and entered the game cabin.

As soon as she was online, Jiang Luoyu habitually glanced at her friends list, and found that Lin Jichen was already online. She was just happy, but found that Lin Jichen hadn't even sent her a single message even though she was online.

This completely chilled Jiang Luoyu, she didn't even want to stay in the game any longer, she just went offline and exited the game cabin.

"Hey, Xiaoyu, what's wrong with you, you just quit the game?" Zhou Ketong, who was putting on a mask, asked curiously.

Jiang Luoyu didn't speak, just went to bed and lay down sullenly.

"I'm a little tired, sister Zhou Zhou, I'll go to bed first."

After saying this, Jiang Luoyu stopped talking. She felt that Lin Jichen was getting farther and farther away from her...


Three shifts~

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