Full-time sword repair

Chapter 733 The crisis is coming

"My sister is right, you are a bad person, you are a bastard! I trust you so much! I am so blind!"

Seeing Xing Sen's impotent and furious look.

Wang Jinghao laughed when he heard the words, and he was even more proud. He sneered, "You only know who I am now, but it's too late. Your sister is much smarter than you."

"You think I'm really kind enough to save you brothers and sisters. To tell you the truth, I just fancy you have some skills, and even more so because of your sister's beauty. I want to raise you up as my dogs, obedient dogs!"

Wang Jinghao was too lazy to put on a show at this time. Since he decided to show his cards, he must have made a decision.

"I killed you bastard!"

Xing Sen roared angrily, and wanted to attack Wang Jinghao, but was knocked down again by the strong man beside him.

Wang Jinghao lit a cigarette and sat leisurely in front of Xing Sen.

"Since you are an unfamiliar dog, then I will stew you! Use waste."

Xing Sen had a fierce expression on his face, showing no signs of cowardice.

"You have the guts to kill me now!"

Wang Jinghao laughed, and jokingly said: "Don't worry, don't worry, you are still valuable to me."

Xing Sen thought that Wang Jinghao still wanted him to serve him in the game, so he shouted directly: "I can't help you anymore! Even if you kill me, I won't do anything for you again!"

Wang Jinghao clicked his tongue and said, "What a poor fool, do you think I still need you to serve my guild? I want to use you to catch your sister, hahahaha..."

"Don't even think about it!" Xing Sen said angrily.

"It's up to you. Guess if I beat you half to death, and then sent the photo to your sister, threatening her to betray Lin Jichen, or even come to the capital, would she do the same?" Wang Jinghao's eyes flickered coldly. .

Ever since he guessed that Xing Liyao had taken refuge in Lin Jichen, he immediately had this plan, and this plan was almost flawless, killing two birds with one stone!

Use Xing Sen to force Xing Liyao to submit, betray Lin Jichen, and then force her to return to the capital. In this way, all my grudges can be settled at once!

Thinking of this, Wang Jinghao couldn't help laughing out loud.

"You bastard! You're going to die! I won't let you get away with it!"

Xing Sen scolded bitterly, thinking of committing suicide in an instant, he took advantage of everyone's unpreparedness, and slammed into the corner of the bed.

He knew that he couldn't live, and if he lived, it would be tantamount to pushing his sister into the abyss.

He can only die, die now!

Fortunately, a bodyguard found out in time and grabbed him, preventing Xing Sen from committing suicide.

But Xing Sen's head still hit the ground heavily, and he passed out directly.

Wang Jinghao was in a hurry, and immediately shouted: "Hurry up and call the doctor! Rescue him, he can't die yet!"

The bodyguard immediately went to the doctor. Wang Jinghao looked at Xing Sen who was like a dead dog on the ground, but he didn't expect this guy to be so strong and not afraid of death.

"Starting today, tie his hands and feet and guard him 24 hours a day. He will only be fed one meal and one bowl of water a day, as long as he doesn't die," Wang Jinghao ordered.

"Don't worry boss, we know how to do it." The bodyguard agreed.

Wang Jinghao then took out his mobile phone, took some close-up photos of Xing Sen on the ground, and then smiled triumphantly.

"With this photo, I don't believe that little girl won't give in! Lin Jichen, your good days are coming to an end!"

After finishing speaking, Wang Jinghao left gracefully.

On the other side, Lin Jichen still had no idea what happened.

He really didn't expect that his negligence caused Xing Sen to suffer such a catastrophe, and also planted a lot of hidden dangers for himself.

Unaware of it, Lin Jichen was still looking for treasure chests in the secret realm of the violent wind.

He finally made a trip to the Galewind Secret Realm, but he didn't see a treasure chest of Temiao, so he just ran away for his life.

The quality of the Gale Chest is much higher than that of the Breeze Chest, and there are only a thousand of them.

He was delayed here for two days, and it is estimated that most of the treasure chests have been opened by everyone.

Lin Jichen searched aimlessly, and finally found a treasure chest, but it had already been opened, leaving only an empty chest.

Lost soul graves can be seen everywhere, densely packed.

Obviously, there was a fierce battle here for this box, and only the winner was eligible to get the box.

Lin Jichen casually took a few glances at the soul tomb, and it had been searched and cleaned by others long ago, not a single hair was left.

Lin Jichen sighed, feeling that his visit might be wasted.

It was Gu Qiuxue and the others who sent the news that they had already found several Tempest Treasure Chests, and they all gave out very good loot.

Ren Lan asked Lin Jichen how many times he had opened, but Lao Lin didn't have the nerve to open himself up to nothing, so he could only force himself to open dozens of them, and don't want to give them admiration.

"Hey~ Where the hell am I going to find a box, but it's more practical to steal Luo Muxian. This rich woman is too rich, and she can get water just by touching it... Bah, it's a good thing."

Lin Jichen sighed, he doesn't know when he will meet Luo Muxian next time, he is still waiting to reveal the secret of the Ghost Palace.


Just at this moment, there was a violent fighting sound ahead.

The originally pitch-black Blast Secret Realm was illuminated like daylight by the light of the spell.

Lin Jichen felt that there was something wrong. Could it be that someone found the Gale Chest again?

Driven by curiosity, Lin Jichen flew over.

Unexpectedly, it was not the battle of the Gale Box, but the battle between two monks.

One of the monks was a thin man with a ghostly aura, his figure floated like a ghost, and his powerful aura emanated, which surprised even Lin Jichen.

Ghost repair!

After walking around the ghost city of Fengdu, Lin Jichen was able to recognize at a glance that the monk in front of him was a member of the ghost clan.

And the person who fought against him, Lin Jichen never expected, was Ji Tongyin.

At this time, Ji Tongyin was injured and in a bad condition, but she was trying to escape when she heard a familiar voice behind her.

"Princess Tongyin?"

Lin Jichen spoke in surprise.

When Ji Tongyin heard the words and looked over, a hint of surprise flashed in his eyes.

"Boy, hurry up, don't meddle in other people's business, and ask for trouble." The skinny ghost warned Lin Jichen with an unfriendly expression.

He had already beaten Ji Tongyin back steadily, and he was bound to kill him.

Unexpectedly, Cheng Yaojin jumped out halfway.

Lin Jichen chuckled and said, "I don't know if this is my friend? You dare to bully her, I think you don't even want to be a ghost!"

As soon as the words fell, Lin Jichen joined the battlefield.

Now that he met an acquaintance, how could Lin Jichen refuse to save him?

Besides, he once promised Ji Linglong that if she encountered difficulties with her sister in Fengyuan Secret Realm, he would take action.

If this girl finds out that she is dying, then maybe she won't be able to watch it anymore... Ah bah!slip of the tongue slip of the tongue!

Maybe this girl will tell her father about seeing her all.

Lin Jichen would be miserable.

Yes, it is like that.

So Lin Jichen fought this ghost monk without hesitation!

For my sister-in-law, go!


Two more~

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