Full-time sword repair

Chapter 738 Chen Yuan: Boil the sheep and pass the smoke!

"Chen Yuan, you performed very well. Elder Nangong Wu will definitely reward you well after you go back."

Elder Wu nodded in relief, approving.

This made Chen Yuan even more complacent.

Elder Wu turned to Nan Gongyue and said, "Xiaoyue'er, why don't you just wait for a while, all the disciples spent a lot of mana flying all the way."

Although Nan Gongyue was a little reluctant, and wanted to hurry up to find her junior brother, but Elder Wu said so, she had no choice but to agree.

Chen Yuan was overjoyed, as expected, the stronger the strength, the easier it is to be valued.

In order to perform well, he hurriedly directed Wanshi's players to make room for the disciples of Jianzong, and asked Wang Jinghao to bring a lot of melon and fruit snacks from Zuixianlou to entertain everyone.

And the tone was very arrogant, as if even Wang Jinghao was his younger brother.

After the incident, Chen Yuan also ordered Wanshi's players to go to the side to stand guard for the disciples of Jianzong.

I just want to use this to prove my network power.

The dignified Wanshi guild was collectively reduced to bodyguards, and the president of Wanshi was forced to become the logistics minister.

Wang Jinghao's face was dark all the time. If he hadn't been concerned about this kid's strength, he would have lost his temper a long time ago.

"President, this kid is too arrogant!" Zhang Chang complained angrily.

Wang Jinghao turned his head to look at Chen Yuan who was busy entertaining Nan Gongyue, and finally suppressed his anger.

"Forget it, as long as he can be used by me to solve Lin Jichen, it's not a problem."

Zhang Chang had no choice but to look away when he heard the words.

He felt that Chen Yuan was not as good as Xing Sen, at least Xing Sen was honest and obedient.

And this Chen Yuan, in addition to his amazing talent in swordsmanship, his EQ is simply pitifully low, and he only cares about himself.

On Chen Yuan's side, however, they were still courteously surrounding Nangongyue who was resting.

"Senior sister, are you thirsty? I have spiritual tea, let me make you a pot?"

"Not thirsty."

"Then are you hungry? I have all kinds of pastries here."

"Don't eat."


Chen Yuan kept asking, Nan Gongyue was obviously impatient, she glared at him, and said, "Didn't you say you want us to wait for you to stabilize your cultivation? Why are you still dawdling here?"

Chen Yuan suddenly smiled awkwardly, shrunk his neck, and sat down honestly pretending to be next to him.

After waiting for a while, he was afraid that Nangong Yue and the others would get impatient, so he said that he was ready.

In fact, he took the opportunity to take out Zhuyan Pill and sent it to Nan Gongyue.

"Senior Sister, this is the Zhuyan Pill I found, and I give it to you."

After Chen Yuan finished speaking, he waited happily for Nan Gongyue to accept the gift, and his impression of himself changed greatly.

I heard from the players on the forum that Zhuyan Pill is a good thing that can be tried and tested. As long as you give it out, it will definitely increase your favorability!

Chen Yuan seemed to have seen Nan Gongyue looking at him with affectionate eyes, and his face flushed with excitement.

Unexpectedly, Nan Gongyue just took a look at the Zhuyan Pill in his hand, and directly rejected it.

"I don't need it, keep it for yourself."

"Ah?" Chen Yuan was dumbfounded, and said, "This...Senior sister, you can just accept it, this is my whole heart, junior brother."

After finishing speaking, Chen Yuan wanted to force Zhuyan Dan into Nangongyue's hand.


Nan Gongyue slapped his hand away, and said with a disgusted expression: "Chen Yuan! I have told you countless times that I don't like you, and I can't like you. Please don't bother me anymore. Elder Wu, let's go, I still have to find my junior brother."

After finishing speaking, Nan Gongyue turned her head and left. Elder Wu shrugged, gave Chen Yuan a distressed look, and led the team away.

【Ding!Nangong Yue's favorability towards you is -10, and the current favorability is -25 (extremely disgusted)]

Chen Yuan looked at the empty palm, and the Zhuyan pill fell to the ground. Although it was intact, he felt that the pill was broken into pieces just like his own heart.

"Impossible... Didn't you say that Zhuyan Pill has tried all kinds of Bailing? Why did I try it not only to no avail but also to have side effects? What went wrong..."

Chen Yuan said in a daze.

At this time, Wang Jinghao came over, patted him on the shoulder with a smile, and comforted him: "Xiao Yuan, you are still young, and you have never tasted women. I can understand that you are addicted to Two-dimensional. I will introduce you to a superb beauty someday. Send it home for you, and let you forget about your so-called senior sister, what's so good about virtual characters, can't reality satisfy you?"

When Chen Yuan heard the words, he couldn't listen at all, and said stubbornly: "I don't need it! I, Chen Yuan, only like Senior Sister! Senior Sister doesn't accept my gift. It must be because the level of Zhuyan Dan is not high enough. I want to find a more precious gift! Land quality is not good. Just Tianpin, if Tianpin is not enough, then holy! Until Senior Sister falls in love with me!"

After finishing speaking, he showed a silly smile again, raised the hand that Nangongyue had just slapped, and brought it to the tip of his nose to sniff.

"At least I didn't gain nothing. Senior sister touched my hand. This is the beginning of our love!"

Wang Jinghao was dumbfounded and looked at him like a monster.

Good guy, he has lived so long, and he has never seen a dog licking more vigorously than boiling sheep and sheep. This is really a fighter in dog licking!

On the other end, Lin Jichen was still looking for the second treasure chest in the Galewind Secret Realm.

The Blast Treasure Chest he had just found was actually a magical skill book for Nascent Soul Realm thieves when he opened it.

Supernatural powers are much rarer than stunts.

Too bad he can't use it.

It can only be thrown into the ring to collect ashes.

Not reconciled, Lin Jichen still wanted to try his luck again to see if there were any treasure chests left behind by others.

After flying for a long time, they found nothing. On the contrary, they encountered several groups of people chasing and killing them, but each time they escaped without any danger.

Just when Lin Jichen was about to give up, the skill light that lit up in the dark night ahead illuminated the nearby night sky.

Like a lighthouse in the dark, Lin Jichen flew over with some curiosity, only to find that two guilds were fighting for a treasure chest of the storm.

As there are fewer and fewer storm chests, everyone's competition will naturally become more and more fierce.

What Lin Jichen didn't expect was that he knew the two guilds that were fighting.

One is the God of War Guild led by Shang Wanhe, and the other is the Blood Fiend led by Li Fengwen.

When Lin Jichen saw that it was Xue Fiend, he didn't hesitate to make a move, thinking that he could not only take revenge, but also help the God of War Guild.

I didn't expect that people didn't need my help at all. Although the number of people was smaller than that of Xue Fiend, the members of the God of War Guild still fought against Xue Fiend throughout the process.

It was a one-sided massacre.

Lin Jichen couldn't help nodding when he saw this. The personal strength of the God of War Guild is really strong, and everyone is an elite.

Xuesha's mob is no match for them at all.

Li Fengwen, who was still in the idea of ​​a large number of people, only wanted to increase the number of guild members, resulting in uneven strength of the guild, a group of rookies.

It's strange that these people can beat the God of War Guild.

It seems that nothing happened to him.


Two more~

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